Huangfu Song first thought of cavalry of Youzhou, and ordered him to cavalry of Youzhou's camp. He knew that once Zhang Bao escaped, he would need to rely on the imperial government's army to chase him. It would be difficult to annihilate xanthopanax, and cavalry of Youzhou would be able to utilize their strengths to pursue him for a long distance.

"Everyone, gather urgently. Prepare to chase after xanthopanax."

Only then did Huangfu Song order for the government officials to gather. As long as Zhang Bao was chased out of the Guangzong City, the end of the days for the Guangzong could be considered. The various County s of the Jizhou had all recruited a large number of brave villagers, making it difficult for Zhang Bao to find a foothold in this short period of time.

"Clank, clank, clank …"

The emergency gong sound quickly rang out in the camp, waking up the officials and soldiers of the imperial court. They all ran out of their tents. Under Generals's shouts, the soldiers quickly ran and gathered in the main camp.

"Master, master, General Huangfu Song has orders."

Just as Yang Lin was sleeping soundly, he was woken up by the shouts of his janissaries. Just as he was about to stand up, he found Zhang Ying lying on his arm, with a sweet smile on his face. He had to gently pull his arm away from under her head, but he woke her.

"Sleep well. I'll go and see what's the matter?"

Zhang Ying was already used to sleeping in Yang Lin's embrace, and was no longer afraid of the other girls teasing him. Last night, the two of them were busy at midnight. Yang Lin had tormented Zhang Ying so much that she was tired to the point that she didn't want to move.

"Go ahead, I want to sleep for a while."

When Yang Lin found out that Zhang Bao had abandoned the city and escaped, he couldn't help but smile. Zhang Bao must have seen that his morale was unsteady, so he wanted to escape from the Guangzong. However, with such a low morale group, how far could they possibly escape?

"Order all cavalry to assemble urgently."

After a while, all the generals and advisers rushed over. When they heard that Guangzong had escaped the city, she immediately rubbed her hands together and prepared to fight. As for the strategists, they shook their heads while laughing, their faces full of disdain, when they heard Zhang Banxian's words.

"When it's time to run, don't run. Only now do you remember to run. Zhang Bao is seeking his own death."

"Hehe, if xanthopanax had some strategic ideas, he wouldn't have fallen to today's state."

Yang Lin nodded and said. To be honest, he sympathized with the xanthopanax from the bottom of his heart. After all, the rebellion had completely shaken the rule of the Darky Court. It was very meaningful for overthrowing this fallen dynasty and promoting progress in history.

"Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Lin Feng, Luo Yong, the four of you bring the Puyang's army and all the Guangzong's yellow cloth army captive s and immediately enter the Guangzong City.

"The other generals will immediately lead the army to chase after Zhang Bao. We must not let him escape. This may be the final battle to calm the dire situation. We must have a beautiful annihilation battle. " had never thought that the trenches that he had spent so much effort to excavate would simply be too weak to withstand a single blow from the xanthopanax who had broken through. The xanthopanax only delayed for a moment before filling up the trench. The troops of the xanthopanax, together with their provisions and supplies, crossed the trench and escaped towards the north.

By the time Huangfu Song and the imperial government officials arrived, the people of xanthopanax were already nowhere to be seen. There were only messy footprints left behind in the snow, proving that the xanthopanax had escaped to the north. Huangfu Song did not hesitate at all as he urged the imperial army to chase after them.

An hour later, over twenty thousand cavalry of Youzhou had caught up. When Huangfu Song saw Yang Lin, he was even more confident. He immediately ordered the cavalry to quickly chase after him, biting on tightly to Yellow Scarf Brigade Wu. Zhang Bao must not escape, he led the imperial army and followed closely behind.

"Milord, stop."

When Yang Lin led the cavalry to a place called Peach Blossom Ridge, the Military Advisor Zhang Banxian suddenly shouted. Yang Lin reined in the horse reins, scanning through the entire Peach Blossom Ridge, and was shocked. He immediately raised the big blade in his hand, and all the cavalrymen stopped.

Although there were no large mountains or rivers, it was extremely unfavorable for the cavalry to move. If the xanthopanax were to set up camp inside, even if the team that had entered the Peach Blossom Ridge, they would not be able to escape.

"Master, this Zhang Bao is not stupid at all, he chose to escape from here, which is a very smart move. Even if we knew that he was in the Peach Blossom Ridge, we, the cavalry soldiers, would not dare to go in and fight them. "

It seemed that the cavalry had their own limitations. Once they entered this kind of rocky terrain, they would lose their advantage and even become a burden. If the target of the horse was too big, it would definitely become a live target for the soldiers of the xanthopanax.

"Get some rest on the spot and wait for the imperial government's army to come up."

Yang Lin gave the order without hesitation. He would not let his own cavalry take the risk, he would definitely not do such a thing. All the cavalrymen dismounted and found a place to hide from the wind, quietly waiting for the arrival of the imperial army.

It was almost noon when Huangfu Song's imperial army finally caught up. From far away, Huangfu Song saw Yang Lin's group. He was wondering in his heart, and thought that Yang Lin had intercepted the xanthopanax, but when he saw that Yang Lin had stopped moving and was hiding here to avoid the wind, he couldn't help but be annoyed.

"Master Yang Lin, you misled the fight and you deserve to be executed."

"Lord General, don't scare me like that. "Do you want to send my cavalrymen inside to die?"

Yang Lin did not care about what he said. If he was forced to a corner, he would even dare to go against the Emperor, so why would he care about a mere centurion like you? When his subordinates heard that Huangfu Song wanted to use the miscarriage of war to punish Yang Lin, they were immediately angered, Zhang Fei jumped up and shouted.

"Lord General, what do you mean by causing mistakes? You guys surrounded xanthopanax, how did you let them escape the city? Are you an adulterer? "

Huangfu Song was so angry that he could not do it, but he could not do anything about it. This was not his imperial army. Forget about Yang Lin, even if it was his soldiers, he had no authority to punish them as he pleased. He could only glare at Yang Lin fiercely and spit out these words.

"Master Yang Lin, are you going to let him escape just like that?"

"Lord General, I think Zhang Bao won't be able to stay in the Peach Blossom Ridge for long either. He will definitely come out of the Peach Blossom Ridge. At that time, it won't be too late for us to chase after him. "

"Alright then, the imperial army will set up camp on the spot. Bring the cavalry to the north side of Peach Blossom Ridge, don't let him run to there."


Yang Lin did not want to move with Huangfu Song, and he did not want to see him acting with his eyes either. He immediately brought cavalry of Youzhou to take a detour to the north. Although the Peach Blossom Ridge had a radius of 100 miles, it was sparsely populated. He believed that in a few days, Zhang Bao would definitely bring the xanthopanax out from the north and he would be able to catch up to him.

He had never told his subordinates about it, and now, he did not believe in anyone else. Even Jiang Zhen and Lu Tong could betray the xanthopanax, so who would be worthy of his trust?

However, after lying in ambush in the Peach Blossom Ridge for two days, and not seeing the officials and troops chase after them, he couldn't help but be at a loss. Could it be that the imperial government had given up on pursuing them? Impossible, he quickly rejected this idea. The imperial army would not stop until they had obtained Zhang Bao's head.

Then, where were the imperial army? Although the Peach Blossom Ridge was connected to all directions, only the north, west and south Jizhou were allowed to go. The imperial army would definitely take a detour to the front to wait for him.

"We will return to the Guangzong."

"Ah …"

When Zhang Bao suggested to the generals that they should return to Guangzong, everyone was shocked. After escaping the Guangzong with great difficulty, who would still want to go back? Although everyone knew that hiding in Peach Blossom Ridge was just a temporary measure, but to return to Guangzong was unacceptable.

"If you were generals of the imperial government, if you were ordered to chase after us, what would you do now?"

Everyone was speechless for a moment, no one had thought about what would happen to the imperial army, they only wanted to escape, but after hearing what Zhang Bao said, everyone thought that it was really a big deal, the Imperial army would definitely not wait in the south.

"As long as the imperial officials do not dare to enter the Peach Blossom Ridge to pursue us, there are only two paths for them. They can either go to the north to prevent us from going to the Youzhou, or go to the west to prevent us from going to the Union State, or to prevent us from going in separate ways. In any case, they would not stay in the south. This way, we will kill our way back and take over Guangzong, and take back all the food and supplies that we threw in the Guangzong City. Then, I will head south to the Yanzhou and cause a ruckus in the Central Plains. "

Zhang Bao enthusiastically narrated his strategic plan, which ignited a new hope for everyone from the bottom of their hearts. It was just that it was a few months late. If he had led his troops south before Bo Cai and Zhang Mancheng were to be annihilated, he wouldn't have ended up like today.

"Human Generals's stratagem is really high, then let's head out from the south. This time, we will no longer defend ourselves from the city. We will cross the Yellow River as soon as possible and kill our way to the Central Plains. "

Zhang Bao's words had aroused his ambitions. If he could cross the Yellow River before Huangfu Song's army could return to defense, he would definitely turn the Central Plains into a pot of porridge again. He was the first to stand out and support Zhang Bao's plan.

"Well, we'll stick out from the south."

Yan Zheng stood out and cupped his hands to Zhang Bao as he spoke. No matter what, heading to the south was the best choice. If they were able to reach the Youzhou and could not plunder the food and equipment, how would more than 200,000 people survive the harsh winter? It would be better to go to the south and try his luck. At least the south was warmer.

Gao Sheng and Qian Lin could not think of any good places to go either, and seeing that both Gao Sheng and Qian Lin were agreeing to go to the south, they could only nod their heads in agreement. In fact, in their hearts, they were more willing to go to the Union State. Even if they could not highlight all of it to the public, running to the Five Elements Mountain and becoming a bandit was also a good choice.

"Set up camp tomorrow morning and head south."

Zhang Bao waved with all his might, showing his confidence. It was as if the Central Plains had opened its arms and were waiting for him. He had even seen the grand scene of the rise of the xanthopanax once again. This time, he definitely could not repeat the same mistake and fight until the Luoyang.

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