Chapter 146 - The F.u.c.k-Toy

The cosmos works in mysterious ways, and it is weird how people's paths sometimes cross. On the night I met Matt and Jake, little did I know that my life was about to change remarkably.

I was stocky and only stood five-foot-eight-inches-tall. The short-cropped hair on my head was blond, and the fluffy dusting of hair on my body was even a lighter shade of blond. Most people thought me good-looking, and my blue eyes were considered my most arresting feature.

At school, I had been on the wrestling team and was not effeminate at all. Even though I mostly preferred being dominated, I also liked versatile s.e.x, and flip-flopping is what turned me on the most. I had never really encountered extremely dominating men up to that point but had often fantasized about them. As we all know, reality and fantasy can often be chasms apart.

As far as my taste in men was concerned, I liked big, dark-haired hairy bulls. Bearish guys just turned me on incredibly. After seeing a t-shirt with the slogan; 'Dip me in honey and throw me to the bears,' my future was thoroughly spelled out.

After embarking on my life as a gay man, I did not want to get involved too quickly. I wanted to sow my wild oats and not end up in a relationship too soon and regret that I had not played the field for a while. I was very content in the furnished bachelor pad, which I rented.

On Friday evening that I met Matt and Jake, I was attending a friend's birthday party. There were at least thirty guys at the function. When I observed Matt and Jake, however, my l.u.s.t-o-meter went into overdrive. Both men were huge. Matt must have been at least six-foot-two-inches-tall, and Jake a further inch taller. They were hefty and luxuriantly hairy. Both guys had dark black hair with full beards and sported the same brush cut hairstyle. Strangely, they also seemed somewhat out of place at the party. Their attire was unfashionable, and their demeanour insinuated they were straight blue-collar men.

After asking around, I soon learned to my amazement and dismay, that they were gay, but unfortunately, also a couple. My imagined 'selection' of one or the other went up in smoke with this revelation.

Later on in the evening, however, I was delighted when the two of them engaged me in a conversation. After pleasantries got exchanged, I was blown away by their directness as our banter ensued.

"Jake, should we adopt this golden cub and take him home with us?" Matt playfully asked.

"F.u.c.k, yeah. But this blond f.u.c.k-toy looks like he needs some training," Jake said in a horny growl.

Before I could fully process what was said, Matt gripped hold of my head and pulled me into his body, before giving me a long lingering kiss. His lips were robustly urgent as his lashing tongue vigorously excavated my mouth. The thing that amazed me most was the scent of his beard. It gave off an aroma of sensual mustiness, infused with s.e.x.u.a.l innuendo. The bouquet was ripe with masculine odour, presumably emanating from a former 'piggish' encounter.

"This cub tastes like honey, Jake," Matt said as he released my head. Jake now decided to make his assessment and embraced me before another delightful snogging session followed. I again indulged in a duplication of the earlier funky smells emanating from Matt.

By now, my former disappointment was beginning to turn into unbridled excitement and l.u.s.t.

'Jesus,' I thought, 'is this happening to me?'

"You're coming home with us," Jake then informed me after our lips parted.

Next, Matt joined in and asked, "Do you work tomorrow?"

"No," I replied, fortunate enough not to work on weekends.

"Cool," both men replied in unison before Jake added, "That means that we can take our time with you."

I felt like I was about to be abducted by two aliens from the planet Alpha. Thrilled as I was, I have to admit that I was also a tad apprehensive. I knew nothing about these guys. Much as I liked rough guys, I had never got exposed to any heavy stuff. The odd slap on my arse and an animated skull-f.u.c.k.i.n.g, which I enjoyed, summed up my former rough assignations.

'I wonder what the f.u.c.k I'm I in for later tonight?' I cogitated as a shiver went down my spine.

When we were about to leave an hour or so later, Jake elected to drive their car, and Matt insisted on accompanying me.

"We don't want you to get lost en-route," he explained with a horny grin, as we were about to depart.

I was overcome with anticipation as we made our way to their place. One hot bear was more than I had hoped for, but two f.u.c.kin' hot bulls. Dear, Jesus, I was heaven.

Our conversation in my vehicle was rather interesting as we made our way to their home. Although Jake and Matt weren't into the flora side of gardening, they excelled on the construction front. They built ponds, retaining walls, solariums, carports, and etcetera. An added benefit for them was that most of the plants they had acquired in their garden materialized as a result of 'friendsh.i.p.s' they had with numerous landscapers. There was also a strong implication that orgies had paid for their garden layout.

"Have you always had an open relationship?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. Jake and I are very compatible, but we love to introduce a bit of extra fun into our lives from time to time." After a thoughtful pause, he chuckled, and then added, "We are not into p.u.s.s.y-boys and like things on the rougher side."

At this point, we had arrived at their home, and so I decided not to pursue the subject. I did, however, wonder how rough they like 'things.'

Although the guys appeared to have a great looking home, I didn't get the privilege of checking it out, because after we entered their place, two black-haired bears were all over me. Their mouths and hands now began manically hustling me.

As lips and hands accosted me, two large bodies began to grind me between them. No prospect I could have imagined on my way to the party earlier that night could have prepared me for the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e I was experiencing. I was putty in their rough hands and now fully prepared to undertake anything that they would impose on me.

During this melee, all our clothes feverishly vanished from our bodies. The next thing I observed was four large unshelled and wrinkly Brazil nuts shrouded in fur, protruding on either side of their c.h.e.s.ts. Like a berserk chipmunk, my mouth began to water as I saw their distended n.i.p.p.l.es before nibbling on these treasures. The aroma of their manly funk encased the commotion of our writhing bodies, and I was beside myself with gratification.

As my head was commandeered and liberally smeared into their swampy armpits, my l.u.s.t knew no bounds, and I began to join in with the cacophony of their grunts, further spurred on as swishing arms began to administer slaps all over my body.

"This cub is too clean and needs some acclimatizing," Jake now announced.

"F.u.c.k, yeah," Matt agreed.

Next, I found my body aerially transported between the two men to their bathroom. Their bathroom was a large wet-room. After a slim, synthetic covered lounger cushion got placed on the floor, I then got told to lie on it. Next, their two nozzles commenced spraying piss all over my body. Shortly, both guys deliberately stemmed their flows and decided that they needed to do some exercise.

The exercise took the form of push-ups, as one after the other, mounted my body. After placing their d.i.c.ks in my mouth, their push-ups commenced. The rest of their piss now got released into my mouth.

Once their exercise regimen came to an end, I was lifted onto my feet before four arms thoroughly dried my body off with a large bath towel.

"F.u.c.k, Jake, check out this beautiful crack," Matt said. "Jesus, I can't wait to taste this pretty honey pot."

"Go for it," Jake replied.

Kneeling behind me, Matt began to l.a.p at my hole. His intensity was incredible. "F.u.c.k… Jake, you've gotta taste this f.u.c.kin' hole."

After swapping positions, Jake now got stuck in. With his hands kneading my b.u.t.t and Matt's hands c.a.r.e.s.sing my body, I was tantalized for the following ten minutes as they frequently changed positions. The sensation was heavenly, and I hung there like a s.e.x-starved whore loving every second of it.

Matt finally said that he wanted to delve deeper to locate the honey. After a momentary pause, I felt his d.i.c.k-head rubbing at my portal. His entry was swift and robust, and soon, I got solidly f.u.c.k.e.d. As Matt thumped my backside, Jake's hands commenced slapping my b.u.t.t cheeks.

"F.u.c.k our golden cub, Matt, f.u.c.k him hard," Jake intoned.

I was beside myself with happiness as I got firmly plowed. Both guys were well-endowed, and I loved the strain that my arsehole was being put through by Matt. When they swapped positions, Jake entered the fray. Jake was even more animated and relentless as he hammered my b.u.t.t.

As they continued to swap positions, it was as if a game of one-upmanship had commenced, and it felt like my backside was the target of a major anal assault. It was incredible!

As our engagement progressed, my mouth soon got introduced to the action, as they took turns standing on the couch and vigorously face-f.u.c.k.i.n.g me as well. With both my holes now under full assault, our encounter amble ever onward.

As we stood in the kitchen drinking a beer afterward, my mouth, arse, and entire body tingled from my incredible 'ordeal.'

Once we had finished our beers, I got frogmarched to their bedroom. From that point onward, I became the happy filling in an odourous hotdog for the rest of the night. Both guys now toned-down their manic behaviour, and as my body got turned from side to side, I enjoyed a level of sensuality that was remarkable. We f.u.c.k.e.d, kissed, and slept continuously, until the following morning.

After an extraordinary evening, I didn't realize that I was in for a very taxing experience the following morning after I returned from my morning piss. Upon re-entering the bedroom, Matt was lying on the middle of the bed. After Jake coaxed me to mount Matt's body, Jake applied a generous amount of lube to Matt's d.i.c.k and instructed me to impale myself on Matt's c.o.c.k. After doing so, Matt soon pulled my torso downward and locked his arms around my body. As I glanced backward, I was stunned when I saw Jake, also generously lubricating his d.i.c.k.

As the penny dropped, I knew that the guys wanted to double-f.u.c.k me. As I began expressing my discontent, an arm clamp around me tightened. Both guys now also remained mute, and I knew that they weren't going to enter into any discussion with me.

"Please… Guys, I don't know if I'm up for this," I pleadingly protested.

When I could begin to feel Jake's d.i.c.k coercing my arse, he simply whispered that I should relax.

As the pressure built, I thought that my sphincter was about to rip apart. Cleverly, Jake now dispersed the strain as he administered hard slaps to my h.i.p.s. Even with all the l.u.b.r.i.c.a.t.i.o.n, the arduous invasion was very uncomfortable. Once the double annexation got fulfilled, Jake held still in me for a minute or so.

As the ache gradually dissipated, I did begin to relax, finding that their seizure wasn't as hectic as I had initially feared. Once Jake's h.i.p.s came to life, the sensation of my anal appropriation became awesome. Picking up on my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, the clamp around my body unlocked. Jake now took over after he lifted my torso and folded his arms around me.

Next, Jake's fingers commenced tweaking my n.i.p.p.l.es as his mouth nibbled and kissed my neck and shoulders.

As we all g.r.o.a.n.e.d in ecstasy, Matt asked, "What are you plans for today?"

"Nothing, really," I answered.

"Good. Then you'll be staying with us," Jake affirmed.

Although I knew they were a committed couple, and I was the odd man out, I was having the time of my life.

For the following twenty minutes, my torso moved up and down as my arse got double-plowed. I was ecstatic that I had been coerced into double-penetration by these two studs and was enjoying one of the best f.u.c.ks of my life. When we all finally unloaded in a haze of aromatic sensuality, I was saddened to unsaddle myself from their combined pricks.

The next hour flew by as breakfast got made. We did not shower before breakfast because I got told that we would freshen up in the pool.

As we were enjoying our hearty meal, Matt mentioned that he was going to phone a friend of theirs and invite him for lunch.

"I know who you have in mind," Jake chuckled.

"Well, give BJ a call," Jake advised. "He'll go ape-shit for Marty."

Instantly, Matt now made the call and invited BJ. During their conversation, Matt told BJ that he had a special gift for him and that lunch would be very worth BJ's while. By the conclusion of their communication, I determined that BJ accepted the invitation.

I found this telephonic conversation a little disturbing. Being 'offered' to a friend of theirs worried me. 'What if I don't like him?' I thought.

I had enjoyed myself thoroughly and was very happy to spend the day with Matt and Jake. But a blind date with a person named BJ wasn't what I had planned.

I gingerly decided to see if I could get a bit more information about the mystery man.

"What BJ like?" I asked.

"Well, his name is Joseph. His nickname is Big Joe, but we just call him BJ. BJ is freakishly large, but a terrific guy, you'll see," Jake reassuringly informed me.

Matt and Jake were both big guys, and my mind now went into turmoil, wondering just how f.u.c.kin' large BJ was. The next words from Matt, however, made me uncomfortable.

"Big Joe needs a cub in his life, and you are just perfect."

'Oh, Christ, not only is this a date, but a total matchmaking exercise,' I apprehensive ruminated. 'I'm not looking for a daddy, especially one I've never even met before.'

As I looked at Matt, I could tell that he was picking up on my apprehension.

"Don't worry, Marty, you'll like BJ, just trust us."

As planned, we frolicked in the pool for an hour after breakfast, before tanning in the glorious sun.

An hour or so later, Matt, who did most of the cooking, went indoors to start prepping for lunch.

As Jake and I lay outside on our towels, he asked, "How's your arse feeling?"

"Better than I thought it would," I replied with a chuckle.

"Good. I'm glad you got stretched because you're going to need that when you meet Big Joe," Jake concluded.

'Jesus, who the f.u.c.k am I about to meet?' I pondered.

"You'll like Big Joe, he is a wonderful guy," Jake reiterated.

Jake then went on to tell me that BJ was very well-off and had a successful business in the city. He and Matt had done a lot of work at BJ's spectacular house a year before. Unlike Matt and Jake, however, BJ wasn't into promiscuity and took relationsh.i.p.s very seriously. BJ had been in a relationship but left his partner when he discovered that his partner was f.u.c.k.i.n.g around.

"BJ will be nuts about you," Jake concluded.

"How big is he," I asked, now totally intrigued.

"You'll see," Jake chuckled, before adding, "Just keep an open mind, Marty."

At around noon, Matt's summoned Jake. "I can hear BJ's motorbike coming up the driveway, won't you show him in, Jake?"

By this time, I was brimming with curiosity. As I lay on my towel n.a.k.e.d, I heard voices in greeting from within.

As BJ finally appeared, wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts, my jaw almost hit the decking around the pool.

BJ was at least six-foot-seven-inches-tall and bulky. He was bald, had a large square jawbone with thick lips and a broad nose. Bushy eyebrows topped BJ's prominent brow, under which two expressive, slate grey eyes appeared. BJ was ruggedly handsome but by no means a pretty boy. His head was attached to his shoulders by a bull neck, and his thick arms awkwardly dangled off the sides of his broad torso. His tree stump legs appropriately supported his massive body, but above all, his hands and feet were colossal. The traps on his sandals seemed to be taking enormous strain to contain the abundance of flesh they constricted. I had always like big guys, BJ, however, took the matter of size into another dimension.

As he looked at Jake and then back at me, BJ's eyes spun in his head.

"Jesus, buddy," he said, now looking back at Jake and chuckling, "Phone the f.u.c.kin' adoption agency right now."

"Are you going to join us for a swim?" Jake inquired.

"Definitely," BJ answered.

BJ now removed the burdened t-shirt he was wearing before his sandals got a respite from their travails as he took them off. Next, his trousers and underpants followed. When I looked at his immensely fat c.o.c.k and heavy balls, I wondered if he was into pumping.

All three of us now jumped into the pool. After our heads emerged from the water, I moved to the edge of the pool and facing inward with my arms on either side of me, I then smiled at BJ.

From that moment on, it was clear that in BJ's mind, the 'adoption' had gotten finalized. After d.o.g.g.y paddling over to me, his thick arms slid under my arms, before his massive body pinned me to the side.

With my arms awkwardly in the air and my body getting compressed by him, BJ said, "Put your arms around my neck, baby, I need to greet you properly."

As my arms obediently surrounded his vast shoulders, his mouth suctioned onto my lips.

"Mmmm, it looks like you like our gift," Jake uttered.

I was too engrossed by what was happening to feel insulted by Jake's comment and countered the lip onslaught valiantly.

"Twenty minutes to go," we distantly heard Matt announcing.

As Jake climbed out of the pool, before making his way to assist with the finishing touches for our lunch, BJ kept up his assault on my mouth.

When we finally got summoned, BJ ceased his grinding and said, "You're coming home with me after lunch."

We were all blown away by the spread that Matt had prepared.

"Jesus, Matt, I wish I had found you before this f.u.c.ker did," BJ joked, as he glanced at Jake.

"Well… It looks like you have found a great replacement,' Matt chuckled as he nodded in my direction.

The meal was incredible, and throughout, BJ kept glancing at me l.u.s.tfully. My initial apprehension about BJ had now also dissipated, and I was finding him very s.e.xy.

After a leisurely and relaxing lunch, Matt asked, "So, BJ, I suppose I can guess what your plans are for tonight."

"Yeah, cub training," BJ answered before we all burst out laughing.

Later, after a few more beers, BJ made his move by inviting me home with him. Nobody was surprised by this, including me.

"Well, Marty, why don't you follow me so that I can show you the incredible job that these two guys did at my home," BJ proclaimed.

With my immediate future now set in stone, I simply didn't have any option.

As I followed BJ on his enormous motorbike, he kept glancing behind him to make sure I was following.

Upon arriving at the impressive fronts gates to his estate, I drove in behind him toward a house that I could only describe as a mansion.

I will try to be brief in describing the outdoor area. The built-up beds that Jake and Matt had laid out were splendid and a spectacle to behold. Most impressive, however, was the joined swimming pool and pond that were separated by four-inch glass. BJ's babies, his Koi fish, as he referred to them, resplendently glided about in an explosion of colours. All the outdoor furniture was bespoke, and bulkily lavish, and the outdoor entertainment area, splendid.

Inside, the kitchen surfaces were scaled to a higher proportion to suit his needs. The man either had incredible taste or had paid for it. There were five, en-suite bedrooms and bathrooms, which he didn't even bother to show me. BJ even had his own theatre auditorium, which was mind-blowing.

His bedroom and bathroom were unbelievable. Above all, his bespoke round bed was the largest one I had ever seen. It was pure Las Vegas, Emperor suite-style, Vegas.

"Jesus, Joseph… Do you mind if I call you, Joseph?" I inquired, interrupting myself because I had always hated abbreviations, nicknames, and acronyms.

"No, but if you don't mind, Joe will be preferable," Joe answered.

"Well, Joe, I have never seen a bigger bed than this. It's f.u.c.kin' amazing," I gushed.

"So, take off your clothes and try it out," he invitingly suggested.

Like an excited child I did as told. As I lay on my back, I looked up at the round mirror above his bed.

Joe now calmly walked toward the bedside table and picked up a remote. Instantly, the bed began to vibrate beneath me.

"Wow, this is unbelievable," I enthusiastically said.

"Glad you like it," Joe uttered as he began to make his way to a cupboard.

Joe now extracted a handful of leather stuff and made his way back to the bed. The first item from his cache was a leather mask that he told me to put on. "Let's get you properly kitted out," he explained as he now commenced strapping a leather c.h.e.s.t harness on me.

I was relieved that the mask didn't cover my mouth and nose. Also, thankfully, there were holes for my eyes and ears. I also didn't feel threatened by Joe, even though he could snap me like a twig. I had never found myself in a similar situation and was intrigued by what was happening.

The leather jockstrap that I got told to put on had an aperture for my genitals to hang out and felt snugly s.e.xy. In conclusion, Joe fastened to leather wrist bands and two leather ankle bands onto me.

Once done, he said, "That looks great."

Joe now sat on the bed next to me and said, "It's time for a little chat."

"I'm totally into domination and discipline. You'll get spanked, slapped, and rough f.u.c.k.e.d regularly, but that where it ends. I'm not into extreme abuse, so you don't have to worry about that. I am very jealous and don't believe in sharing, and so that threesome and orgy shit that Matt and Jake are into doesn't work for me."

Joe now paused and then asked, "Are you following me?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Yes… Who?" Joe barked.

"Joe," I submissively answered.

"In this bedroom, I'm Master Joe, or Sir, boy," he growled.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Joe now got up and undressed before again walking to his cupboard. As I looked on, Joe got into his leather harness, mask, and jockstrap. He was a formidable sight in his full regalia. Before returning to me, Joe now placed a large PA ring in the front of his p.e.n.i.s.

Once the ring was secured, Joe took a thick, short, studded strap off the shelf and walked toward me.

"It's time for you to pay for your indiscretions with Matt and Jake," Joe said as he smeared the strap on my face.

"But… But I didn't know you last night," I nervously countered.

"That's no excuse. You acted like a whore, and now you need to learn your lesson," Joe barked.

Before I knew what was happening, I got thrown onto my stomach, and Joe was on the bed, with his left foot compressing my neck and his left hand pressing down on my back.

A swishing sound now got accompanied by a stinging sensation as the first thwack struck my arse.

"Yes, take the pain, you dirty little whore," Joe roared as the strikes kept coming.

"Pleaaase, Sir… please, forgive me," I repeatedly began intoning as I pleaded for mercy.

Sore as it was, I felt a surge of excitement racing through me. Matt and Jake had given me a foretaste the night before, and my pain threshold had been well-extended.

"I could distinctly see a pinkish hue before I even began, no doubt from those a.d.u.l.terous fornicators that used you yesterday," Joe scolded. "Now, I'll make sure that you won't act like a s.l.u.t again," Joe continued as he kept spanking me.

My arse was burning when Joe finally stopped.

I was now fully into this scene and began begging for forgiveness.

"Are you really sorry, boy?" Joe snarled.

"Yes, Sir, very sorry," I whimpered.

"Are you going to act like a whore again?" Joe uttered with authority.

"No, Sir," I snivelled.

"Who does this arse belong to, boy?" Joe rhetorically asked.

"You, Sir," I w.h.i.n.ed.

Joe now threw the strap aside and climbed off the bed. After retrieving a tube of l.u.b.r.i.c.a.t.i.o.n from his drawer, Joe climbed back onto the bed and shoved my legs far apart.

"Time for me to claim what belongs to me," Joe said, as he nestled on top of me.

Although Joe had a very thick and large c.o.c.k, after my spanking, my arse was still so sore that I didn't find his penetration such an ordeal. The thing that did impress me, however, was his incredible stamina, and after twenty minutes of solid f.u.c.k.i.n.g, Joe turned me onto my back and instantly got going again. As our lovemaking progressed, I found myself more and more turned on by his bulkiness.

Afterward, after we had dispensed with our leather outfits, I got the full tour of his home. As this happened, Joe's juxtaposed demeanour intrigued me. Although he was genial and charming, I now got my first real look at the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde's characters that inhabited his life.

When we finally sat in the lounge eating toasted sandwiches and drinking beer, I finally braced the two questions that I had on my mind.

"You aren't upset with Matt and Jake, are you?" I asked.

"No, not at all," he said with a chuckle. "After all, they introduced you to me… The only thing is, no more hanky-panky with them can take place." I simply smiled in return.

"And, as far as the leather thing is concerned…" I began to ask before Joe interrupted me.

"Marty, That's my little fetish, fantasy thing. Please don't read too much into it," he concluded, still chuckling… "Besides, as far as that is concerned, you call the shots. It'll only happen when you 'misbehave.'"

As the penny dropped, I looked at him impishly and answered, "I'm prone to misbehaving quite often."

"I'm glad to hear that," he replied with a mischievous grin.

That night we made love over and over. With the feeling now having returned to my backside, I finally got to experience the full benefit of his manhood.

At breakfast the following morning, Joe gave a serious before asking, "Would you like to move in with me?"

"But we hardly know one another," I answered in disbelief.

"So, what better way to find out if we're compatible," Joe proffered.

I had a stunned look on my face as I shrugged.

"Is that a, yes?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Okay, let's wash the dishes and go get your things," Joe answered.

"What… now?" I disbelievingly asked.

"Sure," Joe calmly replied, before adding, "I sort your landlord out when we get to you place."

As we drove back to his mansion with my few worldly possessions, I thought about what Joe had told me thus far. He was tired of being on his own, wasn't into the cruising gay scene, and was yearning for the relaxed domesticity that was missing from his life. I had no idea if this would work out, but felt it was worth a try. Besides, I had become enormously attracted to Joe.

As we were about to head off for bed that night, Joe told me to go ahead on my own because he had something he wanted to check out, and would join me in a few minutes.

Upon entering the room, a roguish thought entered my mind. I instantly open the cupboard and got into my leather outfit before lying on the bed.

As Joe entered the room, I lifted my torso and hissed, "You're a f.u.c.kin' bully."

"What did you call me?" he barked.

"You're a f.u.c.kin' bully," I hissed once more.

Joe immediately walked to the cupboard and took out his strap. After he got onto the bed I got turned onto my stomach. With his foot on my neck and a hand on my back, I heard a swishing sound before the first gratifying smack hit my arse.

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