Rakugo in Another World

Sword calculation [pot calculation] ②

"By the way, are we the only guests?There aren't many people in this town. "

The owner replies cheerfully so as to blow up the words of the traveler, who tends to be a little reluctant.

"Ah, that's because this is a sloppy village of Trolls!

I agree that the villagers around me don't seem to care at all.

"Is the lord exploiting it?

So the half-elf girl opened her mouth for the first time.She had a beautiful, clear voice like a poet.

"No, that's not true.The lord of this town is a fine man. "

"Nh. I knew it was a miracle that I was lonely and managed to live because people didn't show up."

"Oh, my God."

Thanks to the lord.

Everyone holds their mouths together to shelter the territory.

"That's why the crazy raccoons and the" Raccoon Man "clan just said this village is bare street."

"Hmm. Well, I've heard that there are still some friends in the madman racket.Um, well... a reddish woman. "

The villagers nodded and named the half-elf girl who tended to hesitate.

"You mean Nanase the Witch?

"Yes! That's it.What kind of rumors are spreading about this Nanase?

The half-elf girl asks very intriguing questions about the witch.

"You've never heard of me as a beautiful woman."

"Yeah, yeah!

The girl nods with a smile.

"Magic arms are shiny."

"Yeah, yeah!

"I heard it was a really nice buddy."


Then the girl looked at her body for some reason and dropped her shoulders a little.

"Ask me if it's as beautiful as a succubus that fascinates a man just by looking at it."

"It seems that the charm of mature adults is stuck in its body."

"The number of men I've dropped so far is not less than a few hundred.Ah! If Nanase the Witch wants you to come to this village soon!You're welcome!


Finally, he turned down and shut up like he was sinking.

Then, looking at it, a depressed elegant traveler blows up.

The half-elf girl stared at the man with her.

"What's going on?You're not feeling well?

The shopkeeper talks worriedly, but the man shakes his head and denies it.

"Oh, no, it's okay.Don't worry, it's nothing. "

So the next moment the traveler answered, the door of the tavern was opened violently.

"Hey, I'm in your way."

There stood a young man of length.

She stretches her black hair longer than her shoulders and has a sarcastic smile on her thin cheeks.I don't think I'm a warrior or an adventurer because I'm wearing leather clothes, but I put down my sword on my waist.

On the right was a middle-aged man who seemed to come with him, and on the left was a young adventurer-style man who seemed to escort him.

The guard man is laughing like a dick.He was carrying a big sword on his back, but the atmosphere didn't seem very skillful.

"Ah, Lord."

"Good afternoon, Lord."

Thank you, my lord.

When the villagers greeted him in a breathtaking manner, the middle-aged man with him shouted as if the fire had reached.

"Though it may not be 'Lord's Day'!!Lord!!Master Jackson-Jack, the wise and brave lord who will rule this village of Madwan!!Why don't you say hello even harder!!

Yes, say it high pressure.

The opposing villagers did not react in particular, but simply looked at the man blurrily.The attitude further stroked your nerves.

"What a stupid attitude!Not just your head, but your ears??That's why they call you lazy trolls!

Yes, let's roll it up quickly.

The lord smiled with his nose and went forward in a desire for a middle-aged man.

Well, that's about it.

"Yes, Jack!

The attendant feels so gloomy that the image remains at an incredibly low waist.

The guard's chimpy man pointed at the situation and laughed loudly.

The lord stepped forward to see the villagers of the tavern.

"So, what are the Trolls doing here?Yeah, are you drinking?Hey, what the hell are you doing?How dare you drink gracefully in a place like this.Work. "

The villagers only laughed face to face at the words.

"Ah, my lord, I've finished my work for today."

"Would you like to join the lord?

Ignoring the invitation, the lord grudgingly distorted his cheeks and laughed in disgust.

"Hmm. 'It's been a long time since I last saw you...'Troll A. You don't have enough taxes yet.Troll B, you too.There's no turnover at all. "

Without saying their names, I called them by the alphabet as if they were fools.

A half-elf girl has been staring sharply at the young and arrogant lord.The man with him lightly gazes at it.

"Hey, Tavern Troll. Give me a drink.As usual. "

"Yes, I understand."

And the lord sat at the counter.

His face is ready, but since he is bending the edge of his mouth in a sinister way, it is also ruined.

When the owner made a wine with fruit that he was accustomed to, he placed it in front of the lord.

Immediately, he grabbed the glass and put it in his mouth, and the lord groaned.

"Hmm, as always, it's a bad drink.This village really sucks. "

Oh, thank you very much.

The shopkeeper is laughing, even if they say it in a scattered manner.

After that, the lord finally drank up the wine after a while of malice.

"Oh, I drank it.Hey, Tavern Troll. What about the bill?

"Yeah, I'll give you nine Madcapia hips."

"The money is fine.Give me your hand. "


That said, the lord placed the tontontontontontontontontontontontontonton and the madcapia hip in turn in the hand offered by the owner.

"12345... Hey, it's the tavern troll, what time is it?

So I asked for time. The owner looks at the watch and answers.

"Well, I'm sure it's time... for Heavy Zarlock."

"789, and. I gave it to you."


Thank you very much.

Bye. Together. "

The lord turned his back and headed for the exit to leave.

"Wait a minute."

There came a half-elf girl.

The lord looks back at the girl.

"What do you want, a traveler?

"There's nothing I can do for you.What have you just done?I deceived the bill..... "

"Hey, little girl!Don't let my employer lead you!

Saccharly, a young adventurous man of escort stands in front of him and protects the lord.

But the girl didn't lose either.Looking up at the man, he opened his mouth.

"You shut up."

"What's up, young lady?Don't you like our young man? "

The girl stares at the man who relaxes his lips.

"I'm sure you don't like it... but the thighs"

So the traveler with him blocked the girl's mouth.

"No, we're just travelers.Don't worry, my lord. "


The lord glances at the gently laughing traveler.

"Hmm, the air is bad, Mr. Jack.Let's get going. Listen, tell that little girl!

When the attendant said to the adventurous man, the man shook his hand and responded.

"Get out of the way, Trolls!!Stupid stuff!!Out of the way!

"Jinx, you're such a fun guy.Hahahahaha!

When he saw his valet making him open the road with a loud voice, and walked to the exit with a smile, the lord finally looked back and said to the two travelers.

"Guest. Well, have fun.Troll Village. "

It was hard from there.

The half-elf girl was angry.

First, I hung up on the traveler who had stopped me.

"Dear Krah...!Why are you stopping?

A young man called Klu lowers his eyebrows in trouble and begs for a girl.

"Nana-san is too attached to everything.Can't you handle the speed of the fight?

"What can you do about that too calm personality, Clara?I can't believe you're not angry over there!

The identity of these two travellers is who the villagers were rumouring earlier.

Crane-Ibil-Madkapia and Nanase-Frau.

Since they were already known in Madokapia, they had changed their names instead of Krane and Nanase.

"Well, I guess it's okay now.I just left. "

The adventurous chimpy man of the lord's escort sat in an empty seat while saying so.

"But if Krah hadn't stopped, we'd be in trouble.Yes, ma'am.I'm fine, but I have to think about my position.Hey, Krah?

"You're right. So... what happened to your brother when he became Lord's bodyguard?

Crane gazed at the dick and said so.Pointed out, the man chuckles.

"Ahahah, after all?Does that bother you?

Yes, he was the "Cytopia's absolute hero, Racca-Sinb," feared as "madman Racca" in Madagascar, the most rumored by the villagers.

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