Terminal, the world of swords and magic.

A major power in the world, a continent located to the south across the Great River from Cytopia.

The land was long known as the Magic Land, and it was known as the territory of the Magic Nation.

It is dominated by Madokapia, a kingdom of demons who own vast territory and use monsters.

He had invaded the neighboring countries and stretched his forces to the point where the only remaining power was the cytopia.

But one day, the situation changes at the border.

At first, it was a trivial event, such as a small hole in the wall.However, when I noticed the phenomenon, everything began to change from the crack, and the momentum was only increasing.

The cytopia brought together the deeply rooted elves and dwarves to assemble the chain of command.

He manipulated the Madokapia army with ingenious tactics and dropped the fort one after the other.

With the smile of the treasure princess, people regained hope, and the brave walked the way to true hegemony.

In response to the cytopia, a shock struck Madagascar.

What the hell happened?

What is the cause?

While thinking about it, the enemy's offensive is getting stronger.

The Madokapia forces were pushed back into the Great River, and soon the battle was reversed.

Within that time, the neighboring countries that had been seized were also taken back and the offensive reversed.I continued to wonder if the enemy would invade Madagascar territory, but that was not the case.

The countries of Cytopia, Elves, and Dwarves built new fortifications in the Great River and fortified the guards of the Iron Wall.From this, it was read that there was no doubt that it was "best" to create the reversal state.

Are they willing to destroy the demons?Madokapia wondered.

It's as if they're waiting for something.

Such a condition lasted for several months. It happened one day.

"Your Majesty!!

Soldiers jump in while watching MadCapia Castle.The wounds are all over who did it.

"What's wrong? What the hell is going on?

"La... the Luca-Sinb party!!We're invading!


The next moment the demon king screamed, the front door blew out.

It was the young man with the great sword who stood there.

"You... Luca-Sinb?"

"Hi, you know Luca-Sinb.I've come from Cytopia as a messenger of peace. "

That said, the cytopian brave Luca-Sinb with an unbelievable smile.

"You're a messenger. You're kidding."

"Well, don't be so reluctant.I brought in a special guest at the corner. "


That said, when Lucca laid her body down, there stood a traveler-like man wearing a cloak.

The person's elegance seeps out of his golden hair and intelligently clear blue eyes.

"!! My lord...!

The moment I saw him, the expression of the Demon King distorted in astonishment.

"I see you for the first time, King Madkapia.No, Father. "

"K, it's Klange....."


"... be good."

"...... yes"

It was a touching reunion of parents and children separated by cruel fate.

But the next word that Clanger uttered, King Madcapia frowned greatly.

"Today, I took the order of a messenger to connect Cytopia to Madokapia."

"A messenger...?Don't be ridiculous. Why should I tie hands with the descendants of an ugly traitor? "

It is a cytopia that created a country called Madokapia, which is called the demon tribe, and which caused it to become hated.It is the object of unforgivable resentment.Until now, a lot of blood has been shed and I couldn't possibly wipe it off.

Either country will perish.There is no other solution.

"Crane, if your lord is back, it's quick.I don't need any hesitation.I will use all forces in MadCapia to launch a total attack on Cytopia!

King Madkapia brightens his eyes red with hate without even hearing the story of Kluane.

"Father, were you listening to me?I came here as a messenger. "

Then the answer is fixed.Crack! Can you believe it now?Luca-Sinb will be at the Blood Festival soon. "

Nothing can reach the flames of hatred.I wonder if this voice can only be answered with a sword and violence.

Nonetheless, Klein spoke to his father too much.

"Bye, Father. Can you just listen to my postcard for a second now?"

"That's why I don't want to hear about peace...."

"Well, then... it's not true."


At that moment, the cold ran on the back of King Madkapia.

It feels as sharp as if a sword was pointing at the edge of your throat.

It was released from the man in front of me.

"Crane, what the hell...."

"... well, what I'm going to do is I'm going to hang out with one man.It is a foolish, strange, epic poem of a man who has drained the blood of royalty in both countries, persecuted, discriminated against and tasted hell from both countries. "

It was easy for King Madcapia to imagine that it was about Krane himself.

But then why...

"... why?Why are you laughing?Discrimination, persecution, betrayal, stone-throwing, why can you have that look on your face?How can you forgive a world like this? "

That's why.

Kluane smiles with abundance and looks to King Madkapia.

"All the happiness, all the misfortune, all the tears, all the smiles, all the tragedies and all the comedy in the world, I've done so far today."

The word had weight.It's never a lie.The word will be true.

Still, the son in front of me, no - the man is laughing.

"In the meantime, what I encountered was a different world culture that was neither country.With it, I found a mission that I could only accomplish. "

"Who the hell are you...?"

The man in front of me is his son, not his son.

Someone else.

The king understood with intuition.

Ah, you're late to name it.

With a smile on his face, the man takes his name.

"My name is Rakutei Kuraku.Easy and bitter, let's slow down and move on with one mouth, dark and bright.I've come to laugh at everything in this world. "

This is the terminal's destination and starting point.

This is the story of a hero who saves the world and unites it.

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