Rakugo in Another World

King of Cytopia [Master of Chess] ①

"I thought we were going to have a seat together...."

Vertz, the prophet who was completely absent, managed to stand up and complain to ICHIBUKU.

"What are you talking about?What are you doing in this atmosphere, lackeying?Are you crazy?

In contrast, Ippuku answers smiling.

"No, I was thinking of replacing Master Klange's neck with mine.Somewhat badly, if you don't hurry me up. "

"What did you say?

"He's going to hide everything in it and die in noble silence.So there is no problem if I leave it aside.But my mouth is light anyway.I'm afraid of dying, and I'll tell you what I've never done.It's the secret of this world and everything...Then, as to why the prophet pretends not to know about the slander and the samurai..... "

"Come, you!!

Blood rises to his head and he is a prophet staring at one blessing, but one blessing remains a spare expression.

"However, I am a weak or unarmed citizen, so I can kill you whenever I want.So, at least let me play my favorite rakugo for the last time.Please have mercy. Listen to my rakugo now, and if you don't like it, please feel free to hang your neck at any time. "


The prophet stares bitterly at a blessing.

I can say this because I know circumstances that cannot be easily solved.

He must be looking at the feet of the King and the Prophet who want the power of slander no matter what.

However, ICHIBUKU mentioned it earlier.

"Besides, it seems that you are planning to use the force of slander, but I will definitely not cooperate."


The prophet stunned.

"Absolutely. Whatever it takes to get killed."

I feel a firm will in those eyes.

"But... if you can hear me, there's nothing you can do about it.Let's work together. "

"What are you talking about!?Really!?

The prophet does not realize the perfection of the man in front of him, who turns the words on the verge of the next moment, saying absolutely.

I've already been in surgery.

If you don't miss the food hanging in front of you, you're desperately eating it.

"So, what are the conditions?

"Please miss Master Krane."

Once again, blood rises to your head in the words that are lightly released.

"I won't allow that.The Crane Summoner is to be executed now!!

Then I can't help you.

"Oh, my God!

When the conversation reached a parallel line.

"Well, wait, Vertz."

"Hee, Your Majesty....."

It was the king who spoke.

"Good, don't fuck with that lackey.Let's see. "

Your Majesty, you don't need such mercy.

The king controls the words of a prophet who resembles screaming with his hands.

"The Subliminal has told me about Lakgo before.Everything is thanks to Lacgo that the girl smiled back.I wanted to watch it once. "


"Won't that be nice, Vertz?"

Talk to the distorted prophet.

"You are the one who prophesied this man to be the Savior.I don't underestimate the power of your prophecy. "

"Your Majesty...."

"About this world.It might be a good idea to entrust us with our fate. "

That said, the king's face looked a little tired.

Are you sure?

The prophet nodded with a resentful look when Ichifuku asked.

"... Your Majesty forgave me.Whatever you want.Please forgive me for laughing a little to overturn the execution of the Kraner Summoner.You stupid bitch! On stupid terms and conditions!I think you already know, but I was summoned from the real place of laughter.I'm going to make it tough. "

"I see," laughed the housekeeper.

Now, ICHIBUKU starts talking.

"Well, it seems like the world is well balanced and absolutely perfect.For example, there is still about one scratch on a good person that is great and recognised by everyone.My master is an amazing master and a treasure-class person who can grasp customers' hearts in an instant, but is it still a wound or is it difficult... I really liked alcohol.And when he drank wine, the other wicked men said, Fight, and be late for the next day's sitting.Ahahah, it was a scattered one.Without your rallying skills, no one would have looked at you. "

It doesn't make you feel tense or dusty, and it's a pleasant story as usual.

"So, speaking of Master Connection, Master Klange here is also a serious, diligent, honest, really good place to go.Totally impeccable.... but that's not true.Everyone is looking for it.This one's too serious.I mean, isn't that right? I'm going to be executed honestly, without any excuse in this situation. "

With that, Ichifuku looks around, but no one laughs.

I don't seem to care about the reaction at all, and Ichifuku keeps talking.

"Well, somewhere, there was a very good country called Cytopia.The King was also called the Famous King, and the people were very prosperous.However, the king still had one difficulty.Yeah, it's not perfect, is it?That's because I was falling for shogi.Cytopia chess. You all know that.Use a variety of movement tokens to fight on the board.Fighting skills on board "

Arrange the feathers while talking and remove the fans from the pocket in a natural way.

"From time to time, the King invites his knights to play chess.That's not enough for the knights.Why? I can't win against the king in the first place, and what's even more troubling is that when the king is about to lose, he will bend the way the token moves and the whole rule, and will definitely win. "

And Ichifuku slapped the ground with a fan.

There are rales that change the world.

A legendary seat.

It begins now.

Yes, it all starts here.

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