Rakugo in Another World

Damaya Shodo [Damaya Question] ②

After Damaya triumphed over Ike and floated into the audiovisual room, Ichifuku returned to the Tavern of Extreme Race and went up to the throne, where he finished his seat.

Ichifuku had no intention of going to court or listening to the secrets of the world.

There was another thought in the head of ICHIBUKU, searching for pieces to complete his reasoning.

I was walking about to go for a walk to put together my thoughts, and someone called out to me.

"Sorry. I'll see you at Easy Pavilion One Hall of Fame."

It was a knight wearing a black armor.

A tough face on a well-trained body.

It's a "terminal masculine" sample.

"Yeah, that's right.I am Kazufuku Tatei. "

When ICHIBUKU answers that, the knight nods forcefully and stares at ICHIBUKU's eyes.

"Earlier, I saw Lakgo at the tavern.It was a great job. Don't be so stunning. "

"Oh, thank you very much for this."

With a smile of joy, the knight speaks with a serious face.

"It must have been a long time before we reached that range.Ten, no, twenty years won't come down.I have lived only by the sword.You also kept swinging your sword, and it became that smashing taste. "

"No, it's not that big a deal.Compared to knights, my trick is just a chat. "

Ichifuku shook his hand and denied, but remembered the knight's favorite feeling.

His face, body and personality are all different, but the man somehow evoked the heroism of his friend.

Overall, I wonder if the atmosphere unique to the master is similar.

The knight asks ICHIBUKU questions.

"It was Lacgo earlier, but it's called 'Chrono Chinchirone'...."


"That actually seemed like you were drinking soup, and I thought you were eating chinchillone...."

"Oh, that's a 'swing'.I don't actually eat or drink it.It's "pretending to have eaten."

Oh, my God, you're pretending.

A knight who cannot hide his surprise in the words.Even with one of those expressions, it gives you a flawless, straight personality.

"That's a big deal.So how do we do that? "

After hearing that, the knight raised his face happily and immediately lowered his head into bliss.

"No, I'm sorry.There is also a great deal of indiscretion.Forget the words.The same is true of what I was asked to tell me about the ultimate swordsmanship that I have acquired over the decades.I've been very rude to you.I want your forgiveness. "

It was ICHIBUKU who was afraid of the knight's attitude.No, shake his head and raise the knight's head.

"No, I'm not hiding this trick.It's everyone's trick to stay close to the public.If you want to know, I'll be happy to tell you. "

"Everyone's trick? That's really great."


And they laughed face to face.

Then I'll tell you.Inside your mouth, attach your tongue to the back of your front teeth.And with your mouth shut, like this, Zuzu "

As Ippuku said, the knight moves his mouth.

"You know what? Zu!!Zuz! Zuz!!

"Oh, that's good.You're good at it. But is it a little too powerful?Udon noodles, then. If it's Chinchirone, take it a little slower..... "

"Hmm, it's deep inside."

After that, the guide continued for a while.

At such a moment, a blessing is asked.

"And who the hell are you?


I had noticed Ichifuku from the beginning.That knight is not the only one.

"Lacgo was so wonderful, I almost forgot the subject."

The emotionally murmuring knight's words did not contain false sounds.

"I'm sorry, can you come with me?I don't want to make a rough impression. "

"What if I say no?

ICHIBUKU said so with a subtle and powerful smile, and the knight even looked in serious trouble.

"Don't bother.Ichifuku-san seems to be popular, so we shouldn't ask. "

And when one blessed man saw the alley, there fell dozens of black men.

It was a Cytopian royal clandestine force released by the Oracle.

And the knight bears his name in the name of Ichifuku.

"I was late to introduce myself.My name is Shenda-Stanriver.The Madkapian army, where you call it the Demon King Army, is a general. "

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