[ᄅᄅ] Delete Puckle video

[Yonggari] Private Streaming History

Don't you leave it behind?

[HAMSTERING] Generally speaking,

[HAMSTERING] Point-in-time images by engineering personnel

[HAMSTERING] Aren't they all filmed?

[Disco] Of course;; it doesn't make sense to fly it.

[OvO] You really don't even know what to say.ᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲ

[Annual leave] I'm dumbfounded.

I can't concentrate on the class.

Then the kids will curse.

You're good at cursing kids these days.

As soon as I finished reading the message, I turned my head. Near the sink, I happened to meet Choi Soo-bin, who was packing a spoon. Before Sung Cha-hyun could say anything, Choi Soo-bin smiled brightly and took the lead.

"I want to feed you, but of course you're saying no?”

"Don't ask useless questions."


Choi Soo-bin gently grabbed the spoon in his hand. My hands were still warm from the heat. Choi moved Sung Cha-hyun's fingers delicately as if she were treating the baby who was holding the spoon for the first time. I was truly out of my mind, but I didn't have the strength to get angry, swinging my hot body. Instead, he decided to hold his forehead and calmly admonish him.

"Subin, neither my mom nor dad nor my sister treated me like this."

"Of course. You couldn't do anything when you were a kid."

"You're not saying that...….”

I wanted to refute the other person's bizarre logic, but it seemed to me strangely dry my hair because I had a headache. Besides, Choi Su-bin is smiling and beckoning to eat quickly..... As if succumbing to force majeure, Sung had no choice but to lift a spoon.

The porridge was very neat and plain. I thought practicing or whatever was not a lie. When I thought of Choi Soo-bin, who was stuck in the kitchen even though she was not good at it, I laughed a little, but when I saw the guild messenger group that started ringing again, my blood cooled down again.

"So why did you contact me today, Choi Soo-bin?"

Very slowly enough to feel the rice roll in his mouth, Sung said, eating porridge. As if he was agonizing for a long time, Choi said, "I just rolled my eyes without saying a word and answered carefully.

"I have something to say."

"What is it?"

"Well... ...the main seat."

Sung Cha-hyun put his spoon down. Choi Soo-bin smiled bitterly as if she knew it would happen.

"It's not a puckle."

'Not a main left puckle. Anyway, there were many people who shouted 'No' in the Hast Group chat room. But Choi's story felt a little different from that. I am not arguing against injustice without proof. He was convinced.

"It's not the main seat First Clear. Brother."

When Sung Cha-hyun was not answering for a long time, Choi whispered in secret again. The fever seemed to cause a sudden surge in the head declaring a strike. The main seat is not a puckle. Main seat raised a puckle shot 40 minutes earlier than Hearst, but main seat is not a puckle...….

Don't you know what teacher Agui says? If you get caught, you'll see blood?

Sung Cha-hyun, whose thoughts went that far, clenched his fist. This is not the time to be so leisurely eating porridge. You need to get up right away, start collecting data, and then tighten it up. Like weeds that rise again when stepped on and stepped on, the main players returned to the Asta Chronicles and returned. This time, we should pull out the roots so that we can't even step into the Asta Chronicles again. No, it's not just root out. We must break the ground and poison it out!

Sung Cha-hyun put the bowl aside. After seeing it, Choi Soo-bin lowered her long eyelashes and looked at Sung Cha-hyun with moist eyes.

"Not much, brother? I've learned so hard...….”

Does porridge matter now? Sung Cha-hyun did not back down even after seeing the face of the sullen Choi Soo-bin, who was so weak.

"Why didn't you tell me right away?"


"That it's not a main left puckle."

"You're sick. It hurt, but I was so angry that I didn't want to lose my fever...….”

What the hell are you talking about? I'm not the one who usually gets angry so easily,

And exactly three seconds later, Sung Cha-hyun realized that he was making a sudden leap forward. Choi Soo-bin also penetrated the gap without losing.

"Look, brother, you still have a fever...….”

Choi Su-bin rose from the chair, held the table with one hand and stretched out the other. A long cold hand gently skimmed hair and covered the forehead. Sung Cha-hyun opened his eyes wide. I saw Choi Soo-bin with a worried face. My lips dried for no reason when I looked at my face. It's probably because of the fever. After a while, a cool hand fell off.

Sung looked away, putting a glass of water around her mouth. It's not because you're angry, it's because you're hot.No, no, what kind of a dog's idea? The hand holding the glass of water tightened.

"Anyway, are you sure it's not a puckle?"

Anyway. Sung Cha-hyun emphasized the word. What is urgent is first clear, and what can be sorted out immediately is first clear.

Choi simply stepped back and smiled languidly with her chin in both hands. The eyes are slanted.

"I've been turning it around since the video was uploaded at dawn, and I'm sure they're not Puckles.”

"What is the possibility of image manipulation?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with the video itself."

"Do you have any proof? You shouldn't just have a heart."

"I'm preparing proof. But..."

Sung Cha-hyun listened to Choi Soo-bin, nodding his head with a face that quickly became serious. Things on the Internet can easily get hot and cool down. People who sympathized with each other like their own work quickly forget who did what in a week.

Just working now is the case. Where are the people who used to curse the main post over the imperial monopoly, and aren't they all enthusiastic about the first clearing of the main post?

I have no intention of cursing them. Their purpose is not to truly empathize and console. It's important to have a clear self that hides the wrong and judges it. Sung Cha-hyun was well aware that in order to target public opinion with such characteristics, physical evidence is needed unconditionally.

Sung Cha-hyun looked only at Choi's lips with nervousness. But, well. Soon, Choi Soo-bin smiled and made a gloomy face as she quickly shook her hand.

"But if you reveal it... I'm a little in trouble, brother."

[Review of the work]

Thank you again for today!

ChanCHAEN, Seram, thank you for the coupons!

A week

"But if you reveal it... I'm a little in trouble, brother."

Choi Soo-bin spoke with a very embarrassed face. If you were Sung Cha-hyun, you'd say, 'What is it? I'm the judge, so just tell me. Oh~ It's nothing much, so just tell me.' But when I saw Choi's dark eyes, I couldn't easily say that easily.

Sung Cha-hyun has decided to make a move.

"How do you get in trouble?”

"Well, the thing I'm most worried about is...….”

Choi Soo-bin made eye contact. Why are you taking so long? I hesitated to laugh at him as I hurried him.

"You might... you might not like me.”


And the answer was totally unexpected. Sung Cha-hyun opened her eyes wide. Why would you worry about such nonsense...I'm a partner healer who'll suck the sweet water until Asta Regiment folds, and you think there's going to be something you don' Innocent and cute Choi Soo-bin seemed to not know Sung Cha-hyun too much.

Sung Cha-hyun waved his hand.

"No. It won't happen."



Choi Soo-bin first opened her eyes wide and became a smiling face. And asked again and again. 'Really, really?' It's funny and cute....... Sung Cha-hyun deliberately held his chin in a smiling face. He really hated to say what he said again, but he decided to be generous today for this worried younger partner.

"I told you so. What, do you have other worries?”

When asked softly on purpose, Choi gave out cold medicine as if she had been waiting. It was a silent pressure to eat. Sung sighed and swallowed cold medicine with water. Only then did Choi continue to speak.

"Well, that I'm going to get a little lazy? But... it's not that serious, it's."

"Yes, even if it bothers you...”

I'll give you a few examples and it'll calm you down. The back horse swallowed into his mouth.

Hiljulang almost became famous in the past Sonic-Free case. No, it became famous. It's all thanks to that bastard, Nose-Nose-Nose-Nose. Even now, there are PVP users who get it whenever they talk about Sonic-Free, and there are people who are calling it "Healers of Intellectuals." This is the shape of a dog after several times of swinging.

If he even finds out that Sonicfrey isn't the First Clare....... In an instant, all the attention and attention will be focused on Choi Soo-bin. It'll be a bonus to have to deal with the crap. Quiet Choi Soo-bin would be offended by that kind of attention.

I recalled a recent case of impersonating a wish. If you catch a few and shake them off like that, they'll be quiet soon. While he was lost in thought, Choi suddenly grabbed his hand. He had a bright smile on his face.

"I made a promise, brother."

And then you wiggle your fingers, and you're holding each other on top of each other, you......... Is it this easy to reach out to other outsiders? Sung Cha-hyun held his fingertips unknowingly.

There is no lack of immunity to physical affection. Rather, they are quite familiar. It's not like you've never been in a relationship.

However, I couldn't understand why I was so short of breath and my heart was beating when I only held hands. Once again, my face seemed to be burning hot. Sung Cha-hyun deliberately turned his head with his jaw in his undetected hand.

And quickly began to rationalize. No wonder I have a fever. Because I'm a patient. He's a patient who just died and then came back from taking medicine. Breathless, heart beating, of course. Honestly, it can't be obvious. The checklist thrown in the corner wriggled. Sung clenched his teeth.

Regardless, Choi grabbed Sung's hand and gently tangled his fingers. A firm hand was held tightly. The skin texture was smooth, but there were calluses everywhere. My hands, which used to be cold, were hot with fever. Choi Soo-bin, who was groping the blood vessels that stood on the back of his hand with his fine hands, said.

"First of all... they didn't do it right. I used a bug to clear it.”

"What? Shit, it's a real bug?

"Yes. Bug. A rather old bug...”

There was a breath of abuse. I'm sure you promised to be a bit coy about two months ago, but listening to the story was not the time to take care of it.

Sung Cha-hyun was lost in thought with his forehead. I thought it would be a bug if it wasn't for the right First Clare, but when I heard it, even the words that remained fell into the water.

Did you want to win the First Clare that bad? You wanted to screw the Heist? I'm the one who wants to screw you up. How dare you... No, if it's a game changer, it should be a fair game changer. You're such a big-ass pussy.….

Choi gently swept Sung Cha-hyun's hand with his thumb. His hands seemed to be getting thicker, but he didn't care much. This is because Choi Soo-bin followed suit.

"I have to find the evidence. I was looking for you, and I came to see you.”

"How can I prove it?”

"Well, there's a way."

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