Thank you!

Ideal type

Before I knew it, the presentation of the task was just around the corner. The group of freshmen, sophomores and seniors did quite well. Young juniors approached me warmly, and I was willing to work hard. Thanks to this, Sung Cha-hyun was able to leave the campus after finishing his presentation coordination pleasantly.

Once you finish this assignment, you will no longer care about your school life. This is because the date for the update of the Shinhwa Raid has been confirmed. Although the final exam remained, it was possible to study for the test if Shinhwa Raid was completed within the weekend. It's easy to cram.

A week later, 6 p.m. Xinhua Raid is updated. Sung Cha-hyun and engineering workers have also ordered a lot of energy bars, caffeine drinks and ion drinks to eat during the race. Sung Cha-hyun turned on his cell phone. Messenger was piled up.

While answering the juniors' messengers with "No," "Drink among yourselves," and "Get lost," a new notification came to the top.

[Subin] Brother.

[Subin] When you're organizing your brother's luggage,

[Subin] Haven't you seen an AirPod? 2:04 p.m.

Why is this cute guy looking for his AirPods from me? I have a vague memory of him wearing a string of earphones. After drinking all the canned coffee, Sung tapped on the screen.

[Me] I don't know.

[I] Why AirPods? 2:05 p.m.

[Subin] Ah.

[SOOBIN] No matter how hard I try, there's no one... 2:05 p.m.

[SOOBIN] I don't think it's been around since we met.

[SOOBIN] I was wondering if it fell off when I was moving my bag.

[Subin] Can you look it up for me? 2:07 p.m.

Well, Choi did move her bag. The well-prepared lucky charm seemed to have taken AirPods and two earphones with strings. Sung Cha-hyun stopped and searched his memory. I unpacked my luggage roughly, and I thought I should turn over my bag if it was a small AirPod.

[I] yes

I'll go home and look for it. 2:08 p.m.

[Soobin] ᅲᅲᅲ

[Subin] Thank you, brother. 2:08 p.m.

Choi Soo-bin sent a white bear emoticon that sends hearts. He showed off his wide range of emoticons. Yeah, it's almost 100,000 won to buy an airpod. 100,000 won is a month's transportation fee. Sung Cha-hyun responded with a rabbit emoticon that looked through emoticons and sent out a big heart.

He came into his own room, threw his bag roughly, and opened the zipper of the sports bag he took at the meeting. I took out my clothes under a hangover, and the rest of the little things remained the same. Our lucky guy lets us pack our stuff.

Choi Soo-bin's face, smiling brightly, suddenly came to minded. These days, Choi Soo-bin's face has been ringing before my eyes. Sung began scratching his head and taking out items from his bag one by one.

A pair of Choi's AirPods were stuck deep in the bag. I took out all the leftover luggage and couldn't see it, so I opened all the zipper and flipped it upside down and rolled it out. I didn't know how to get in such a deep bag.

When I sent a message that I found it, a bear emoticon came running in place. Sung Cha-hyun rolled a small earphone in his hand. Since I haven't even taken off my clothes yet, I thought I'd meet him and deliver it to him. I'll see you again and again and again. Sung sent a message right away.

[Me] What are you doing? 2:32 p.m.

[Subin] I'm taking a lecture.

[Me] Are you free after the lecture? 2:32 p.

[Subin] Yes?

[Subin] Uh, there is. 2:33 PM

[SOOBIN] Oh, brother, my school.

[Subin] You coming? 2:35 p.m.

[I] yes

[Me] Where is your school? 2:35 p.m.

A few minutes later, Choi sent a message. The name of the school and the lecture will be over soon, so let's meet around 3 o'clock. It's not too far away. Sung Cha-hyun got up from his seat with his AirPods in his pocket.

* * *

Half an hour later, Sung Cha-hyun was sitting on a bench near the statue, flapping a scroll, a landmark of Choi Soo-bin's university campus. The campus was quite quiet. Everyone seemed to be in the lecture. I heard a clap of urgent footsteps as I tried to get some more light gray mufflers on. The sound grew louder and stopped close by.

When I raised my head, I saw Choi Soo-bin breathing hard with a reddish face. Sung stood up and frowned.

"Did you run here?”

"Oh, well, yes."

"What's the rush?"

"You must have waited... Why don't you go inside and wait?”

Wearing a warm-looking white wool jacket, Choi Su-bin breathed a little and raised her head. Unconsciously, I reached out and patted my hair that was messy because I cleaned it up. Choi Soo-bin opened her eyes wide and smiled. Sung Cha-hyun was startled and held his hand, and took the AirPods out of his pocket and handed them over.

"Come on. Your bag was so deep inside."

"Wow, there really was. Thank God. Thank you."

"Great guard."

"I will."

Choi Soo-bin smiled with thin eyes. Sung Cha-hyun paused at the face.

Why are you on someone else's college campus? To give Choi Soobin AirPods. You didn't have to be here anymore because you achieved your goal. You can go back home and study, do homework, or play games. But strangely enough, the steps didn't fall off.

He tapped the stone floor with his foot. There was a voice that flashed through my mind.

Do you still play Truth or Dare? It's past the age.’

'Ay, it's funny.’

'I'm glad there's a lot of fun.’

'What is your ideal type?'

My junior asked me with a mischievous smile, but it was not a question I couldn't answer. Because everyone knew. Sung Cha-hyun answered after hitting a glass with others.

'Pure beauty.'

He likes innocent style. Long straight hair, white T-shirts, jeans, things like that."

an innocent beauty

Innocent beauty, no, Choi Soo-bin grabbed Sung Cha-hyun's arm.

"Hyung, have a cup of coffee and go."

"Huh? Coffee?"

Choi Soo-bin smiled broadly.

"You've come this far. What?"

"It's okay because it's not far from my own room...”


Choi Soo-bin pulled his arm with an unpretty face. Sung Cha-hyun screamed silently, chasing him almost as if he had been taken away. You're not, are you? It's not. Say no. Anyway, this isn't right.

I think that's right.

During the short period of time Choi Soo-bin ordered and waited for the drink, Sung Cha-hyun unwittingly followed his back with his eyes. The white wool jacket-in-checks shirt, black jeans, long stretched body, big straight hands, white ankles and peach bones visible between pants and sneakers, then clenched their fists. I wanted to slap my face with my fist, but there were a lot of people. Instead, he had time for self-reflection. What the hell are you doing?

While he was lowering his head with his hands folded, and cleaning up his complicated head, white hands suddenly appeared in the field of vision. He raised his head sharply. Choi Soo-bin, who brought iced Americano, had her eyes wide open.

"What do you think, brother?"

"Huh? No, it's no big deal."

"Well, let me guess.”

Choi Soo-bin, who frowned, clapped her palm with her fist.

"You're thinking about Puckles, aren't you?”


"Think of a main post, then.


"What is it... ah, thinking about engineering?"


...he thinks I'm a real gamer. Of course, it's a game changer, but in reality, I didn't get too excited about talking about the game. Choi Soo-bin smiled and tilted her head as she stared with her eyes squinted.

"Then why do you look so lost in the world....”

It's because you're about to lose everything. To be exact, it looks like it's all going to flip over.

After stirring his hand, Sung held the straw in his mouth. After a long time of bitter coffee, my head went a little off. Okay, let's calm down. Choi Soobin is a pure and innocent beauty. Yes, if you look at the keywords alone, they do fit your ideal type.

However, love is different from ideal type. Sung Cha-hyun chewed straws and made an Excel checklist in his head. However, I kept getting attached to answering step by step.

1. I like Choi Soo-bin's face. Yes.

2. I like Choi Soobin. Yes. (There's no such good boy these days.)

3. I think of Choi Soobin even in my daily life. Yes. (I can't help but try not to think about it because she keeps contacting me.)

4. If Choi Soobin becomes a couple, it will be hard. Yes. (Changing the schedule of the engineering college because of a relationship is enough for a self-assertion type.)

5. I don't think I can't live without Choi Soo-bin. Yes. (I can't do a puckle without him.)

If it gets longer, that's all an excuse.’

It was a comment written by the professor in a report of motive that filled 10 pages with all kinds of rhetoric and four-legged race. Sung Cha-hyun also laughed at it. But for now, I could agree with the motive. What does the professor know? The professor doesn't know anything.

Ha-ah, as the ground sighed as if it were going to sink, Choi Soo-bin rubbed the drops of water on the surface of the glass and hugged her chin. A pretty face and a sullen look were young.

"What are you thinking about with me in front of you, brother?"

"Thought of you."

It was about ten seconds after the thoughtless spit. No matter how he usually smiled or answered, he kept silent.

What did I just say? Yes, life, angle.

Oh. Even if you're out of your mind, you're out of it. No, I was thinking of Choi Soobin, but the tone was a little weird. Sung Cha-hyun hurriedly raised his head.

"Oh, not that."


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