(OvO: X)

They went through the skill with the zlzonfibik guilders in a confused mood whether to cry or laugh.

In the midst of being far away, the guild members of zlzonfibik, who even received a de-buff with reduced mobility, were not properly protected and fell one by one by one.

When the situation was cleared up, I naturally thought of a soft spot. Our slender, fine Newbie....... We're only in the 11th round. Are they doing well? What if you can't even talk about this because you're being played by Assassin? Why aren't you helping me yet?

"Mr. Intellectual."

Does he care? Sung Cha-hyun was a little surprised, but he quickly took his voice together and answered.

"Shall we go?"

"Yes, I'm dying...….”

Choi groaned with a strangely tiring sound. Sung felt like something was breaking off. Probably the opposite sex.

Sung Cha-hyun took out the ride right away. Just like a male idol who was running on an electric wheel in a drama, Sung crossed the field fiercely. Seeing Sung Cha-hyun's crow ride fluttering, the guards of Hast followed him sensibly.

(HAMSTERING: Oh, my God.)

(HAMSTERING: You're flirting with Assassin now?)

Hiljulangmalang used Priest's only debugging technique, Holly Shock. An Assassin's potato-flavored onion chip caught a 'mabby' debug. He then used a chain of binding skill Holly, but potato-flavored onion chips slowly avoided the skill.

You bastard... ...to avoid the Hiljulangmallang skill?

Hiljulang Malang used the paralytic skill again. At least one Holy Shock hit the tree. The Assassin was briefly hardened by the effect of Holly Shock. Hiljulang and Malang approached Assassin with a thud. To Assassin, where Priest is a close-range dealer? Sung Cha-hyun, who was wondering, checked the status window of Hill Julang Malang. Mana was at the bottom.

The heel and toe swung the staff vigorously. Hiljulang Malang's reputation hit Assassin with a thud!


But Demiji was small and cute because she was a healer.

Sung Cha-hyun clenched his fist. Potato-flavored onion chip, you son of a......... Hit Healing Staff +11 with your head? It was beyond reproach. Sung made a sudden leap forward and threw out a reagent bottle.

When the criticism blew, the guards of Hast followed and attacked potato-flavored onion chips. It's a plain cave. But what can I do! The team of potato chips is already dead!

Potato-flavored onion chips, whether humbly decided to accept their fate, did not wiggle any more.

In the end, Jumyeong won the kill of potato-flavored onion chips. At the same time the PVP was terminated. A small smile was heard over the headset.

"Thank you, Mr. Pointy......... I've been holding on to it... I felt like I was going to die because Mana ran out."

"You did a good job holding out this much. You did a really good job."

This was not empty talk, it was true. Priest had a long casting time, so it was safe to see her as the weakest. That Priest took so long against Assassin? This is like a PVP genius.

Hx must have been impressed, too, and he was raving in praise of Hiljulmulang.

[Hx: You did a great job today, Mr. Malang.Haha]

[Hx: If it weren't for you, I'd have lost the tower.^^]

[Hx: You're a genius. Excellent ^^]

Where did this lucky healer really roll in? Sung Cha-hyun started to get his partner healer's pung again. Isn't this actually a dream? I don't want to wake up if it's a dream, so I shouldn't sleep….

Sung Cha-hyun stroked Hiljulang's round hair.

* * *

Potato-flavored onion chips have recently gained even more fame than when they were named Lancer of Guild Youwol two years ago. This is because it was rumored to be the main guild PKR. Of course, I lost my players these days.

Outside the PVP, which pretends to know only those who know him all the time, there have been people who often recognize him in the general field. Some even greeted other users with a "haha" comment, which is famous for not even pretending to know, let alone being close. Potato-flavored onion chips were of great interest and that was quite enjoyable.

Thanks to this, potato-flavored onion chips gathered some congenial people and set up a guild. Guild that anyone who enjoys PVP content can join. It was the moment when the long-cherished desire for potato-flavored onion chips came true. Even the name was wonderful.

[All] Potato-flavored onion chips: Guild name is Gaeganjian.

[Full] Hx: What is it? Haha

[Overall] Potato flavored onion chips: zlzonfibik.

[All] Potato-flavored onion chips: Will you come?

[Full] Hx: ^^...

[Full] Dragonfly Fireworks: Fucking...

[Full] HURDISCO: It sucks...

[Total] Can Robots: Frogs...

[All] Potato-flavored onion chips: ??

[All] Potato-flavored onion chips: It's ticklish.

[Full] Letta: LOL

(Jangdol Master: Ge Heist)

(Jjangdol Master: Some Eyes)

(Cheon-soo: ᄌᄌ)

(Potato flavored onion chips: ᄃᄎ)

Of course, right before the establishment, when the guild name zlzonfibik was announced, there were many prospective guild members who jumped up and said they would withdraw, but in fact, everyone did! Potato-flavored onion chips are undaunted. Because I could never give up that name. Potato-flavored onion chips silenced prospective guilders, who were complaining that their guild names were bad, with 1:1 PVP.

zlzon saeshink. mystical Assassin who was enchanted with potato flavored onion chips at once. Where and what will he do now? What should I use for the keyboard and mouse? How sensitive is the mouse? Is the keyboard Cheongchuk, Galchuk, Red or Black? Did you have dinner? I always log on after midnight, so I'm sure they'll eat and log in. Did you eat something delicious? What are you eating that controls you so well? Ah, I want to eat chicken...….

Potato-flavored onion chips came up with zlzonsinsink four times a day, like a man with lovesickness. That's how much control it was.

The guild name also comes from his nickname. When I first saw it, I thought it was copper, but in fact, it was potato-flavored onion chips, his own taste. My heart trembled whenever I saw the guild name above my head. Just by looking at the guild name, I thought the control would be better.

Sometimes I was so glad to see him at dawn PVP that my hands trembled. When I talked to him pretending to know, he didn't answer, but he waved his hand roughly and made a gesture of greeting. I didn't chat even if I died. It was like a concept bug, but it was cool. Originally, there is a slight difference between a conceptworm and a coolness.

In any case, although we set up a new guild, we had to raise the guild level to get good benefits. The zlzonfibik guild did not rise to zero because guild level-up points were mainly obtained through lads and dungeons.

Are you getting the mercenaries? While potato-flavored onion chips were seriously contemplating, the Asta Chronicles of Gotgam carried out an update on the guild reorganization. The first thing I noticed was that guild PVP was updated to earn guild points with PVP. He slapped his knee. This was for nothing!

Potato-flavored onion chips circled the PVP as soon as the server opened. Spinning like a dog. I played guild PVP with guild members, only eating and breathing.

[Overall] Hx: Nice to meet you.Haha

[All] Potato-flavored onion chips: Be gentle.

[All] Hx: Of course~^

(Potato flavored onion chips: concentrated)

(Potato-flavored onion chips: Hex and stuff)

(Potato flavored onion chips: Do your best)

(Jangdol Master: ᄌᄌᄌ)

(Potato flavored onion chips: win unconditionally)

(Cheonsoo: OK)

Potato-flavored onion chips ran on a ride and spread poison items on the weapon. It was an item that gave 'poison' over the period of application. The price range was quite high, but I had to do my best as my opponent was Hearst.

Above a field of snow. Two guilds stood on both hills, with the central plain between them. It was the seat of Heist on the left and zlzonfibik on the right.

Potato-flavored onion chips glanced over the members of the Hearst Party. That ugly green armor is a tin robot, and the tanker is Paladin alone. The waist disco is a sodmaster, and the dragonfly fireworks shoot is Summer. The black coat was clearly pointed out. I could recognize him at once, not to mention Hx.

There are two people I haven't seen before. Who is it? He put his face close to the monitor. Of course, that didn't make the character look any closer. Anyway, I made a point.

(Potato flavored onion chips: tang palladin)

(Potato flavored onion chips: Hill is alkyrang-free)

(Jang-dol-master: It's probably alke-intelligent)

(Jjangdol Master: Free Intellectual Partner Hiller?)

(CHEN-SOO: I thought you were looking for Hermie partner healer;)

Come to think of it, a few days ago, said the waist disco. It was about how I got a good, good, good-natured partner, healer, and I got a lot nicer these days. It was much more persuasive to hear that Musketeers was a new job, as he accepted all the intellectual characteristics and was a good partner.

At the time, I thought the Heist kids were going back to their happy party. Was it true?

Potato-flavored onion chips shrugged as they rubbed their jaws. Well, you can check for yourself whether you're really good or not. Potato-flavored onion chips went a different way from the party members in silver.

[Review of the work]

If I just use the PVP... Strangely, it's getting longer... I'll be right back.

Pleasant update

(Cheonsoo: Ah)

(Cheonsoo: ᄅᄅ바바바)

(NOSE NOSE: ᄋᄋ쌉 쌉쌉바))

(Jangdol Master: Eva)

(Cheon-soo: Don't you know Samjin-ba's rejection?) Gukrulmorne a;)

Suddenly, the chat window seemed to go up, and there was a snowstorm in the central field. It was like Blizzard Effect. I didn't expect to use Blizzard in the group PVP. It was rare for all eight party members to know how to deal with Blizzard.

Since it wasn't his job anyway, the potato-flavored onion chips were headed toward the rear tower of Heist with a silent tribute, though guilders wouldn't even see them.

When you accumulate this much experience in games, you gain the ability to see the future without realizing it. In this case, there were two futures.

The first is to ignore Assassin and push it with central dogfight firepower. Most choose this method. Because there were many guilds who thought they would win the Junganggae Ssam match without Assassin.

Zlzonfibik took the rear tower first, aiming for that loophole, and took a strategy of stirring both in the rear and in the front. Most of them collapsed after failing to respond to sudden attacks from the rear. It's not called a dead body for nothing.

The second is to anticipate the first situation, and to keep Assassin in check by placing a highly mobile character in the rear tower. From an Assassin's point of view, the enemy was more difficult and enjoyable to deal with. This is because the winning or losing of the Central Gaesam Island and the Rear Tower One-to-one also depends on the physical.

Potato-flavored onion chips hummed. Hx knew his style of play, so he would have sent someone to the rear tower. If either Pensor and Summoner, both of whom are mobile, came, it was sure to be a troublesome fight. Breathless, he approached the rear tower of the Heist.

But it was not the pence or the summerner who rode the dragon and shot the Bresse.


It was a slender and fragile Newbie Priest Hillzulang.

Hiljulang took out the golden staff and stood still. Potato-flavored onion chips were confused. What is it? Do you mean I can apply it as a prest? Or did you leave Newbie in this scary PVP world? Realize the brutality of the PVP? Are the others ambushed?

The potato-flavored onion chips clenched their fists, though the intent of the Hast was unknown.

I don't know. Ggongseung, gaegul!

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