{Intellectual: If Allowed}

{President of the Merchants Association: I}

President of the Merchandise Association: I bought it.

{President of the Merchants Association: En route to the semi-finals of the King's Game.

{President of the Merchants Association: No free admission tickets needed.

{Intellectual: Transferable?}

President of the Merchandise Association: O.K. transfer.

He must have got a ticket, and Sung quickly switched to whispering again.

/Early point: Mr. Maosangchu, president of the Association,

/Audience: Tickets remain.

They're handing it over.Haha

/Heal to the ear: Ah...

HELP: Can I take it?

Everybody wants to get close to you.

/Audience: Because I like it.

Listen: Come with me.

After so whispering, Sung sent a messenger to the spirit. If Choi Soo-bin goes to the showcase, would he be able to pick him up? A manly spirit gladly replied, "I will."

Meanwhile, Choi Soo-bin's answer was also in the chat room.

I'll pay for the gas.

Just... just come. Sung Cha-hyun shook his head. No matter how hard I think about it, Choi Soo-bin was so nice that it was a problem.

Hello, I'm your parent, Newbie.ten thousand

[*OvO*]: Haeryong Serto Gashilbun@@@@@@@@@@

[Intellectual]: Are you free from broad daylight?

[*OvO*]: Did you hit yourself or would you like to go?

[Intellectual]: ᄂ

[Intellectual]: Café.

[Disco Samba]: He's on his assignment.

[Can]: ᄍᄍ

[Bukan Mountain] Focused From today, ASTAR Yonsei University's internet cafe coupon has been released

[Bukan Mountain]: Dog honey information of an ideal FIFA part-timer

On the weekend morning of the PC room, a part-time North Korean cheeseburger asked for honey information.

[Disco Samba]: Oh, from today? ᄃ;;

[Bukanshan]: Yes, but you haven't been to Wolfie's yet.

[Bukan Mountain]: I'm on weekend.

[Bukan Mountain]: I told my part-timer to leave out some coupons when he gets them ^^)7

[Disco Samba]: Mine too ^^)7

[*OvO*: What's the reward for this FIFA coupon?

[Bukanshan] J.M.B.I.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.

[Bukan Mountain]: (photo)

[Bukanshan]: Moose.

[Bukanshan]: Black leather rider jacket costume

[Bukan Mountain]: It's a must-have item for rice.

[Yong Yong]: ᄃᄃᄃᄃᄃᄃᄃᄃᄃ

[Yongyong Yong]: Man who passed the reclamation

[Hex]: I don't know what it's like to have a good shot at Ingam.

[Hex]: Just looking at the coupon image,

[Hex]: You look fine, don't you? I'm going to take it.

[Let's do business]: With this P.B. coupon, you'

[Bukan Mountain]: This is... An obedience to tyranny?

[Let's do business]: Hmm.

[Let's do business]: Gantok, G^^^

[Bukan Mountain]: Yes 네^

[Can]: Ha... I'm gonna have to go around the internet.

[Summer annual leave] ;;; 생 look like a coffee shop after work

[Flustered]: Today's lunch is in the kitchen.

[Upwarding Musketeers]: I'm on a business trip...…

[Hex]: I'll get your stuff.^^

[Direct killer]: I don't have time to go to the internet cafe--;

[Bukan Mountain]: Jikkal. Are you working overtime again today?

[직거래살인마]: ᄋᄋ 낼도 야근

[Direct Murder]: Working overtime the day after tomorrow.

[Upset]: LOL. I'm not lonely because of you.

[Direct killer]: We're getting a little lonely.

[Direct Murder]: I'

[MUKET UP]: Please do...…

[ᄅᄐ]: ᄏᄏ직살님거

[ᄅᄅ]: I brought it to you.

[*OvO*][*OvO*]: Mine, too.^^

[ᄅᄅ]: ᄂᄀ?

I heard a lot of messages are coming up in the guild chat room today, but I guess it was today that the PC room coupon was released. Because it was lunchtime, office workers were also actively participating. Kakao Talk, which opened its doors with PC room coupons, gradually took a side road, and soon guild members began to discuss the beggarly probability of a new random box. Normally, Sung would have joined in cursing the probability of random boxes.

But Sung didn't have time to read Kakao Talk in leisurely. Why? Because I have an assignment! When I'm at home on a vacant day, I turn on the Asta Chronicles without realizing it. So he took his laptop and his major book to the cafe. After many years of experience, he also won a sunny window table.

All right, boys. You guys make a noise. I also curse random box probability for my share, and I also put some inquiries on the inquiry board. I do my homework. Sung Cha-hyun peacefully turned off the guild chat room's alarm. Then he clenched his teeth and began beating on the laptop keyboard.

But for a moment, a message popped up in the lower right corner of the screen. It was Choi Soo-bin.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: Intellectual.

[CHOI SOOBIN(Heal)]: Did you bring the coupon for the internet cafe?

There's no time for that. You want to piss me off?

If he were a friend or a guild member, he would have answered like that, but his opponent is Choi Soo-bin It seems like it's already ruined, but anyway, it's a cute newbie that Sung Cha-hyun is doing his best to manage his image. Sung replied kindly.

[Sung Cha-hyun]: No.

[Sung Cha-hyun]: For a while because of the assignment,

[Sung Cha-hyun]: I don't think I can get near the PC room.

[Sung Cha Hyun]: ᅲᅲᅲ

When he sent a crying emoticon, Choi responded with a patting emoticon. After exchanging emoticons for a while, Choi Soo-bin asked.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: Mm.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: I'm going around the PC room looking for that coupon.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: Should I bring something for you, too?

Oh, heal-jul-lang! Choi Soo-bin had the talent of saying only good things to hear. Sung Cha-hyun was so happy that he was caught up in the violence of wanting to beat the table, but he was a man of manners to keep in public.

So instead of knocking on the table, I put hazelnut syrup three times and inhaled the signature chocolate with a lot of whipped cream. I came to my senses when the sweetness that I didn't like filled my mouth. Only then could I tap the keyboard in peace.

[Sung Cha-hyun]: Ah.

[Sung Cha-hyun]: I'd appreciate that. Haha

[Sung Cha-hyun]: I'll give you some depth.

[CHOI SOOBIN (healing)]: It's okay.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: Then I'll take your intellectual stuff, too.^^

Choi Soo-bin sent a running bear emoticon. Sung responded with a bear emoticon drawing a heart. The 1 next to the emoticon did not disappear. He seemed to have left the PC room expedition. Yeah, I'm really doing my homework too. Sung Cha-hyun took control of his mind, thinking about the coupons Choi Soo-bin will send.

* * *

About an hour later, when Sung Cha-hyun was organizing the material by flipping through his major books, a message appeared again in the lower right corner of the screen.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: Intellectual.

[CHOI SOOBIN (healing)]: Where are you now?

[Sung Cha-hyun]: ?

[Sung Cha Hyun] I'm at a cafe right now.

[Sung Cha-hyun]: I'm working on my assignment.

Why are you asking for the location? Choi Soo-bin replied quickly when I answered with a little puzzled.

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