[slrspdla: Uploading new weapons soon]

[slrspdla: Are you here to farm?]

[slrspdla: Filming]

[Yonggari Fireworks: Just in time to stream;]

[Yonggari Fireworks: Big picture ᄌᄌᄌ?

[Hx: ^^ Make sure you save the video. Haha]

Besides, 'sold. ' or 'I live. Slrspdla, who only responds to the chat, becomes a heart fairy....... asked the waist disco, jumping in place.

[Huridisco: Main Jwa-ga]

[Huridisco: Back to Pucklinori]

[Huridisco: Is that them?]

[Hx: That's right, but not that's right.

[Hx: Gilded by us]

[HX: There are kids who folded up crying. ^^ Hehe]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: They're They]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Yellow Pollack Incident]

[OvO: What's the matter with the dried pollack?]

[OvO: Did they sell the dried pollack?]

[Intellectual: Once L]

Sung Cha-hyun suppressed his anger and calmly chatted with him, "No, why are they all those nine-member parties?" Anyway, he chatted calmly. It has been a long time since Sung Cha-hyun drank canned beer like water.

With the start of the race, North Korean cheeseburger, as usual, took the lead. The map was basically a symmetrical two-pronged road, and it was a way for each party to take care of the monsters that appeared in one direction.

And the way to boss field was broken in places, so I had to change the way with items obtained by performing certain actions, or step on the foot to open the door. For example, if you put a gear item that you can get by killing monsters in an empty space, the door to the next section opens.

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Baldil G.]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Back to the main post]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: The Mythology Puckles Should Be Quitted]

[Hx: Ah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh^^]

[Can Robot: ᄅᄋ]

As the party members entered the alley with a messy mix of pipes, small spring dolls poured out in a flurry. I could see a flying ship floating in the distance. Sung Cha-hyun threw the reagent bottles at the party members.

Rise Effect V!

Coming within range, Battlemage Hx launched a wide-area sustained attack, Thunderstorm, while Summoner Yonggari Fireworks shot summoned a medium-sized dragon and fired a Bresse. Until now, the effect of the drug, which was sprayed in advance, has spread like wildfire.

The monsters disappeared in a flash. The party members ran ahead and looked around the next alley. Only then were the main members of the guild running after them, as if they had just sorted out all the monsters.

After picking up all the gear pieces, the party members stood at the door of the tightly closed waterway. A huge door was blocking the way. The intellectual inserted a piece of gear into the left-hand manipulator of the door. Then the door began to move with a squeal.

The other door.

Basically, the 18-person race was designed intentionally because it required cooperation between the two parties.

[Yonggari Fireworks: When are the main seats coming?]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Ha ha. I folded it.]

[North Korean cheeseburger: No deal]

[OvO: You're going to lose your tongue]ᅲᅲ]]]

[Annual: Wake up quickly]

[Annual: Sea grapes must be dug up--]

The Hast party members were all lying on the floor or waiting for the main party members, pressing dance motion. Because the main members of the party had not yet arrived, the road to which the Haist party members had to move was blocked.

The yellow character of Bukhansan Cheese Burger, who was taking a flashy step, suddenly stopped.

[North Korean Cheese Burger: ?]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: They won't open our door]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Just going in?]

[Can Robot: ?]

[Annual: ?]

[Yonggari Fireworks: ????]

[OvO: What is it????????]

Lloyd's Square in Gongbangju will be sealed in 15 seconds.

"Lowly unscrupulous sons of bitches.”

said Sung Cha-hyun without breathing.

[Review of the work]

a pass necklace hanging around his neck.

The enemy meets at Reid.

Lloyd's Square in Gongbangju will be locked in 15 seconds.

"Lowly unscrupulous sons of bitches.”

Sung said without breathing. At this rate, they had to waste 15 seconds while building up their contribution to the deal. The tonic is the best item to take or not to take. In other words, I'm not angry because I don't want to waste chemicals. It's a bad thing, but if you say it was a mistake, you could have let it go. However, the problem is that the other party is guild members of the main guild.

"Mr. Intellectual..."... are you very angry?”

Angry Sung suddenly calmed down. It was because of a voice from a discode voice chat. asked carefully the low, soft voice that sounded good. It was the first voice I've heard since Beatrice. I guess it wasn't really AI. After completely disposing of the Hiljulang AI theory, Sung regained his original calm energy.

"It's okay. They used to be famous for their bad manners... We got a dog...No, I was robbed. But I think he's back. I used to have a bad relationship with my guild."


"What... think you stepped on shit. They're not supposed to meet. I'll get you some tonics."

Even if Choi Soo-bin tried to dissuade him, he roughly ignored Sung Cha-hyun. Originally, the deceased had the habit of showing off their wealth to Newbie.

The party members were only able to enter the boss field after 15 seconds. It had already been after the main party members reduced the boss' stamina by a fifth.

"I'll put on the cure flow."

Choi Soo-bin said cautiously. Sung answered steadily, only repeating that he wanted to twist all the parts of the main seat.

"Yes, don't worry about the tanker's stamina because I'm going to spray Dempsey and Persistent Hill Potion. It doesn't hurt that much, so I just need to care about one person."

"I can cover it...”

"You can't hit the boss at the next kimic anyway, so you don't have to walk Doth and Debuff. Save your mana and take care of the dealer's physical strength. ”

While Sung Cha-hyun and Choi Soo-bin were coordinating their heel skills step by step, quiet Hx entered the chat.

(Hx: Your party)

(Hx: You need a lot of tonics.^^)

(Hx: If You Could Tell Me)

(Hx: Rolling around in our guild warehouse)

(Hx: I would have donated ^^)

(Hx: No matter how dusty it is)

(Hx: Even if you collect the dust... I think it's a dusty maggot.

Normal height? I mean, it would have started with no, and ended up with no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it would have been like that, but it wasn't like Hx. Above all, the opponent was the main position. In other words, they are the key figures who somehow fed a permanent suspension of user wishes that revealed the sun monopoly of twilight. I shouldn't have made a book for nothing. Of course, I have a lot to say.

(Annual: replace 100 YOU sea grapes with 10 ME enhancers) Ear@@@@@)

(Huridisco: Mr. Hurdisco has thrown away X10 tonics.)

(OvO: I don't want you to open the door.ᅲᅲ)))

(OvO: No manners, no manners, no manners.

(OvO: Huck; rhymed)

(OvO: Let's go out to show me the money.) LOL)

(Yonggari Fireworks: LOL You have to be fair.)

(Yonggari Flame Shoot: Ah~ That's it~)

(Yonggari Fireworks: You're not confident in your deal~)

(North Korean Cheese Burger: With such a deal and a mindset.)

(North Korean Cheese Burger: For Shinhwa-Rade Trout)

(North Korean Cheese Burger: Maybe it's a little short of tin ^^^)

"Jikjeok, I'll look at Hill next time."


"And then poison damage."


"I'll also watch the tang attack with Doppem."

"I'll do that."

Although Choi Soo-bin is similar to AI, it is impossible for AlphaGo to cover the entire party's poison damage and the stamina of the tanker at the same time. Sung Cha-hyun said, "It's not that I'm not," so he quickly responded even though he was trying to calm down his anger. Choi Soo-bin answered shortly sullenly.


Sung Cha-hyun added after a brief silence.

"I'm not mad...….”

(Exclusion: ᄉᄉ)

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