Sung Cha-hyun did not tell anyone about his personal messenger, even though he had a face at an offline meeting. Game changer Sung Cha-hyun is not what to say, but games and reality must be completely separated. We've made guild group chat rooms anonymous chat rooms. What do I do with this?

While he was pondering a little, Hiljulangmaolang chatted again.

If you feel uncomfortable,

You don't have to tell me.

I'm so sorry about today's mistake.

Why are you so depressed? What's the big deal about killing a man? Sung Cha-hyun kicked his tongue and scratched his cheek. His prospective partner healer was so soft-hearted that it was a mask.

Well... if you talk about this and that on your personal chat, you'll be able to build trust more easily. The most important thing between partner healers is trust and intimacy.

Sung Cha-hyun was blinded by Shinhwa Raid and quickly finished rationalizing it.

/Audience: No.

/Early point: I'll be back in a little while with my personal disc

I'll send you a messenger ID.

HILDING: Really?

I'm not sure what I'm talking about.

HILL: Thank you.

In the village, hill-julang soft-julang, who never uses jumps, jumped up and jumped. Yeah, he likes it so much with a personal messenger. What can't I tell you?

Sung Cha-hyun hit a series of gentle smiling and petting motions and smiling facial expressions. Hiljulang and Malang pretended not to respond for a while and Ji-sung posed as a thumbs-up again. OvO, who was watching the scene, eventually couldn't stand it and made fun of his hands.

[OvO: I don't know. I wish I'd seen this.]

[OvO: I think he's done playing games...]ᅲᅲᅲᅲ]]]]]]]

But Sung answered insignificantly.

[Intellectual: She is?]

[Review of the work]

In the settings of the work, we have briefly summarized the game terminology, short profiles, and job descriptions of the Asta Chronicles. *^^* Thank you again today!

We're not the only ones doing this.

Cafes in the main campus were always crowded. Thanks to this, taking a good corner seat was like picking a star in the sky, but even college students who attended school as they attended school have their own know-how, just as there is a route that only the deceased know in the game. The lecture starts at the same time, so if you enter the cafe 20 minutes before the lecture starts, you'll be free. Sung Cha-hyun sat in a great corner and opened the laptop.

Reports, teaming, reports, reports, presentations. At the age of 26, the last semester of the fourth year of business administration, Sung Cha-hyun was enjoying his college life very horribly, even though it was the last semester for his classmates to attend comfortably. My hand went into my fist by itself. This was all because of the Asta Chronicles. What a crazy game!

Two years ago in January, Sung finally escaped from Katusa. He shuddered at the cheers on the bus heading home. Ah! The world was so beautiful. You don't have to squander English against Americans anymore. Now, when I woke up in the morning, I could say hello in Korean!

And unfortunately, shortly after discharge, when even chewing stones was enjoyable, the Gotgam Astar Chronicles began its official service.

His friend, the merchant, was a latecomer who participated in both the Close Beta and Open Beta of the Asta Chronicles. Having participated in both Close Beta and Open Beta, he was convinced. Oh, I'll make some money if I sell this game! The merchant lured him, saying, "There is God-Game," and the game-chang Sung Cha-hyun immediately installed the Asta Chronicles without refusing.

A merchant, a Paladin tin robot who has mastered the face in Open Beta, an infighter that the tin robot brought from another game, and finally pointed out Alchemist. A great tanghildildill 4-person party has been completed. Since the game was God-games, as the merchant said, Sung enjoyed the Asta Chronicles, properly balancing the reality with the game.

The problem broke out in May. After returning to school, Sung Cha-hyun was like, ah! You have to go to school hard! You should get good grades! I will do my homework hard! The Asta Chronicles updated the ranking game of the guild at a time when they were burning their will. Hast entered the harsh world of ranking games.

In the first Guild Ranking match, the main and the Heist Guild fought bloodily for the No. 1 Guild Ranking the guild. If the main post was first on Monday, Hayst took back the top spot on Tuesday.

Sung Cha-hyun clenched his teeth and collected guild points like a dog in the midst of the overflowing challenges, group projects and a feast of reports. I wouldn't have thought of anything if I was in 10th place, but I couldn't let go of it because I was in 1st place every day. Do you think I can't win first place? You don't think you can do it? Sung played the game even if she had a nosebleed. I also did my homework.

As Assassin user's wish revealed that the main seat guild had spread false information and monopolized it, most of the main seats were suspended, and Heist won the first place in the guild rankings, but he was not the first to win the title with his skills and efforts. Because of that, Sung Cha-hyun was angry. In jargon, yama was in the air.

Thinking of the main guilds, my head went up again. But Sung knew. It's wise to write one more letter in that time!

I took a deep breath slowly. This report is submitted at midnight. Which means that today's game access... Never had it. The moment I sighed for a long time, the messenger alarm went off. Heal julang was soft.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: Intellectual.

[CHOI SOOBIN (Heal)]: When are you going to log in today?

[CHOI SOOBIN]: I've practiced something. I'd like some feedback.

[Sung Cha-hyun]: I have a submission assignment by midnight today.

[Sung Cha-hyun]: I don't think I'll be able to get through...

[CHOI SOOBIN (healing)]: Ah...

[CHOI SOOBIN (healing)]: I can't help it.

[CHOI SOOBIN (healing)]: Today, too.

[CHOI SOOBIN (healing)]: Cheer up. intellectual lol

[CHOI SOOBIN]: I'll be waiting.

Here comes the emoticon of a yellow bear cheerleading. Sung answered with an emoticon of pink peaches. I can't believe I can't access the game while my customized healer Hilljulang is waiting! I missed him so much today.

But you have to do what you have to do. After inhaling the L-size iced Americano, Sung began to pay back his past karma step by step. Heads up, you bastards. Just stand out.

* * *

[Huridisco: Ha...…]

[Jigsaw: What's wrong?]

[OvO: It's obvious...…]

[OvO: That's what I want to do as a necroman...]…]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: When will disco come back?]

[Firework: Do you want me to meet Com Specifications?] ᄇ]]

[Huridisco: Ha...………]

Since sealing off his character as a career necromancer, he has suffered from a terrible sense of frustration. Sodmasters were just as strong as they were, but they just... It was a job that only wielded knives. It doesn't have a thrilling taste. Necromance may have a lot of lag, but it's fun to play dozens and hundreds of skeletons! The effect is black, and the skulls are running around and banging! I want more simplification options!

Hurdisco wrote on the inquiry board once a day, and received a friendly reply from GM. Of course it's a macro answer.


Hello, sir, sir! This is GM Lingling who is working hard for the warriors today.

(See you again. Hello.)

Your inquiry has been received normally.

(You always write the same thing, so I'm going to copy it, too.)

GM Lingling has delivered your valuable opinion to the development team! Please look forward to future balance patches! ^^

(I've delivered it, but I don't know when it's going to be patched, so you should get another job! ^^)


I've already got the Sodmaster, ♡♡...

Maybe these guys think it's a good thing to say when they put ^^ on it? It's an old saying that you can't spit on a smiling face. The lumbisco could now spit on the monitor, too.

Without raising reasonable doubt, the lumbisco trudged and squatted in front of the fields of the Guild Castle. Today, a can robot covered in green full-length armor was watering sprouts that grew in the field. The sprouts, which were hit by the drop of water, danced slowly.

[Huridisco: Robot, what are you doing?]

[Canbot: The flower of Azeth]

[Huridisco: Is it expensive?]

[Can Robot: ᄂᄂ]

[Can Robots: I'm going to make you a potion]

[Can Robot: Potion for Healers]

Even though it was a question running to the end of capitalism, the tin robot answered faithfully. Like a guild with a merchant, if you look at him or him, it's... "Is it expensive?" I got used to it when I first, I got used to it.

The pink buds rose from the creeping shoots.

[Heal's soft: It's okay]

[Can Robot: It'll be useful on the next race]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: ᄆᄌᄌ]]]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Newbie's got to take whatever it's given]

[Hill and dry: haha]

[Hillin' soft: I'm not Newbie]

[Huridisco: Ah, Gormyo Malang, you're all grown up]

[Yonggari Flame Shot: Gorum Gorum]

[Fierce: Crazy Newby]

[OvO: Young man, latest language, congratulations]

Today, Hill Jullang insisted that he was not a Newbie, but the guild members of the deceased didn't pretend to hear Newbie's argument and were just as cute as they were. What a peaceful guild chat! It's been almost a month. The waist disco rubbed his nose.

Hast's Guild Master pointed out that during his Gongpot life, his already dirty personality got worse. He admitted himself. In addition, abusive language has developed even more, so there has never been a day when empty hearts for cursing filtering are not visible in the chat window. Thanks to this, the nickname "Heart Fairy" points out.

However, he spotted Hiljulang as his partner healer (without the consent of the parties). Later, he began to refrain from selling his conscience and swearing. He started managing images in his own way.

The tin robot, who saw it, cherished Hiljulangmulang, calling it Bokdung, and other guild members, including Hildisco, also adored Newbie Malang. Thanks to Hiljulang, the Guild Master didn't put his name on the incident board, he stopped doing the Hart Angel, and he was able to go to the Myth Raid!

In fact, the last reason was the biggest.

Newbie, who started the Asta Chronicles about a month ago. His excellent control and skills are appealing to the criticism of the broken-hearted, and his former partner Hiler is receiving the favor he has not received. He pretended to be nice in front of the audience.

The waist disco thought. Isn't this a perfect setting for a romance novel?

The tin robot poured fertilizer into the buds. The waist disco also stood up one by one and pulled weeds that grew next to the buds.

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Gil-ma-nim today]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Why are you late?]

[Yonggari Flame Shot: The Great Wall Game...]]

When I saw the clock, it was 8 o'clock. Some point out that the GAMchang, which accesses at 6:30 p.m. at the latest, has yet to be accessed. The waist disco tilted his head.

[Huridisco: Glue]

[Huridisco: You still haven't logged in]

[Hx: Usually at 6:30. But...]

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