123 – Siege of Villa Hora (5)

After saying that I would secure the left side, I immediately took steps to go left.

I may be assuming the most dangerous position, but as the saying goes, ‘If the king doesn’t move, his men don’t move either.’ …

As a commander, I have to treat the soldiers under me like pieces on a chessboard and lead them to victory, but…

‘The guys here are also people with emotions of joy, anger and sorrow.’

Who, other than a robot or machine, would want to take the lead in such a dangerous siege?

So, I have to set an example by being at the forefront so that other guys can fight hard in the hope that they will also make a contribution and return alive.

As if to prove that my thoughts were right, they all cheered as I stepped forward.

“Century Commander, I trusted you!”

“Century Martin is on his way out, everyone get out of the way!”

“f*ck, we are the first to plant a flag in this castle!”

Some guys gave praise by beating their swords against their shields as if they had won everything.

“Captain, if we win today and go back, I’ll give you drinks and women!”

Seeing people like him so much, I think it was really a good idea to take on the role of a dangerous leader once again.

“Otto, please take care of me!” “If you don’t do a good job blocking it from behind, me and the kids will all die!”

“Don’t worry!”

“Okay, then the riders raise their flags and send a signal to pour in some magic and arrows near the left watchtower!”

I took all possible measures in advance to attack and occupy the left watchtower.

I raised my sword and aimed forward.

In that state, he took a deep breath and used his aura to shout in a loud voice as if he were using a huge speaker.

“My name is Martin Mayer, the centurion of the Whitebeard Mercenaries. “You bastards who don’t want to die, surrender on your own!”

You may not be able to surrender even if you want to because these narrow castle walls are so close together that you would be envious of a crowded bus, but this is the best way to break their spirits.

“If you don’t want to surrender, you can die!”

At the same time as I said those words, I released a strong aura and decapitated the guy in front of me.

When the blood of the decapitated bastard gushes out like a fountain, I take that as a signal and focus my Aurors on my feet, striking them inward and beginning to massacre them.

‘You should be careful not to waste aurors and stamina. When dealing with these idiots.’

I refrained from making unnecessary movements loudly or raising my speed or voice as much as possible.

Such things are not only done by cowards who are afraid of death to hide their fears, but flashy and meaningless movements in war…

It’s the same as begging to stab the enemy, leaving out your own stamina and giving the enemy an opening.

As I kept my mouth shut and killed the enemy, I could see the enemy soldiers around me trembling.

“It’s a monster! Driver, bring the drivers!”

A certain piece of trash had his lower body completely soaked and was so weak that he knelt down.

“f*ck! “Even those knights couldn’t beat that bastard!”

I thought they were really cute while looking at these scared babies.

Oh, it’s not because I’m a guy who exposes men, but because fear is contagious like a contagious disease.

If there is one guy who is so scared that he can’t do anything, there will be a series of other kids who lose their minds.

“Hey, save people! “I have a wife and children!”

‘This is how it happens.’

If you were fighting on the plain, you would be spared if you laid down your weapons and surrendered, but in a siege war, you cannot be saved because there is no space, which is a slight flaw.

‘If you save the person who surrendered, they may surrender in a hurry.’

But what can I do? I have to kill him.

“Be free and go to heaven.”

Those who lost the will to resist were simply massacred without being able to properly resist me.

Up until now, they had been resisting quite vigorously, such as swinging a spear at my neck or trying to break my earthen pot with a mace…

‘Fear is the best at breaking people down.’

Feeling proud, I swung my sword without stopping to kill as many as one person.

Resistance is almost gone, so with a little bit of exaggeration, it’s nice to be able to kill them easily and quickly, like a sword cutting through the air.

“Follow me! f*ck, let’s break through the watchtower and conquer the castle gate today!”

The guys behind responded with shouts.

“Century Martin, please give us a chance to do our part.”

“Please change the vanguard!”

“It is enough for you to come to our rescue in times of danger.”

Someone might mistake this as an unpleasant sound telling them to retreat to the back room, but I have been dealing with the enemy from the front for at least an hour, and up to two hours at most.

Since the consumption of stamina and aura has been considerable, they think they need to take a breath and take a break, so they say things like that.

“You can do well, right?”

At those words, our white 3rd platoon leader, Schumacher, stepped forward, pounding his chest.

“We will show you a performance that exceeds your expectations!”

Then, several people, including him, naturally ran in front of me.

“Whitebeard Mercenary Squadron Commander Schumacher is leaving! “Get out of the way!”

Behind Schumacher, the other guys also shouted as they stuck their swords into the enemy’s throat.

“Hermann is leaving! If you don’t want to die, get out of the way!”

Perhaps it was because I suppressed the enemy’s momentum that they were smoothly opening the path to the watchtower…

Screams of soldiers were heard from the right.

“Save people! Ouch! Arrow! “It’s an arrow!”

“Those crazy bastards, magic…”

“Ugh, it’s hot!”

A barrage of magic, including the fireball, which is the most lethal among beginner magic, and even arrows are being fired like crazy at our allies?

‘f*ck, why does this happen when everything is going well?’

I was expecting it, but it breaks my heart when it happens like this.

If you want to get out of this terrible situation even for a second, you have to run so that you can take over the enemy watchtower as quickly as even a second…

To do that, it would be right for me to be at the forefront.

‘But right now I need to catch my breath so I can run wild when it’s more important.’

If you are motivated by emotions and try to save your allies, you could end up losing not only your life but also that of others.

“Dig forward! And the guys on the right, raise your shields and block arrows as much as you can!”

Giving the best command I could give right now, I began to catch my breath.

Although it is difficult for Aurors to recover, they can recover their stamina.

After a while, the screams of soldiers were heard from a watchtower a little distance away.

“aaah, sh*t! It’s magic! “Fire back!”

“What we’re carrying is a spear, so why are we freezing to death?”

“Enemy wizards are attacking us, take cover! “Cover me!”

‘The guys in the watchtower are probably attacking our soldiers coming from behind.’

The reason is that if the watchtower is occupied, the castle will be breached immediately, so it is right for the defenders to kill us on the castle wall first.

This is because they will try to kill each and every one of them, starting with those on the castle walls.

From noble mtl dot com

And if those guys attack me or the vanguard who are close to their allies with magic or arrows, their allies could also suffer damage…

‘What they are targeting are those behind the castle walls.’

“Raise the flag and ask for maximum reinforcement of troops in the rear! “We have to change people here to win!”

Just a few tens of seconds later, as I expected, I heard the screams of those dying from the enemy’s magic from the side of the castle wall where the bridgehead was located.

“Fire, turn off the fire!”

Of course, numerous arrows cut through the air from the watchtower, aiming for the rear.

“It’s an arrow! Shield! 100 Million.”

If you want to escape this situation as quickly as possible, there is no other way than to capture the watchtower as quickly as possible…

‘Even considering my physical strength, I have to wait now.’

“Be patient, be patient…”

And while I was controlling my emotions and thinking about how to break through the watchtower…

A girl’s voice was heard from the watchtower.

“I, Hilde Bauman, a junior knight of the Baron Kuttner family, will stand at the forefront and stop that mad dog! Everyone get out of the way!”

When I heard the name Hilde Baumann, I had a flash of memory and a thought that made no sense.

Isn’t Hilde Baumann the name of a heroine who, like Lucia, belonged to the main character’s party?

Of course, the surname Bauman is as common as ‘Choi’ in Korea, and if you gather 30 women, there is at least one named Hilde…

I may be wrong, but my heart raced in anticipation.

‘At the same time, we needed someone other than Otto who could lead from the vanguard…’

Her saliva was swallowed by her greed to have her as my subordinate.

Then I sighed.

“Hey, they say in the original work, before you met the main character, you were in a family of idiots… Was it here? “Aren’t I the main character at this level?”

As soon as I thought that, I immediately gave an order.

“I’m dealing with that b*tch! “Everyone, step back!”

Even though I said so, the guys fighting at the vanguard had no intention of backing down.

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