The female lead went to heaven with the male lead with full of joy, and became a maid next to the Lord Yueci. Even the female lead is very happy as a maid, but this is in the heaven, she is a little elf. Here is just an existence that everyone looks down on. The God Lord Yueci has a precious status and has many admirers. There has never been a maid around him, and the hostess suddenly became a thorn in the eyes of those female fairies.

How easy it is for a tall female fairy to embarrass a little maid, even if the Lord Yueci has a heart to protect him, but what can be done, he can't always be by the side of the mistress all the time.

Those female celestial identities are precious. Even if the female protagonist is wronged, she can only verbally reprimand the female celestial beings. After that, the female lead greets only double embarrassment and punishment. As long as they find a high-sounding excuse, God The rules are strict, even if the **** of Yueci wants to protect it, there is no way.

The hostess was scared, so she stayed in the mansion of the **** of Yueci and couldn't get out of it. The mansion of the gods could not trespass. Even those hostesses were embarrassed and couldn't find a chance. The hostess just shrank like this and ushered in a clean day. , Yueci is the **** of war in the sky, busy with official duties, and the heroine has very little chance to see him, but even so, the heroine is still very happy, such a Japanese child owner has passed a thousand years.

A news broke the peaceful life of the heroine. The **** of Yueci was about to get married. The other party was a princess of the same noble Phoenix family. The hostess was very sad after hearing this. She had never heard that Yueci had a marriage contract. She thought Yue Ci likes herself, but Yue Ci is getting married, so what should she do? Many times, the heroine looked at the hero entangledly, hoping that the hero could take the initiative to give him an explanation.

But what is the explanation? Yueci has never said that she likes her, perhaps she thought it was her wishful thinking.

When the princess of the Phoenix clan came, the hostess hid and saw her. The princess was wearing a luxurious dress with countless servants beside him. She was noble, beautiful, and powerful. Unlike her, she had nothing. The hostess looked at her. Look at yourself, watching the appearance of the princess and the male protagonist talking very happily, the female protagonist finally couldn't bear it, and ran out. This is the first time the female protagonist has given a moon to the residence in a thousand years.

Yueci has a real engagement party. Instead of letting go of the heroine, those female fairies have become more aggressive in bullying the heroine. The princesses of the Phoenix clan can't afford it, and the heroine is a little elf with no background. Here, the persimmons have to be soft, even, they all vent their grievances against the princesses of the Phoenix clan on the hostess.

The hostess was bullied so badly, and finally couldn’t help but fight back. This was the first time she fought back. She accidentally injured a female fairy, even though the female fairy was only slightly injured, even if the female host’s body was hurt. The injury was far more serious than that of the female fairy. The female fairy, the female fairy’s family, including the heavenly court, were furious. Whether they were the heroine’s fault or not, a little elf dared to hurt people in the heavenly court. Punishment.

Yueci pleaded for the hostess, but the hostess was not sentenced, but confined in barren mountains for a hundred years.

The barren mountain is a dead place in the heaven. There is no life, no spiritual energy, and no cultivation. The hostess stayed alone in that place for a hundred years. For a whole hundred years, Yue Ci did not visit her once, and the hostess looked forward to it every day. , Hope, waiting for someone who will never come.

A hundred years later, the heroine returned to the mansion of the **** of Yueci alone, and learned that Yueci was leading soldiers to fight against the demons. The heroine was very happy. He thought that it was not Yueci that had forgotten herself, but that Yueci was busy and did not take it out. Time is up to her. The heroine learns a lesson. Before taking a half-step out of Yueci Shenjun's mansion, she doesn't want to have someone who can enter the mansion.

The princess of the Phoenix family, the fiancée of the **** of Yueci, the future mistress of Yueci Mansion, she came in, it was justified, and the hostess knew her status was low and she was afraid of causing some trouble. She was really afraid of a hundred years of claustrophobia, so she always avoided The princess, the princess was arrogant, and never regarded this humble little maid in his eyes. For a while, the two of them were still getting along well.

It’s just that the good times didn’t last long. A hundred years ago, the fairy who was hurt by the heroine learned that the heroine was back, so she thought about giving a severe lesson to the heroine, but it took a long time to wait for the heroine to come out. , The female fairy concocted some rumors and reached the ears of Princess Phoenix, saying that the female lord often seduce Yueci Shenjun.

I didn’t care about it once, and I didn’t care about it twice, but if I heard too many rumors, I would believe it. The princess suddenly became unpleasant when seeing the hostess, especially when the princess found out that the hostess’s appearance was indeed good, she was superior. The princess is the future mistress of the mansion this month. She picked two mistakes and sent it to the mistress.

The heroine was often punished, but she did not dare to resist at all. She couldn't resist. Yueci was gone, and no one could protect her. She looked forward to Yueci's return sooner day and night, but until the end, the heroine still did not. I could see the last side of Yueci. When the news came that the **** of Yueci was about to return from victory, the mistress was punishing her knees, while the princess servants surrounded her and drank tea leisurely.

Hearing this news, everyone was very happy, as did the female protagonist who was punished to kneel. A smile appeared uncontrollable on her face. It was this smile that made the princess kill the mistress, just a little maid. , Kill it, kill it.

The hostess died just like that. After a hundred years of claustrophobia and all kinds of embarrassment, the hostess was only a little short of seeing the person he was thinking of, and the hostess died at this time.

When the male lead Yueci came back, she didn’t even see the female lead’s body. The princess confessed that she did not dare to admit that she killed it. She was just a maid. She never thought that Yueci would be due to a child. The little maid embarrassed her.

But ah, Yueci retired from the princess in the princess's incredible eyes. Why? The hostess had saved him and was his savior, but apart from retiring, the princess received no punishment.

After that, the death of the heroine in the heavens did not cause any waves, and even the girl immortals clapped their hands in their hearts, because the **** of the moon was still the cold and snowy god, and no one could get close. Since he couldn't get it, Then don't get anyone.

Liu Weiwei saw the end of the story, but until the end she didn't know whether the hero Yueci liked the heroine or not.

Probably it was love, after all, Yue fired the princess's marriage and never married again.

Maybe it’s not love, if you love, why did you just simply reprimand you when the heroine was embarrassed by the fairy? If you love, why didn't Yue Ci ever go to see the heroine once in the hundred years of claustrophobic time? If you love, why did he be so calm when he heard the news of the death of the heroine, that he just retired from the princess?

But the hostess suffered all the grievances and tortures for him.

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