Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 96: Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (9

   Chapter 96 Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (96)

   He waited quietly until the cold water filled the entire bath.

   He lay in silently, took out the blade that he had prepared a long time ago, and slashed hard against his wrist.

  The scorching blood flowed out, and he watched indifferently as it continued to spread and spread along the water flow.

   The bathroom soon turned scarlet.

   was shockingly red.

   His eyes slowly closed, all the troubles in the world, and the rampant clamoring in his mind like an evil spirit, seemed to be gone with him at this moment.

   Never felt so peaceful and peaceful inside.

  The sound of water continues...

   "Small words." Father Han smiled and greeted him politely.

  Huo Qu's words came.

   "Hello, uncle." He also nodded and responded politely.

   Those who used to have a good relationship, he has broken up with Zuo Jiling and Jiang Cheng, and now the only one who still has contact is Han Shuqi.

  The table was already full of food, and the two of them waited downstairs for a long time, but they didn't wait for Han Shuqi to come down.

   "This kid, we made an appointment to have dinner together today. It's already afternoon, and he's still sleeping late." Father Han smiled helplessly, preparing to go upstairs and call him down.

  Huo Quci nodded, calm in his heart.

   Upstairs, Father Han called out Han Shuqi's name a few times, then rushed into the bathroom and slammed on the door! Almost frantically shouting his name!

   His pupils shrank, he sensed something was wrong, and ran upstairs in an instant.

"boom"! "boom!"

   They slammed against the door, Huo Quci turned pale, suddenly remembered something, and took out his pistol.

  's hand trembled, she had touched it before.

   After a few gunshots, they saw a bloody, sad and shocking scene in front of them.

   "Son! Son..." Father Han picked up his son, who was immersed in blood. His whole body was already cold, and his face was as pale as a dead man.

   He was out of breath, and he had never once felt so deeply how important his son was to him, and was the only pillar that supported him.

Huo Quci stood at the door dumbfounded, looking at Han Shuqi, who liked to play insidious and dangerous since he was a demon king. After the incident, no matter how miserable he caused the other party, Han Shuqi was always smiling and gloating. He had done a big job. Han Shuqi, who is not afraid of bad things.

   His face is now pale, his limbs are cold, his smile is no longer there, and there are drops of water on his eyelashes. The dazzling blond hair was wet and drooping with a dull color...

  Huo Quci was full of shock.

   A burst of chaos...

   Until the person was put into the ambulance and then transported to the hospital, when he was about to be sent to the emergency room, he approached him and heard him whisper softly. I don’t know if it was his delusion.

   "Little Jiaohua"

   Huo Quci's body trembled.

   That name buried deep in his heart that no one can easily touch...

   That evening, he waited at the door of the emergency room, bowed his head, and fell silent at the string of numbers on his mobile phone that was so familiar that it was carved into his bones.

   He didn't know what it was for, or who it was for.

   He looked at the phone, the fingers holding the phone were shaking, and he pressed the number.

  Jiaoyang drove the car to Jiang Cheng's house. She was now instructing people to move things. She wanted to remove all her things before Jiang Cheng came back.

   She sat quietly in front of the window, facing the comings and goings of people around her, as if she was used to it without feeling anything.

   The phone rang.

   She picked up the phone, looked at the string of numbers inside, and looked at it quietly for a while.

   She raised her finger and hung up the phone.

   There are two more chapters.



   (end of this chapter)

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