Quick Wear: Report to the Host, You have been Attacked!

Chapter 600: It's not me, it's the world 3

But this does not affect me catching her!

For such a small natural human, blood and genes have been baptized for two generations.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! This is a combination I never thought of. Maybe she can bring unexpected data to my experiment. "

"As long as you can let her go, we are willing to become experimental subjects!" Xi Yan's parents also kneeled down at the man.

"Dad, mom, what are you doing? What ... experiment?"

Xi Yan couldn't understand what they were saying.

What is a humanoid?

What is the experiment body?

What is she ...?

"You don't know yet." The man looked surprised.

He looked at his grandparents. "You actually want her to think that she is a normal person? I mean your ideas are too naive, or should you say you are too stupid?"

"No! Don't say it! Don't tell her!"

Everyone shook their heads desperately, weeping.

But their words did not stop men.

"Children, do you think you are like other children?

You are wrong, you are not human at all.

Do you know what you are You are a human being for humans.

Do you know what it means to live?

It is to make humans have stronger genes.

Your grandparents are the first generation of Cyborgs. I injected the powerful genes of all creatures into the body of the first generation of Cyborgs and let them grow freely.

An artificial person is a human replica, an experimental body, which is innately used for experiments.

The first generation of artificial people survived only four people. Your grandparents were two, and there were two, your grandparents.

Do you feel like you haven't seen your grandparents for a long time?

That's because they were just caught by us in the first two months. "

The man's words shattered Xi's world view.

She ... isn't she?

The meaning of her life is to give those powerful genes somewhere to grow, just to serve humanity with life?

How could this be……

"Well, now everything has been explained clearly, let's go, you family, you can see each other in the lab in no time.

This little boy has a few more years to live, and you will be my next anatomy. "

When the man said this, he didn't cover it up, so he just said it in front of Xi.

It will not take into account the impact of such words on Xi.

Because in his heart, Xi Gang is not a person, and he doesn't need to worry about any impact.

The next second, the man was thrown by grandparents.

"Take me away!" Grandpa shouted at Xi's father.

"Dad! Mom!" Xi Yan's father had tears in his eyes.

The man was overwhelmed, and grandma shouted, "Come on! Let's hold them! Don't avenge us, live well!"

Huh! Huh!

The continuous sound of gunfire rang in the room, Xi Xi saw the bullets hit the grandparents' body, but they did not bleed ...

Grandparents, it turns out that they are really not human ...

At this time, Xi Xi's parents took Xi Xi's hand and smashed the floor-to-ceiling window with her, even jumping straight from the 29th floor!

This feeling is even more exciting than a building jump!

It always fell straight down, but when it was close to the ground, it miraculously slowed down.

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