Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 614 I Have a Secret (2)

Yu Yue came to pick her up and sent her back to the community where she lived.

Seeing that he was much thinner, but there was no sorrow in Zhong Ling's eyes, Yu Yue couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, You should think about it again, if you really decide, call me.

Zhong Ling said that fulfilling the contract with the company as it is is not harmful to the company, but it may make Zhong Ling's condition worse.

She said all she had to say.

But looking at it from another perspective, if Zhong Ling didn't enter the entertainment industry, she didn't have any medical expenses, as well as her grandmother's medical expenses.

Okay Sister Yu, I'll think about it carefully. Yu Hua smiled, got out of the car, waved to Yu Yue who was in the car, and walked inside.

This is an old neighborhood.

Old but not broken.

This community was originally the family courtyard of several units. When it was built, it was regarded as a model building. The design, materials and construction were all at the first-class level at that time. Look shabby.

The five-story sloping top floor, the red brick exterior wall, and the corner window sills are painted with white decorative lines, which has a sense of modern beauty.

Compared with other old communities, the distance between the buildings here is very wide. Even though the parking spaces have been separated near the buildings due to the development of the times, there are still wide spaces in the middle that become small gardens between the buildings. For residents to cool off and children to play.

It belongs to the city center and life is very convenient.

Living comfort is high.

The house of Zhong Ling's family was acquired by Zhong Ling's grandfather, and later he bought it and became his own house.

The only downside was that Zhong Ling's family lived on the fourth floor, and it was difficult for grandma to go up and down the stairs as she got older.

Go up to the third floor and meet someone going downstairs.

It was a woman who appeared to be in her thirties.

Judging from her body shape, it can be said that she is only in her twenties, and a long-sleeved floral cotton skirt highlights her slender waist.

Seeing Yuhua, the woman raised the corners of her lips slightly, and her elegant face without makeup made people feel like a spring breeze, Lingling, you're back? I haven't seen you for a long time.

The woman is a neighbor who lives on the upper floor of the Zhong family.

She has a rare double surname, surnamed Duanmu, called Duanmu Mingying, she looks in her thirties, but she is actually forty-five, and has a sixteen-year-old son.

Zhong Ling liked this beautiful Auntie Duanmu very much. Because she lived close by, she often visited her when she was a child. After going to university, she had to attend classes and work part-time and had no time, so she seemed alienated.

Duanmu Mingying best fits the image of a mother in Zhong Ling's mind.

Yuhua showed six teeth and smiled, Well, I'm back, the exam is coming soon, I'm a little busy these days, is Auntie Duanmu going to the store?

Duanmu Mingying's life is also what Zhong Ling dreamed of.

Duanmu Mingying is not an old house here. She moved here more than ten years ago. She not only bought the house above Zhong's house, but also bought the five-story house on the other side.

The two houses were opened up, and the two-story two-bedroom became a large three-bedroom flat.

Because the fifth floor of the building here can be opened up, many people are interested in this, resulting in the price of the fifth floor being more expensive than the fourth floor.

Duanmu Mingying also bought a shop next to the community and opened a small bakery, which only opened for half a day every day, and sometimes put up a sign saying it was closed for a day when she didn't want to go.

Because the bread ingredients made in her shop are delicious, as long as they open the door, they can't be sold out.

Moreover, Duanmu Mingying bought the house alone, without a husband or mother-in-law to dictate, and lived here alone with her son.

Life is rich, leisurely and comfortable.

Duanmu Mingying nodded slightly, I'm going to the store to have a look. I'll bring you some butter buns later.

Yu Hua raised her eyebrows, Thank you, Auntie Duanmu.

Zhong Ling loves cream.

Duanmu Mingying smiled shallowly, Don't finish eating in one day, you will get fat by then, it depends on how you become a star.

Understood Aunt Duanmu. Yuhua raised a hand, I will definitely run more laps tomorrow.

Zhong Ling was more trusting and close to Duanmu Mingying, and told Duanmu Mingying about her signing with the entertainment company.

It's no wonder that Zhong Ling trusted her so much, the money owed back then was all from Duanmu Mingying. Later, when Zhong Ling came to return the money, Duanmu Mingying asked about the source of the money. Zhong Ling said that he had signed a contract with the company, so Duanmu Mingying accepted it.

He didn't say whether she should enter the entertainment industry or not, but only asked Zhong Ling to pay more attention to safety.

Go home quickly. I haven't seen you for a few days. Your grandma must miss you.

Auntie Duanmu will see you soon.

See you soon.

The two went upstairs and downstairs separately.

Xi Hua walked slowly.

She released her mental power on Duanmu Mingying.

She was right, Duanmu Mingying had radioactive substances on her body.

While in the hospital, Hua Hua found residual radioactive substances in his body and was suspicious.

However, the radioactive medical equipment used in the examination in the hospital may also be left over from that time, because there are very few residues.

Zhong Ling's family has never heard of anyone suffering from leukemia.

Zhong Ling got this disease, most likely caused by external factors.

The family house has not been renovated for many years, and the reason for the renovation was ruled out first.

After using the method of exclusion, the small possibility of long-term exposure to radioactive materials became a very likely possibility.

Xi Hua also had this consideration in wanting to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible.

What Zhong Ling cares most about is grandma, and her wish is to let grandma spend her old age peacefully.

If the radioactive material is in the house, the original owner will be harmed, and grandma may also be harmed.

Unexpectedly, remnants of radioactive substances were also found on Duanmu Mingying's body. Just like hers, there were very few residues.

Fortunately, Duanmu Mingying's body has not suffered from any disease for the time being.

Yan Hua's eyes darkened, and she quickly withdrew her mental power.

This body is not good enough.

I didn't dare to make major changes in my body in the hospital, and I was still weak in general.

She took out her key and opened the door.

Lingling. Grandma sat on the sofa facing the door, and when she saw Yu Hua coming in, she put her hands on the armrest of the sofa, trying to get up.

How Nai didn't give much strength to his arms, so he couldn't get up after a few times, so he changed his arms to bend his arms and put his elbows on the armrest.

Yu Hua hurried over and gently pressed her wrist, Grandma, don't get up, just sit like this.

By the way, she gave her grandma a pulse.

Grandma looked fat, but she was actually puffy. Her face was slightly yellow and she looked sick.

Just like the doctor's diagnosis, grandma's body is seriously worn out, and what she needs is good things to support her.

Hua Hua can do this.

She sat next to grandma.

Grandma's eyes are full of love, and the piled up laugh lines make her sick face go away, Lingling, how can I lose weight, I don't like losing weight, you are beautiful when you are strong.

Yeah, grandma is right, be strong and beautiful. Yu Hua agreed with this point from the bottom of her heart.

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