Quick Transmigration: Rescue Plan for the Misguided Villain Boss

Chapter 265: I play the emperor in the harem (79)

?For several days, Jun Zui ate and slept with her unscrupulously, and went to court together. All the officials who had something to look for the prime minister knew that the prime minister was now living in the palace, and he was directly in the palace of the sage.

At this moment, even the most heartless six servants felt a bit weird.

"Is the relationship between the emperor and the prime minister so good?" He muttered to himself, thoughtfully: "Could it be..."

Hubu Shangshu looked at him, wanting to hear what he had to say.

The rookie servant went on to say: "The emperor wants to send troops to Liang Kingdom?"

Hubu Shangshu looked at him and sighed long.

The rumors in the dynasty became more and more outrageous, and it was undoubtedly a torture for the little emperor who paid special attention to his emperor's power.

Living in the same room with the courtier, and this courtier is still committing crimes below the middle and lower courts, you can imagine how people outside will tell her.

Moreover, this courtier really, as rumored outside, pressed her under his body to grind each day.

Finally, a few days later, the little emperor broke out.

After having dinner in the evening, she did not go back to the bedroom, but went to the palace of the concubine.

The queen has not been in good health until now because of the events of her wedding day. She seems to be frightened and hides in the Fengqi Hall every day without seeing anyone.

The little emperor didn't want to scare her anymore, and simply turned over the brand of Li Fei, which was his favorite before.

This concubine was the enchanting woman on Jiang Youbang's bed that Ye Chuijin just passed through.

Since Ye Chuijin passed through, it has been difficult for Li Fei to see the emperor. This time the emperor was suddenly lucky. Before Li Fei was waiting for the surprise, her confidant turned pale.

"Niang Niang, this is not a good thing." His confidant panicked: "Now who doesn't know that the one on the throne is just a puppet. If the prime minister who really grasps the government is willing, he can replace it at any time. Now the prime minister has moved in. The king’s palace is undoubtedly showing great power, but at this critical juncture, the emperor comes to your palace..."

Li Fei was panicked after hearing this.

Fortunately, when the emperor's sedan chair was halfway, he was kindly invited back by Prime Minister Jun.

Li Fei's breath was not over yet, and an unexpected visitor came to her palace the next day.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The Prime Minister, who had just talked to his confidant yesterday, stood in front of her today.

Li Fei shook her body and greeted Prime Minister Jun into the palace at a loss.

Jun Zui entered Li Fei's palace with a smile on his face, and did not come out all night.

The rumors spread all of a sudden.

It seems that Jun Zui really wants to occupy the magpie's nest, and locks the little emperor in his bedroom every day, but he swaggers and waits for the concubines of the holy concubine that everyone in the world knows.

There was an upright officer impeaching him in the middle of the DPRK, but the degree to which Prime Minister Jun was so dark was beyond ordinary people's imagination. He wanted to do something against him, even if there was no reason to find flaws.

For a time, the atmosphere in the hall changed again.

In the past, they praised Jun and Prime Minister, and all the courtiers who were in the head of the horse were in danger.

Secretly, someone finally began to scold him for the traitor.

But Jun Zui holds great power, and the methods are quite powerful, even if someone scolds him, he can't help him.

The life of the little emperor in the harem became more and more sad.

Jun Zui knew that she cared about fame the most, and she couldn't do it in the past, but after drinking that glass of wine that day, the obviously non-toxic wine was mixed with the deadliest poison, turning his originally cracked heart into dead.

Since he decided to take revenge, why should he be so indecisive.


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