System 678 has known its destiny from the day it was born.

It is a salvation system, a system with a sacred mission.

Watching their hosts walk out of the haze with their own help and reap happiness, this is its happiest time.

Some of the hosts are very soft and cute, some are very domineering, some are very gentle, and some are very...very.

678 turned to a familiar face in the database, and the familiar name was below.

At first, it was inexperienced, and it was often returned to the main system for re-repair.

If it comes again, it must find those places back.

678 indignant.

After sending another host back to the original world and bidding farewell to the host, 678 received a new message.

The main system absorbs the energy of their sub-systems and uses this energy for upgrades.

And now, the upgrade is successful.

The successfully upgraded main system is also very scheduled, and the data in the database is flooded with waves. Then, the main system decides to put them for a three-day long vacation for these systems.

During these three days, they can stay in the main space for a comfortable rest, organize their own database, or go to thousands of small worlds to play.

678 looked at the large "sofa" in the main space-rows of system placement devices similar to U2B sockets, and then looked at the familiar face in the database.

It decided to take a look at the blue planet.

There is not even a ten-thousandth of a second in the circulation of data, and it will once again come to this earth.

Compared with the scenery when it came last time, the earth at this time seems to have made another qualitative leap in economy and technology.

This is the terrible thing about human beings, their evolution is always unconstrained.

678 was attached to a camera on the side of the street.

This is also the closest place to the person it detects.

The long streets are lined with low-rise houses, supported by many small stalls, some selling fried skewers and some selling fruit juice.

Ye Chuijin, wrapped like a bear, swayed from side to side and moved forward.

There are many people around, but she is well protected by those around her.

She was all in Gu Mingzhen's eyes.

"I want to eat ice cream." She blinked.

Gu Mingzhen smiled helplessly: "No, my sister is too young now."

This is the second child.

When Ye Chuijin decided to have a baby, Gu Mingzhen didn't agree with her. Although her body was brought back, in Gu Mingzhen's mind, she always seemed to be the one who was lying on the hospital bed and would break with a little effort.

Ye Chuijin also knew that his bottomless tolerance was not an atonement.

She doesn't need this kind of atonement. She doesn't even bother to think about whether the wounds hurt or not. She just wants the complete love of Gu Mingzhen.

So after Gu Mingzhen gave in again, she finally gave birth to a baby.

He is a handsome and beautiful little prince.

The elder brother looked very similar to Ye Chuijin, but with seven points more sharp edges and corners, and his temperament resembled Gu Mingzhen.

The arrival of the little guy made the entanglement between the two seem deeper.

Gu Mingzhen never quarreled with Ye Chuijin. If there were any conflicts, Gu Mingzhen always gave in first.

After having a child, Ye Chuijin suddenly said softly: "I can't do without you, can you be bolder?"

Gu Mingzhen was taken aback, but he was very courageous after being silent for a moment: "Let's have another daughter."

Sure enough, he still wanted a little princess.

I thought of the little princess's blood flowing on her body, as well as the blood of the person he loves most.

The blood of the two people stretched out in the same body, and they grew into a beautiful and noble little princess, just like he and her have left the longest love letter in time.

So a year after giving birth to her brother, Ye Chuijin finally got pregnant with a child again.

Gu Mingzhen is not good to her baby, he wants the stars and never gives the moon.

Ye Chuijin wanted to visit this snack street today, but Gu Mingzhen didn't stop him, so he had to take good care of her.

She wanted to eat ice cream but was not allowed, and all of a sudden there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

Gu Mingzhen's heart hurts, but he didn't give in: "In another three months, we will eat every day, okay?"

Ye Chuijin snorted arrogantly. Although her expression was not good, she didn't say anything.

The two of them drifted away along the golden river intertwined with lights, and they have been tightly side by side, relying on each other.

678 looked at the back of the previous host, and finally put the information card gently back into the warehouse.

She doesn't need the system anymore.

Gu Mingzhen was a little depressed, but he still agreed with her: "Then I will ask someone to remove the hot search in a while."

Seeing his low expression, Ye Chuijin suddenly felt like a scumbag, and after he got the person, he didn't give him a place.

It's easy to participate in a show, and the sunspot has to guess whether it is a show.

It seems a bit miserable.

Thinking about this, Ye Chuijin coughed again and said unnaturally, "In fact, it's okay to leave it alone."

Seeing Gu Mingzhen's expression brighten up, Ye Chuijin added cruelly: "But this time! Let's not take it as an example!"

She is still not used to showing affection in front of outsiders.

Gu Mingzhen chuckled and hugged her into his arms.

The spring is flourishing outside, and the winter is long gone.

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