Chapter 799 Gossip Queen: Boss, so innocent! 9

   Clicking camera sounded, the white flash was a little dazzling, and a group of people walked into the ward uninvited.

  The lens and the microphone are facing each other——

  Yan Yujiao didn't have time to react. Although the news of Sister Ya's hospitalization was accidentally exposed, the paparazzi most squatted outside the hospital to take pictures.

  Unexpectedly, some media reporters broke into the ward now, why did the doctors and nurses go!

  "Bai Xunya, is it true that you and a well-known married man read the script in the middle of the night? Please reply."

   "I heard people say that you have depression and you can't bear online violence and committed suicide at home. Do you really want to die?"

   "Is it true that the illicit materials on the Internet about you are true? Have you ever sat at a bar and been raised by a gold owner?"

  "Bai Xunya, please answer my question. Some people say that you committed suicide with a feigned suicide to win everyone's sympathy. Is this true?"

   "Ou Yu said that you are unfamiliar with him, did you deliberately borrow him to stir up interest?"


   More than a dozen microphones are almost reaching Chong's face, and the camera is also placed very close, taking her pale cheeks into the lens completely.

  Bai Xunya was pale and weak, morbid, haggard, as if she had died once, which made people feel very relieved.

  No matter where you are or what your status is, people always hate cheating and juniors.

  The media reporters all squeezed forward, as if conquering some sinner. With the constantly flashing camera, the scene in front of him was suffocating.

  One by one, they are like defenders, as if they want to strip people naked, expose them in front of people, accuse them, abuse them, and vent their accumulated dissatisfaction.

  Yan Yujiao reacted and immediately pulled the reporters, "How did you come in? Who allowed you to come in, hurry out!"

  There are too many media reporters, how could she be a girl to pull over.

  A reporter impatiently pushed Yan Yujiao away, and the camera almost hit her on the head.

  Chong Yi smiled slightly and said softly: "Can you shut up?"

  The girl’s voice was too small. Everyone only noticed that her lips moved. They calmed down and asked, “Bai Xunya, what did you just say? Say it again.”

   "I said--" Chong Ai showed a pale and sick smile, and said, "Shut up!"

  Everyone became angry in an instant, and celebrities generally paid attention to their own image. Even the most powerful and famous first-line celebrities would not tell the media reporters to shut up in the camera.

  She is too arrogant, a shameless bed-climbing entertainer, or a junior who gets involved in other people’s marriages.

  Do not wait for reporters to ask malicious questions again.

  Chong Ao’s gaze was calm, her dark eyes staring at them, and said: "Those who talk nonsense, be careful not to have your tongue."

  The temperature in the ward seemed to have dropped by several tens of degrees, and there was a bit of cold behind everyone, and they felt a chill in their backs.

  The girl sitting on the hospital bed is not too old, probably in her twenties, with a thin body wrapped in a hospital gown, and her beautiful cheeks are pale.

  The aura that radiates from her body is scary, especially those dark eyes, when staring at you, it seems to drag you into the abyss.

  "Quickly drive them out--" Yan Yujiao felt with the doctor and nurse.

  The media reporter saw that Chongya couldn't ask anything from her mouth, and when the camera lens turned around, everyone surrounded the doctor.

  "Doctor, is Bai Xunya a real suicide or a fake suicide?"

   "Does Bai Xunya have depression?"

  "Is Bai Xunya pretending to be sick? Doctor, what do you think of her?"

  (End of this chapter)

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