Wretched Original Spouse vs Top Mistress (15)


For a moment, Zhang Mingshu felt ashamed and wished to die.

Contrary to her expectation, Gu Shengyin did not let her go and spoke in a tone of ‘I’m considerate for your sake’: “Let me see, mei mei, it would be best for you to stay away from that biao ge of yours in the future. Otherwise, you would be in a melon field or under a plum tree1. Girl, your reputation and integrity is the most important thing. You know the one who would be hurt by this kind of thing are girls. If your biao ge is truly good for you, he should consciously stop meeting you and choose a good marriage candidate for you.”

How could Zhang Mingshu listen to these kinds of words? She forced a smile and said: “Meng jiejie, I’m feeling somewhat uncomfortable. I can’t entertain you for the time being right now. Please forgive me.”

Not waiting for Gu Shengyin to respond, she informed her maidservant to send off the guest.

Gu Shengyin left but Zhang Mingshu had a thorn in her heart.

She used to live in a tall pavilion that Qin Yuanzheng had built for her and had never confronted these kind of things.

She actually knew that if she wanted to be with her biao ge, she could only be a lowly qie shi.

But biao ge properly promised that even if he married a wife, he would not touch her. His heart was with her and would not be shared with any other person. (但是表哥答应的很好的,他即便是娶了妻,也不会碰她,他的心都在自己的身上,半点都不会分给别人)

Biao ge loves me. She thought and smiled sweetly.

As for those words that Gu Shengyin had said to her earlier, she was not willing to think about it at all.

With her family background, even if Zhenbei Wangfei acts as master, what good family could she marry into? (以她的家世,哪怕有镇北王妃做主,又能嫁的了什么好人家呢)

In the wangfu, there is biao ge, who was in love with her, and her aunt who loves her dearly. How much better it was compared to marrying out? (王府里面有爱重自己的表哥,疼爱自己的姨母,哪里不比嫁出去好)

If you aren’t already doing so, please read this at the original site, jiamintranslation.com.

If her thoughts were heard by those glib-tongued, sharp old women outside, it was estimated that she would be ruthlessly spit on and cursed: “Miserable wretch by birth, not being the legal wife of a honorable family, but instead rushing to be a qie.”

On the other side, Qin Shao, who heard the report of his secret guards, really couldn’t help laughing out loud.

This xiao shimei of his was really amusing. Qin Shao could almost imagine Zhang Mingshu’s face turn green when his xiao shimei said those words.

Obviously, those words were completely selfless, but they unfortunately poked Zhang Mingshu’s sore spot.

Only, if xiao shimei knew that the biao ge in that woman’s mouth was her fiance and the vicious fiancee was her, who knew how sad she would be. (只不过,若是小师妹知道,面前这女子口中的表哥,就是自己的未婚夫,而她嘴里的恶毒未婚妻就是自己,还不知道该有多伤心)

Emperor Xiande felt that he was truly muddle-headed when he bestowed that marriage.

There was also Zhenbei Wangfu…Thinking of Zhang Mingshu’s words, his eyes suddenly became cold.

What was the best way to tie up a pair of mandarin ducks and suppress them? If it weren’t for Liang jia looking at their old feelings with Lao Zhenbei Wangfei, he would never have agreed. (梁家那门亲事若不是看在老镇北王妃年事已高的份上,他才不会答应)

The daughter of laoshi‘s family, could a fallen qin wang shizi be worthy?

It was just that he was regretting it now.

He regretted not investigating and finding out earlier and giving xiao shimei to such a family.

The more he knew about the matter of Zhenbei Wanfu, Qin Yuanzheng, and Zhang Mingshu, the more he felt disgusted about this family. (镇北王府的事情,秦远峥和张明姝的事情,他知道的越多,就越对这家人感到恶心)

What “I placed my heart with you, so even if I am married, I will never touch her.”

Could it be that Qin Yuanzheng actually intended to let his xiao shimei be a grass widow2!?

The Emperor’s gaze suddenly became freezing cold. With Zhenbei Wangfu’s manner, he needed to carefully think this out. (皇帝目光陡然沉冷了下来,镇北王府这个样子,他还得好好思量一番)

On the 15th of the 8th month, a large feast was held for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As a daughter of the Emperor’s teacher, Gu Shengyin would naturally follow her mother and grandmother to the palace.

Of course, the womenfolk and officials were separated and entertained in different places.

Because the Emperor was not married, every matter in the harem was still handled by the Empress Dowager. Gu Shengyin waited with the other womenfolk for the Empress Dowager to arrive to wish a long and healthy life.

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