Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 667 The Hand of the Game (17)

Summary list of Ding Yunjia's new product evaluation results.

Gold sore medicine——

[This hemostatic drug with martial arts characteristics is definitely far superior to its peers. At present, three evaluation agencies and 17 private self-media have evaluated it, and the conclusion is that the effect can be achieved for small wounds less than one centimeter. Three seconds to stop bleeding, three minutes to scar.

Even large wounds can stop bleeding within ten seconds.

Even for penetrating injuries, it is enough to stop the bleeding within a minute. At present, many emergency hospitals have begun to purchase this golden sore medicine for emergency treatment.

In addition, this golden sore medicine also has an excellent effect on other wound infections. Even if you are suffering from malignant sores and gangrene, it can also be used to break pus and stop bleeding. In addition, this medicine can also be taken internally to treat internal bleeding and other conditions. 】

rejuvenation water——

[This is an epoch-making skin care product, which fully solves the characteristics of most skin care products that only have the basic stability effect, truly restores youth, reduces wrinkles, and achieves a medical-level rejuvenation effect.

According to the evaluation of several evaluation agencies.

Consistent use of rejuvenating water for a week can effectively reduce facial wrinkles by 43%, and skin firmness by 72%. The older the face, the better the effect. This is a skin care water that truly restores youth , no one can resist its charm.

In addition, this is only for healthy skin.

The effect of rejuvenating water on non-healthy skin is more prominent. After using rejuvenating water on skin with damaged barrier, dry itching, and red blood, it can basically break the normal skin metabolism speed of ordinary people, and restore healthy skin within a week. Suffering from various muscle problems.

In short, it is simply a savior for people like us. 】

eye drops -

[This is a functional eye drop that is underestimated by many people. The functions evaluated so far are not only protecting eyesight, eliminating eye fatigue, removing eye redness and treating some eye diseases, but the most prominent effect is actually It is to be able to treat myopia.

After one month of testing, myopia below 500 degrees has been completely cured, myopia below 1000 degrees has dropped to about 5000 degrees, myopia above 1000 degrees has also improved, and it is possible to completely cure.

In addition, experiments on hyperopia, glaucoma, and cataract are currently being evaluated. Please wait for a while for me to add. 】

Insect repellent kit——

[This is a mosquito repellent bag for indoor use, which feels a bit like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. Even if it enters a variety of poisonous farms or a wild environment full of insects, it can basically ensure that no insects dare to attack within a radius of three meters. It is close to the home and can ensure that mosquitoes, bugs, and even cockroaches move overnight, which is much better than various insecticides. 】

Air purifiers and water purifiers——

[Because the functions of these two products are similar, so I put them together. The effect is as always far superior to similar products. After the air purifier is turned on for an hour, the indoor environment test results are sufficient to meet the air pollution-free standard. After half a day, the indoor air It is even comparable to the purity of the prairie or the top of a snow mountain.

The water source purifier has two options, one is to purify the water into pure water with only water molecules, and the second option is to retain some trace elements that are harmless to the human body. The current evaluation results are not exaggerated.

The purified pure water can be directly used as distilled water, and the purified normal water can also be used as mineral water for drinking, absolutely full of black technology. 】

Detoxifying beauty pill——

[This is a drug that people both love and hate. After taking it, the testers once suspected that it was a poison.

It even makes life worse than death for all users.

However, the specific effect is really good. It removes toxins from the whole body like washing the tendons and cutting the marrow. After experiencing the initial extreme pain, the whole body will feel relaxed and refreshed. Just pay attention to cleanliness.

Professional evaluation results show that after taking this drug, it can effectively remove waste cells and free radicals in the body and other metabolic wastes that impede health and lifespan, and theoretically prolong lifespan. 】


With the start of a large number of evaluations, the biggest profit in the end is not any single evaluation agency, or the evaluation type self-media, but the account that finally made a unified summary of their results.

That's right, everyone is very lazy now, who would read the evaluations one by one, and see that someone helped to make a summary, of course, they don't bother to click on other evaluations to watch, just read the summary of others.

It really made many evaluation accounts itchy.

But these have no effect on Ding Yun.

Her things are still selling well, and it will only become more and more selling because of these evaluations, but the brands that meet the functions of these products she sells will be miserable.

For example, air purifiers and water purifiers.

Which one can compare with Ding Yun's.

Although it will not go bankrupt directly, the specific sales volume is also in a precipitous decline, and it is estimated that it is not far from bankruptcy.

Those who sell skin care products, hemostatic spray, insect repellent kits, eye drops, and even those who specialize in myopia surgery all screamed wolf.

And had to start to deal with it one after another.

Some change careers, some cut prices, and some resist.

Ding Yun also knew at this time that he might be about to be outraged by the public, but business expansion is doomed to follow the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, it is impossible for everyone to be satisfied, and it will not affect anyone's business, so this situation she early It was expected.

And hurriedly took out several special alloy formulas.

Connect with the above through previous contacts.

Successfully owned the backing of the national name.

She has even cooperated closely with many military enterprises and aviation departments. In short, anyone with a brain can tell at a glance that she can't move. It successfully prevented some possible crises in advance, and also prevented some companies from going to the door to seek their own death.

Although Ding Yun is not afraid of those companies making trouble.

But she doesn't need to fight monsters to upgrade.

Why have to wait for troubles to arise before solving them? Cutting off troubles directly from the source is not more convenient, easier and less troublesome. That's what she's doing now.

Since then, Ding Yun's development in all aspects has naturally become more and more smooth, at least in China, it is definitely quite smooth, and there is no way to do it abroad, so he can only take it slowly.

Ding Yun is not afraid of being inferior to others in terms of the effect, quality and price of things. The main reason is that he needs to be concerned about the different laws of different countries and the protection of local industries.

At the same time, the taboo situation in each country must be considered.

For example, whitening products, no matter how good they are sold in China, are not easy to promote and sell in some countries, because people will say that you are discriminated against by skin color, and insect repellent kits may be boycotted or even protested by some so-called animal protection organizations, thinking that it is Does some damage to insects.

In short, there are all kinds of strange things, and it is very difficult to do.

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