From the beginning to the end, Ning Shu did not go out to see Jane.

Jane is a little hypoglycemic, plus no rest, thin face, cold, lose a little glucose, cool down.

Not a big problem.

When I woke up, the first thing the nurse did was to let Jane pay the medical bill, and then take some cold medicine, and then he can go.

Jane had paid all the money for her medical expenses, and it was hard to get it.

Foreign medical expenses are really expensive to bite.

Dragging his tired body, Jane went out of the hospital and didn't know where to go.

There is no money, no place to live, the only thing that can be found is Fiwin.

But Fiwin avoided her.

Jane rubbed her eyes and couldn't help but want to cry. Now the most important thing is to find a place to live.

There is not so much money on the body, you can only find a cheap place to live.

Her single woman is really insecure, especially in places like foreign countries. The gun is still legal, and Jane is afraid.

I found a small hotel, dirty, and some language that was rough and sturdy, holding a female companion, getting up and down, and entering the room.

There are still some men who look at her up and down.

Jane was very scared, dragging the box into the room, and the room was full of inexplicable taste.

There are some traces on the sheets, and I don’t know what someone had done in bed before?

The question is why the hotel doesn't change sheets and is mad.

The life of Jianluo is superior, that is, the conditions of childhood are too bad, but with Feiwen for more than ten years, he has long been a good friend.

The sound insulation of the hotel is not very good, the sky is still not black, the next door is noisy, the voices of men and women are mixed together.

Jane only has nausea, no feeling of blushing, and even wants to cry.

The feeling of poverty is very bad. There is no high bed soft pillow, no comfortable environment, and some are only forced and depressed.

Ordinary is not good at all.

Jane does not love money, but she will also have to worry about money because her money can't live for a few days.

So now I have to go to work, but the job is not to say that there is a need to have a home to send resumes, there is still a blank period.

What life should she take during this time, and even if she is working, she will not get paid immediately.

Life is so embarrassing that Jane did not expect it, and now Jane just wants to return to her previous life.

The fastest way to get the money is to do temporary work, charge by hour, go to a fast food restaurant to be a waiter.

First, you must ensure your survival, and then talk about things before Fifa.

Jane knows that she is going to Fiji now, and Fiwin is not deflated, and she will not care about herself.

Wait a little longer, then go to Li Wen.

Jane was hired as a waiter in a fast food restaurant to serve the guests. When the guests left, they had to clean up the table.

A relatively simple job, relying on doing this, will certainly be able to support yourself.

Jane started working. At the beginning, she was not used to such work. She poured water on the tea, and because the hand slipped over the food, it made a mess.

If the customer is not satisfied, the manager is not satisfied, saying that if he can't do the job, he will find it again.

Jane Luo whispered to ensure that he was sure to do well.

If there is no work, then there is no money to pay the rent, although the room is not good, mildewed, but at least there is a place to rest.

Not even a place to rest, it is better than who is on the street.

Every time I go back to the hotel, I will be looked at by a group of people. I think she is a single woman, and her eyes are always a bit meaningful.

Jane is afraid that a man would rush in and hurt himself that day.

This girl suffered from such injuries, and Jane Luo was afraid to think about it.

In the manor of Fiwin, she never considered security issues, and she would not be related to those who were doing nothing at the bottom.

Some of them are only okay, and they are full of scent, no matter the scent of the wine or the smell of the perfume.

Everything is so beautiful, the nose will not smell stinking.

In the evening, Jane did not dare to sleep too much, and there were always men and women in the next door who tirelessly tossed, all kinds of voices, tossed up endless.

It is not good to sleep badly.

Jane wants to change a place, but there is no extra money, and the three meals a day are the cheapest snacks.

Eat in the mouth, greasy, not refreshing, Jane thought of what I had eaten before, now is a luxury.

Jane always thought about it, and when I had time, I went to Fiji, but as the life of this life lasted, Jane felt that her value was lower.

I feel more and more that I don't have a good time. She is just a woman who doesn't even have a formal job. She deals with a variety of customers every day.

Some customers also enjoy the fun of the waiter. Every time Jane is teased, she is so embarrassed that she wants to cry. She doesn't feel interesting at all.

Sometimes even when someone takes a bit of an ass, they can only endure because there is no money.

No money means no food, clothing and shelter.

Jane feels struggling in a whirlpool. This whirlpool will engulf her sooner or later. She tries to break free, but she can't get rid of it.

But let this vortex engulf yourself, it really fell.

Jane felt that she was getting farther and farther away from Fiwin.

She is getting lower and lower, and Fei Wen is getting higher and higher, and there is no confidence in her heart to be worthy of Fei Wen.

Once and for all, at the gate of the manor, looking at the iron gate, there is no confidence to ring the doorbell, no confidence to see Fei Wen.

Fei Wen touched her face. Is she beautiful now?

In the water-stained mirror, there is a pale, tired face.

There is no white skin before, and the eyes are not bright.

The state of mind determines youngness, but when it comes to living and occupying all the time and life of a person, there is no good mentality at all.

A tired and rushing, there is no easy.

Those who live elegantly and comfortably have a rich material foundation.

There is no fear or anxiety, no need to worry about not eating, no house to live.

Unlike people who don't have money, they are full of insecurity.

Jane wants to change, but she doesn't know how to change it.

The resumes that have been thrown out are all in the sea, and people don’t want designers like her.

Jane has a clear understanding, she is afraid that she can't hire a designer.

This kind of designer seems to be something that rich people play. Resources have the ability to let designers do their best.

What should she do if she has no money and no power?

Is it always like this, doing temporary work?

This kind of life is really terrible, and Jane Luoguang is shuddering when he thinks about it.

If you haven't seen the scenery in the high place, but you have seen it, you are not willing to stay in the mud.

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