Queen of Doomsday Games

Chapter 962: . See father 2

"Now it’s just that they don’t want to care about you. I guess that in all likelihood, this human world is out of control. The container itself may feel that there is no other way. That’s why you are allowed to leave a species, this species is me, this container. Maybe it means chasing you symbolically. Otherwise, do you really think you ran? This world is a container, and this person really just doesn't want to chase you."

Father Nuan's expression became a little strange. He wanted to refute but he couldn't refute. Xi Nuan continued:

"You have been in contact with so many worlds, didn’t you feel that something was wrong? Didn’t you feel that the Space-Time Administration Bureau is out of order? Why does this Administration Bureau escape? They don’t have this reason to escape... And why employees Are all humans? Have you been to so many worlds, have you seen people from other time-space administrations? Aren't these people all humans?"

After Xi Nuan finished saying this, Father Nuan didn't even speak. Xi Nuan knew that her father was at a loss, and was quickly clearing her own thoughts. Xi Nuan continued at this time:

"I hope you don't act rashly anymore. Except for every time you drag me down, I really don't know what else you can do. At that time, the ocean world was already in danger, and you ran over to destroy the ocean world. You said how do I fly? You said you want to make me stronger."

"But what about the result? I didn't think I became more powerful. I just felt that I couldn't walk if you dragged me a step. In fact, you can live a good life. Leave the troubles to me. You just don't Just hold me back. Is this all right? If I dare to ruin my good deeds, I really have to do it."

After Xi Nuan finished speaking, Father Nuan still did not speak, but his expression became ugly. Xi Nuan knew that her father was almost the same person as Zhang Zhongchen, so it was basically a brainwashed situation. In this case…

It's no surprise that her father did those weird things. If he really wanted to verify this, there was only one way.

That is…

She patted Lao Ye on the farm and asked Lao Ye to give her a tears package immediately. She wanted to confirm this immediately and see if what she was thinking was correct.

In fact, Lao Ye can always pay attention to what Xi Nuan is doing. When Xi Nuan is in charge of the tears package, he knows what Xi Nuan wants to do.

I found some rice and meat, wandered around in the pot, and squeezed a rice ball. Lao Ye handed the rice ball to Xi Nuan.

Xi Nuan did not shy away from her own ability, and directly took the rice ball out of her space and handed it to her father.

"Eat this, let me see how much you have been persecuted by the Time and Space Administration. After I have determined something I want to know, let's talk about it."

She had two plans in her mind when she gave this thing to her father. The first plan was if her father really reacted after eating it.

Then it also proved that Zhang Zhongchen was also a member of the Time and Space Administration. If his father didn't respond after eating this thing, it meant that the Time and Space Administration had nothing to do with Zhang Zhongchen, and Zhang Zhongchen was harmed by another group.

Father Nuan frowned when he saw the rice ball. After hesitating, he finally stuffed the rice ball into his mouth. Old Ye squinted his eyes to watch the change of Father Nuan.

Xi Nuan also watched the changes of her father seriously.

At the beginning, Nuan's expression was very good. After all, the food produced by Lao Ye is really a boutique, even if it is a rice ball, it tastes top-notch rice ball.

When I saw Father Nuan beginning to feel uncomfortable, he wanted to cry but couldn't cry, and he was sweating profusely.

Old Ye said with a sigh of relief:

"Yes, your father's state is the same as that of that young man. What is the name of that young man? Zhang Zhongchen, right? The two of them are the same. In all likelihood, these two people came from the same place. Now This experiment has also been done. Give your dad some sweets quickly and let him relax. His condition is much more serious than Zhang Zhongchen. Maybe he will be neurotic!"

After listening to Xi Nuan, she immediately took the candy that Lao Ye gave her and handed it to her father.

My father himself is very insane. If he really becomes mentally ill, what would it be like?

Father Nuan's uncomfortable feeling after putting the sugar cubes in his mouth was obviously reduced a lot, and the sweat on his face slowly dissipated.

The uncomfortable expression just now can be said to be exactly the same as Zhang Zhongchen. The things Xi Nuan thought about before can now be determined. First of all, Zhang Zhongchen and his father were both harmed by the Time and Space Administration. .

The second thing is that this space-time administration should be created by the container of the human world.

The third thing she thought clearly was that a container could still have this ability.

Before, she had never thought about what she could do as a container, but now she wants to understand that there are really many things that can be done as a container.

At the very least, it is not impossible to do anything.

I remembered that Han Duo once told her about the container, saying that the container is not allowed to participate in this matter, but now she feels that it is not that she can't participate, but that she cannot participate by herself.

As long as you don't participate, it's okay to let others participate.

So in other words, if she has created her own world now, but if a few people come to help, she can still control the world.

Of course, she didn't think so much.

She has no interest in controlling the world or anything, after all...what is she doing so many things for?

Everyone has everybody's fate, and she just needs to take care of herself. Other people are other people's business and have nothing to do with her.

She doesn't want to control anyone, it's all things that are just for neurosis.

After all, like Zhang Zhongchen and her own father, she felt that neither of them had been so happy. If it weren't for very difficult things, she would never have done such a thing.

Because she can feel that if she wants to be able to control the world, constantly brainwash and change other people’s memories, she has changed Yu Qiyue and their memories before, and why she wants Yu Qiyue and them to live, otherwise she will definitely not Will move one's memory.

She is unwilling to do such a thing.

Father Nuan looked at Xi Nuan after a while and said:

"Have I done something particularly excessive to you? Otherwise, you can't become so powerful... It must be the result of strong stimulation. What on earth did I do, can you tell me in detail? speak."

Xi Nuan smiled and nodded and said:

"What you did to me was really too much. Well...it can also be said to be very too much. I have no grievances with you, and I am still your daughter. You froze me and my beloved one. Separate, and it’s a permanent scorecard. You say that this is a particularly excessive thing. I actually had a very comfortable life at that time."

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