Shuten Doji looked over.

"That sight frightened me... I didn't dare to act rashly. I felt like I was being targeted by a big monster."

"Are there really so many strange humans?"

After hearing this, Shuten Doji really became interested.

He touched his chin, preparing to take advantage of this patrol to investigate.

"Do you want to know the answer?"

"of course."

The rabbit monster was the first to agree.

The remaining people also nodded, except Wu Zuo.

"Very good, let's go see the boss. He's so powerful, and there might be powerful humans around him!"

"Where is Shuten-sama's boss? Do you know?"

"Of course I do, who do you think I am?"

Shuten Doji waved his hand.

"Follow me, let's go!!"

Shuten Doji, who led the monsters forward, locked onto a school whose name he knew.

Flying Deer,?! Chapter 318 So...the monsters want to know about youth? !


Ke Yeming suddenly spoke up.

Yukinoshita and Yuigahama, who were noticed, looked at him.

"Xiao Ke, how are you? Is there anything in the atrium? Isn't there no one there?"

Before Yuigahama Yui could finish her words, she walked to the window and glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino passing by the atrium and sighed softly.

"Is Mr. Ke finally crazy? Mr. Yuigahama, please inform the hospital now."

"I don't want an ambulance."

"Are you sure? I am concerned about you, Lord Ye Ming, especially your head."

"Even if you change the title to 'gentle', don't make it sound like there's something wrong with my head."

After Ke Yeming complained, he withdrew his gaze.

He pretended to cough.

He said while holding his stomach

"I'm a little uncomfortable, go to the health room."

"I want to be lazy."

"In the eyes of Yukinoshita-san, I seem to be a bad student? But unfortunately, my grades have always been ahead of Yukinoshita-san."

Hearing Ke Yeming's counterattack, Yukinoshita Yukino remained calm.

"There is no conflict. For example, Mr. Ke's Mandarin scores are very good, but he is not good at expressing his illness in language. This must be very hard."

"Who is sick?"

"It turns out there isn't one? That's great."

"Don't look relieved."

Without continuing the 'intimate' interaction with Yukinoshita, Ke Yeming prepared to leave.

"Is it serious, Xiaoke, do you want me to go with you?"

"No, there's no need to worry, I'm just a little dizzy and I'm going to take a rest."

"That's good. If you need help, you can call me."

"Thank you, this is a loving female classmate."

"Xiao Ke is really exaggerating about 'love'!"

This joke made Yuigahama smile shyly, and Yukinoshita, who understood the meaning, turned around.

"I'm so heartless and will leave first."

"Go ahead, Tairashita-san,"

"What did you say?"


Ignoring Yukinoshita Yukino's question, Ke Yeming walked away.

There is a big difference between the two.

As expected, Yuigahama Yui is a gentle girl.

It is precisely because of this that it is easy for people to misunderstand.

After all, people always regard "people who are gentle to everyone" as "people who are only so kind to themselves", and then expect them to be self-centered, and end up getting hurt.

But Ke Yeming is not like this.

He knows exactly what the other person is thinking, so he will take corresponding actions.

"In the atrium..."

Ke Yeming, who had finished his random thoughts, quickened his pace and walked towards the atrium.

Go up the stairs to the first floor and walk through the corridor to your desired destination.

In the most popular atrium near the school building, on a circular seat under a big tree, monsters are drinking and having fun here.

A rabbit monster carrying a bamboo basket was abandoned high and spinning in the air, seemingly enjoying the excitement and smiling happily.

However, when Ke Yeming appeared, the monsters who noticed the aura suddenly became quiet.

The headless man who originally planned to catch the little rabbit demon also stopped and let the former fall to the ground.


"It hurts! I almost broke the bamboo basket!"

The rabbit demon lying on the ground shouted.

Ke Yeming stretched out his right hand and pulled it up from the ground.

"Thank you... ugh!! Shuten-sama's boss!"

Only then did the rabbit demon realize the reason for being abandoned by everyone, and he quickly knelt down on the ground again.

"There's no need to be so formal."

"Yes, is it?"

The kneeling rabbit demon was doubtful.

On the other side, when Ke Yeming said these words, the monsters including Shuten Doji also relaxed.

"I didn't mention you guys."

"Yes, boss!!"

Hearing Ke Yeming's addition, except for the rabbit demon, Shuten Doji and the remaining demons straightened up and sat on chairs or the ground.

Looking around the scene, there was Shuten Douji who had turned into a woman and four other youkai.

"You are……?"

"In addition to Shuten-sama, there are also Wushu, Hashihime, Feitouman and Mikoshi Ido, boss."

The rabbit demon helped explain and told Ke Yeming what kind of monsters they were.

After hearing this, Ke Yeming stood in front of the monsters and asked

"So why are you at my school?"

"Boss, don't be angry. This is my suggestion! Because the boss is very powerful, I thought the people around him might be very powerful too, so I brought people over here! I want to see what the actual situation is like..."

"Your divergent thinking is very strong, and you are also very stupid."

"Now we know the answer. There are no powerful guys in this place except the boss."


"Did you end up drinking here?"



Ke Yeming landed his fist on Shutuntongzi's head.

"I don't care if you drink or not, but don't cause trouble in my school."

"Please don't worry, boss, ordinary people can't see us monsters."

After Shuten Doji said this, the remaining people nodded, while Wu Shu bowed.

At this time, the rabbit demon looked around the school building.

"Compared to us, in the eyes of ordinary people, the boss would probably be regarded as a 'strange figure walking alone in the courtyard.'"

It's true...

Only Ke Yeming can see the monster, which means that in the eyes of ordinary people, he is interacting with the air.

"Anyway, please leave quickly and don't disturb me from enjoying the rare peace and youth."


"Youth... does it mean the life of young people?"

Hashihime, wearing a kimono and disheveled hair, asked.

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