But Sho Tobe, who was on the west side of the classroom, took out his mobile phone.

"I just checked and found that there are no densely populated residential areas or schools near those places. And if there are, it can be used as a reminder to make them more vigilant, or to let the police patrol over there? Anyway, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. "

As soon as this was said, everyone agreed.

Faced with this result, Kato Megumi thought there was no problem.

"Then I think telling the whole school is the best choice."

Hayama Hayato said so.

Miura Yuko also nodded.

It seems that everyone has reached a consensus.

Ke Yeming himself has no objection. He also hopes that the incidents caused by people with supernatural powers will decrease.

"Then it's up to you, Yukinoshita-san."

"Please? Don't you go to the student union?"

"Because it's troublesome."


Yukinoshita repeated Ke Yeming's lines and stared at him.

"Let's go together."

Yuigahama Yui raises her right hand high at this moment

"Me too."

As expected of Yuigahama.

Ke Yeming looked at the time. There were still 10 minutes left before the first class. It should be okay to visit the students.

"Then just go and say it."

Then Ke Yeming left his seat.

When he reached the entrance of the classroom, Yuigahama pulled Yukinoshita to follow him.

Is this considered ministry work?

Ke Yeming didn't think much, stepped into the corridor and walked towards the student union office.

"Actually, I'm the same as Xiaoxue. I have no real understanding of 'superpowers' and 'magicians'. It feels like I'm dreaming."

647 When he stepped onto the stairs to the third floor, Yuigahama started a new topic.

"This is what normal people think."

Yukinoshita thinks she is more rational.

Things that transcend cognition and violate the laws of physics will not be easily accepted by others.

"Just get used to it slowly. I don't think it will have much impact on your daily life."

Ke Yeming's words were not comfort, but more like an explanation.

This world is not the same as everyone imagines, but has more elements and more possibilities.

"It feels like Classmate Ke has known about it for a long time."

"Maybe that's the case."

"Maybe it will become a good research object."

"I reject."

"It's time to show your value, Mr. Ke."

"No, I'm willing to give this opportunity to Yukinoshita-san for free."

It would be great if it really had superpowers.

Behind, Yukinoshita Yukino whispered, and only Ke Yeming heard this clearly.


"It's nothing."

While Yuigahama was perfunctory, Yukinoshita Yukino followed the stairs to the third floor.

Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino's back after passing him, Ke Yeming couldn't help but think...

Maybe everyone is looking forward to gaining special power and changing the present.

Chapter 316 Moon Rabbit...no, it's a 'monster spinning in the sky'

Some people expect change;

Some want to maintain the status quo.

When the world began to change from 'everyday' to 'non-everyday', everyone became 'interested in supernatural powers' to some extent.

After all, things that you couldn't do originally may be easily achieved if you have superpowers.

"The human heart is complex enough."

Ke Yeming complained softly, and then heard a knock on the door.

They have arrived at the door of the student union office.

Three seconds after Yuigahama Yui knocked on the door, a response came from inside.

"Please come in."

Twisting the doorknob and opening the door, Ke Yeming and the two girls entered inside.

In the office, the student council president Nagai Euguru and other members including Hanekawa Tsubasa were sorting things.

It looks like he is planning to take care of the office space before class.

"Oh~Xiao Yukino, Xiao Yui and Xiao Yeming, what's going on?"

As usual, the castle patrol talked lazily.

"We have something to say about the recent reports of 'people with supernatural powers'."

After Yuigahama Yui finished speaking, she took a step to the side.

Yukinoshita Yukino stopped next to her and looked at Ke Yeming

"Please come and explain, Mr. Ke."

"no problem."

Ke Yeming stepped forward and attracted the attention of the student council members and spoke out the 'notes' mentioned in the classroom before.

After hearing this, the originally casual city patrol became serious.

She held a folder in both hands, handed it to Hanekawa Tsubasa on the left, and responded.

"I understand. Thank you for coming to remind me. Regarding this report, I plan to let the Information Department handle it; but... as you can see, the student union is very busy now. In addition to submitting applications for the school festival , and you have to sort out various budgets.”

As an accountant, Hanekawa Tsubasa opened a notebook filled with various information.

"Because the school festival will start soon, the number of college applications and the demand for items are also increasing々`."

It looks really busy.

For this reason, Jo Eugou stood up and held Yukinoshita's hand.

"Can I ask you? Go talk to the students in the News Department on my behalf. By the way, take the budget application form with me. After all, they will also be responsible for the school festival's publicity activities."

"It's not impossible..."

"Thank you, Yukino-chan! Ah! Please take care of Yui-chan and Xiao Yeming, too!"

Although Ke Yeming and Yuigahama Yui have not yet agreed, the city patrol has decided that they will help...

In this atmosphere, it is quite difficult to say no.

Ke Yeming spread his hands

"I guess I can't say no."

"As a reward, I can give you a hug."

"No need, President."

Ke Yeming chose to refuse this time.

With the arrangement made, the three people also left the student union office.

Since class is about to begin, the discussion with the News Department will be postponed to noon.

"Even if there is news about the appearance of people with supernatural powers, the school festival will continue."

Ke Yeming also knew the importance of the school festival.

For Neon students, the School Festival, as a campus cultural festival, is one of the annual routine events from elementary school to university.

Every summer and autumn, various schools in Neon Country hold school festivals with their own school characteristics.

Just like in anime, Neon's school festival not only watches some cultural performances, but also has more colorful activities.

Programs such as haunted houses, food stalls, student sales, free research presentations, rakugo performances (similar to traditional stand-up comedy), and more.

In addition, different societies will also arrange programs according to their own attributes and characteristics.

Some students will hold moot courts and plant research sessions;

Sports clubs hold judo performances, tennis matches, etc.

It is said that there is also a singing competition. Ke Yeming doesn't understand the rules of this competitive activity, so he doesn't know how popular it is.

"I think that's why we should continue."

Yuigahama Yui walked between Ke Yeming and Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Xiao Ke, think about it, because everyone knows that there are superpowers and magicians in this world, won't they feel panic and uneasiness? It's as if the city we live in has suddenly undergone earth-shaking changes, so if we continue as usual By holding a school festival, doesn't it prove that 'no one will collapse'? I think we need to be strong to face what happens next."

"Yuigahama-san thinks a lot about others..."

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