"What about Ye Mingjun's view of the world? Has it changed now? After all, it is no longer the 'ordinary world' you expected, but has become a world where weirdos and urban legends exist."

"How should I answer..."

Ke Yeming couldn't find an accurate and suitable adjective for a while.

While he was thinking, he stepped on a small hole in the rugged road and staggered.

Senjougahara Heiyi, who noticed this situation, stretched out his left hand and pulled it.

Feeling the warmth from the girl's palm, Ke Yeming, who regained his balance, smiled bitterly.

He has fought against countless strong men and now he almost fell down due to a small pit, and was supported by the girl he was dating...

But that's not bad.

Although Ke Yeming doesn't think he will lose or lose to his opponent, he will be more motivated after understanding the fact that 'someone will support him'.

"In my opinion, such a world is not a bad thing; it is indeed much more interesting than the original one, but it also increases risks and troubles."

"These crises and troubles don't all need to be handled by Ye Mingjun alone, right? Don't worry too much about this."

"That's true, but some guys are unreliable."

In the end, Ke Yeming may have to take action.

"Does it mean that Ye Mingjun knows many powerful people? They also know that there are weird and many 'superpowers' in this world?"

Senjougahara Heiyi analyzed from his own perspective.

She met the gods, had her weight taken away from her, and her past regrets were buried deep in her heart.

After receiving redemption, Senjougahara Kuroi began to understand the world.

In the plane where she lives, there are people with supernatural powers. Like Ke Yeming, they all possess extraordinary powers.

"These things are a long story."

"In that case, let's stop here."

Senjougahara Kuroi is very interested in the secrets of the world, but now she is more concerned about their current date.

Without wasting time, Senjougahara Heiyi took Ke Yeming over the hills and stepped on the messy grass to her ideal date spot after deviating from the right path.

Seeing the swaying skirt and staggered footprints, Ke Yeming from behind followed Senjougahara Heiyi and finally stopped near the mountainside.

It doesn't actually take much time.

Ke Yeming, who lowered his head, still looked at the ground and saw the plastic sheet laying at his feet.

This is the preparation that Senjougahara Kuroi mentioned before.

Like a picnic, have the 'sweet spot' prepared in advance.

There are no passers-by or tourists here, only boys and girls dating here.

"Please close your eyes and lie down."


Ke Yeming followed Senjohara Heiyi's instructions and lay down on the plastic sheet that had been laid.

It feels a little cold to the touch, which goes well with the summer heat.

"Can we finally watch it now?"

"Of course, open your eyes, Lord Ye Ming."

His eyes opened and the darkness dissipated, replaced by a starry sky that appeared in his field of vision.

This is different from urban areas.

It's not 'the moon and stars are sparse', but 'the stars are bright and the moon is pale'.

The originally dark sky was lit up by countless stars, and the distant Milky Way composed of them shone in the universe.

"very beautiful."

"Thank you for your compliment, Lord Ye Ming."

"I'm not talking about classmate Hei Yi, but the starry sky above our heads."

"Am I not beautiful?"

"Not at all."

"Ye Mingjun's hobbies are really strange. Compared with the beautiful girls around him, he is actually interested in the tattered inorganic objects floating in the universe. If this is the case... I will give you a stone statue of me next time. Okay, now you can help me pay the full amount in advance, about 500 million..."

It's also too expensive.

After Ke Yeming complained in his heart, he responded

"Obviously it was classmate Hei Yi who invited me to see the stars, but in the end he described them as 'tattered inorganic objects in the universe'?"

"It's just a simple description. As the saying goes, 'gold always shines'. The appearance of the stars will not affect their beauty. Just like Lord Ye Ming, he looks handsome when he wears clothes."

"I don't change when I'm not wearing clothes."

"Really? Ye Mingjun without clothes? It feels like he will become transparent."

"Why do I feel like my clothes have become my own body?"

After talking about this, Ke Yeming exhaled.

Go on

"It's very beautiful. Classmate Hei Yi is the same as this starry sky."


The girl lying on one side is also looking at the starry sky

"That's all I have."


"All I have."

Getting here is pretty much what Ke Yeming imagined.

So he decided to make a change.

change the plot;

Change the direction of the story.

Ke Yeming, who was invited here for a date, is a time traveler and will create his own story.

So Ke Yeming, who was lying on the plastic sheet, sat up.

"Mr. Ye Ming?"

"You like this starry sky, don't you?"

3.0 "Of course."

"Then we can come here often when we have free time."

Ke Yeming agreed to arrive

"No matter what happens, I will not let anyone attack this world."

This city and this starry sky are all things Ke Yeming has treasured.

"That's it...but will Ye Mingjun have a lot of free time? I know it very well."

Senjougahara Kuroi who also sat up said bluntly:

"Besides me, there are many, many people around Ye Mingjun."


"I don't plan to lose to them."

"Classmate Hei Yi..."

Putting their shoulders together, Senjohara Heiyi turned to Ke Yeming.

"My gift, there is another one..."

The girls closed the distance and got closer to each other.

Her breath mingled with his.

The agreement the two made under the starry sky began from here.

Chapter 3 The four-no girl·Nagato Yuki 'attacks'? !

Including his lips, every part of Senjougahara's body is soft...

Ke Yeming thought so as he stood at the entrance of his apartment and said goodbye to the girl behind him.

"Please wait a little longer...I don't think it will take long."

These were the words spoken by Senjougahara Heiyi when they separated.

On the hill near the planetarium, under the starry sky, although the two exchanged promises and felt each other's body temperature, they did not go any further.

For Senjougahara Kuroi, she needs time to change herself.

Until then... we can proceed to the final step.

Ke Yeming was very patient and had no intention of urging or demanding anything too much.

In his opinion, everyone has a high wall in their heart that needs to be overcome;

And behind that high wall, you will see new scenery and life.

This is chicken soup!

Ke Yeming smiled. He did not stay at the entrance of the apartment and quickly set off towards the stairs.

As soon as he stepped onto the stone stairs, Ke Yeming heard a slight breathing coming from the corner.

Is there someone ambushing you here?

Obviously impossible.

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