Nishimiya Yuzuru realized that he shouldn't say that.

【It's okay. 】

Seeing her sister's sign language, Nishimiya Yuzuru smiled bitterly.

"I think it's okay for my sister to be angry. She has to learn to be angry."

【why? 】

"Because only in this way can others understand my thoughts, otherwise everyone would be very understanding."

[It’s okay to communicate well. 】

"What if we can't communicate well? If everyone in the world were like my sister, there would probably be great peace."

Nishimiya Yuzuru saw the car on the right stop and the green pedestrian light in front of him also turned on.

"Let's go."

【I will be angry too. 】

Stepping on the zebra crossing, Nishimiya Glass tapped her sister's shoulder. After walking to the other side, she pouted her lips and puffed up her cheeks.

Not only that, Nishimiya Glass also frowned, looking like he was filled with deep hatred.

But this expression made Nishimiya Yuzuru laugh.

"Hahaha, sister is acting like an idiot. She doesn't look angry at all."

【I’m angry! 】

"No no."

[That’s right, it made Yuzuru laugh anyway. 】


Rubbing his eyes, Nishimiya Yuzuru adjusted his breathing.

Without saying anything, she saw the insect corpse under a tree.

After taking the time to take a photo, Nishimiya Glass asked her

[Was it fun to shoot this? 】

"Whether it's interesting or not, I'm going to take pictures."

At this point, Nishimiya Yuzuru changed the topic.

"About the 'miracle' just now."

【What's wrong? 】

"Maybe it really does exist... When I chatted with Ye Mingjun before, he was very sure that he could cure his sister's ears."

[But my mother thinks he is lying. 】

"That's right, most people won't believe it easily."

In the eyes of outsiders, Ke Yeming is just a somewhat unpredictable young man.

Just like this young man, who promises that he can "treat diseases that cannot be solved by big hospitals and doctors," I believe many people will regard him as a liar.

"But grandma thinks there is no need for Ye Mingjun to lie."

Their grandmothers had a good impression of Ke Yeming.

"This city is getting weirder and weirder anyway, so it's okay to trust a weird person."

Before Nishimiya Yuzuru finished speaking, the sound of police sirens came from far away.

The next moment, a black motorcycle rushed out of the street on the right side of the two sisters' field of vision.

"Sister, look, that looks like the Headless Horseman!"

【do not understand……】

Nishimiya Yuzuru picked up the camera and started taking pictures. However, the other party was too fast and the pictures were not very good.

A second or two later, a large number of police cars chased the black motorcycle.

"It's very lively, the Headless Horseman..."

The two sisters mentioned the noise coming from behind.

Looking over there, I saw a woman wearing a T-shirt tied up at the waist and jeans.

The woman also cut off her jeans from the bottom of her left leg, making her look very eye-catching.

It's a weirdo.

Looking back, Nishimiya Yuzuru has been thinking a lot recently, and the answer she came up with is very simple.

"Let's trust him for once, sis."

【if you can. 】

Nishimiya Glass expresses her thoughts in sign language

[I also want to believe, believe in Mr. Ke Yeming...]

At this moment, Nishimiya Glass made a real choice.

Chapter 278 Kasumigaoka’s kiss, the live broadcast of urban legend

The day after the exam.

Ke Yeming stayed in the living room at home and watched the news.

Since summer has already begun, the news begins to broadcast tourist attractions everywhere, the beaches closest to the city, famous summer garden parties, etc.

Among them, the program that Ke Yeming is more concerned about is "Urban Special News".

The person in charge of this program likes to collect urban legends and supernatural stories, and often invites online anchors to write posts to provide the public with 'abnormal situations' that occur in various areas of the city.

"Is it that daily part again today?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu came to the living room with two cups of coffee and handed one of them to Ke Yeming.

"Yes, they started talking about the 'Headless Horseman' again. They plan to follow up the interview this morning, so they have arranged a lot of people."

"It seems like this show is very popular..."

Kasumigaoka Shiha Kozu takes a sip of coffee with two sugar cubes in it

"We have hired many reporters, purchased a lot of exclusive videos, and have broadcast and live broadcast arrangements in the morning and evening. If there was no income, we would not be bleeding so much."

"Of course."

Ke Yeming affirmed.

"It ranks first in popularity among major programs, so the ratings bring it a lot of revenue; another thing... Internet celebrity anchors and personal ups from other cities will attract traffic to "Urban Special News", Let its name enter the top three search lists on social media.”

"The top three? The top two higher than it are...?"

"One is 'milk tea on the chest' and the other is 'Jack-o'."


These two searches made Kasumigaoka Shiyu feel speechless.

"Do you guys like girls doing this?"

"It seems that Senior Shiyu knows very well."

"I saw them by chance, but I didn't expect them to be so popular."

"Anyway, I personally can't say I like it, nor do I hate it. Moreover, the number of searches for these two topics are temporary and will not last long at all."

For today's people, in addition to the excitement brought by beauties and handsome men, they are more concerned about 'unnatural', 'superpowers' and 'monsters' and 'monsters'.

It is said that a man's romance is like a mecha, but actually...

If mechas really existed, I believe girls would also like them.

Ke Yeming ended his 'divergent thinking' and asked the girl next to him

"What plans does Senior Shiyu have today?"

"I'm going to go home. Although Ye Mingjun's house is very comfortable, I still have to go home and report. I don't want to worry my parents for no reason."


Seeing Ke Yeming thinking, Kasumigaoka Shiyu took another sip of coffee.

"You can't go to Sawamura-san, because today she made an appointment to paint with the talented painter Mashiro Shiina."

"Why does Senior Shiyu know so well?"

"Sawamura-san and I talked about it when we were discussing the manga script."

Are two people discussing?

Ke Yeming is not unable to understand.

It is impossible for everyone to act around him.

Even without their own intervention, the girls would still work hard for their future.

"Actually, I have plans today."

"What is it?"

"It's like triggering a miracle."

"It sounds very unreliable."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu frowned slightly

"But since it is what Ye Mingjun wants to do, I think there should be no problem, because I trust you, an outstanding junior."

"With great love."

"It's not affection, although it's not bad."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who did not continue to deny, looked at Ke Yeming.

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