"Can it be understood as an auxiliary element?"

"That's right, that's right, you are very wise, young man Ye Ming."

Leonard, tired, slandered, slandered

"In addition, I think if you are 18+, you can also attract many gentlemen, and then use this prerequisite to let them understand the plot々`."

For example, Xing Yue, one of the three major fan miracles.

The most popular fate series is a text adventure game with H elements.

There are many famous CG scenes in it.

For example, mending magic;

Another example is Saber in a white dress who is tied up.

Ke Yeming ended his thinking and focused his attention on the present.

"Okay, let's start entering the first branch option."

"Mr. Leonard is quite sure which one is correct?"

"Of course, who do you think I am? Before Yinglili was born, I played many game girls. The experience accumulated over the years will become my weapon to create perfect CG!"

As expected of an otaku addicted to Two-dimensional.

Because of a father like him and a mother like Sayuri Sawamura, Eiriri embarked on the same path.

This is also a special kind of happiness for Yinglili, right?

After all, what I do can be recognized and supported by my parents.

"The selection is complete, Ye Ming boy, did you see? I have obtained a new CG and presented a bouquet of flowers to the deceased on a rainy night."

"So the purpose is to untie the heroine's knot?"

"Of course, plus having a baby."


Talking about this with Ying Lili's father always seemed quite subtle.

Ke Yeming watched Leonard operate quickly, proving his instant reading ability.

"Has Mr. Leonard written down the entire plot?"

"Yes, if it's too complicated, I'll use a notebook so I can understand who that option will affect."

After Leonard finished speaking, he selected a new entry and entered a new scene.

Ke Yeming just watched from the side.

After twenty minutes, Leonard narrowed his eyes.

"Young Ye Ming, this is the final battle...!"

"Mr. Leonard, how old are you?"

"The heroine's third ending, it's the third episode, right? But many of these plots are brand new, which means I didn't have this information at the beginning."

Leonard said his three-week workout is no different from his one-week workout.

It must also be to prove his strength in galgame.

"I have never doubted Mr. Leonard's strength."

"That's good."

Leonard took a sip of his drink and said while going through the plot.

"This is for you, Ye Ming boy. You can order any of the drinks above. The first five drinks are free. I just drank one now."


Ke Yeming ordered a cup of Coke.

After waiting for the clerk to deliver it, Leonard raised the handle.

"It's done!"

"Congratulations Mr. Leonard."

"I have a child with the heroine in it. This is a perfect solution, and it is based on the premise that the file has not been loaded!"

It is indeed very powerful.

When Ke Yeming plays this kind of game, in addition to accelerating dialogue, the most commonly used function is quick archiving.

"."Do you understand now? Young man Ye Ming."

"How to play the game?"

"It can be said that in my opinion, games are the same as reality. You must seize the first opportunity firmly and don't have the idea of ​​'you can start over' or 'you can load files'. Once you have that idea , you may become lax and make random choices.”

Yinglili's father expressed his thoughts to Ke Yeming through games.

After he finished speaking, he put down the controller.

When the CG of the subsequent plot was played on the screen, the blond man who originally looked relaxed and casual became serious.

"I hope that every choice Ying Lili makes is correct and she can get the ending she wants."

"Everyone has this idea, Mr. Leonard."

"That's good, young Ye Ming now...are you also 'trying to make the perfect choice'?"

"Of course."

"Didn't you lie?"

"No jokes."

Ke Yeming's answer was very affirmative.

After hearing this, Leonard's expression softened.

"Yes, yes, your idea is very firm, young man."

“I don’t want too many things to go wrong in my life, so I have to do my best.”

"Perfect, perfect answer ~ I like young people like this."

After Leonard said that, he patted Ke Yeming on the shoulder.

"Then I'll leave my daughter to you."

"Sure... uh, wait? What?"

"What? Yinglili invited you to my banquet, isn't it just to tell others that she has a date?"


How should I answer?

At this moment, Ke Yeming fell into thinking.

Now... let's agree to it first.

2Chapter 17 Meet the Orihara sisters again! !

"Yinglili invited you to my banquet, isn't it just to tell others that you are dating someone?"

Eiriri’s father, a diplomat who is also an otaku - Leonard Etsuki

Ke Yeming did not deny this. He nodded now and continued.

"Does Yinglili have many suitors?"

"No...that girl doesn't have many suitors. There are just a few boys who want to get closer to her. According to my observation, those boys are not suitable for Yinglili. However, my identity does not allow me to go directly to warn them. 'Don't come near my daughter', I believe you understand."

Ke Yeming nodded again.

Leonard 捦Τ鈨? Wei? Yongying? Yanlu? Yue Lunyao

"Although I also thought about telling Yingli not to attend, she doesn't plan to miss her family's banquet. She also said that she can gain experience. She is a very serious child sometimes."


"Do you mean experience in painting?"

"Of course, Ye Ming Boy, Ying Lili is very serious when creating those fan works. He can depict passers-by and scenes and pay attention to details, which is why his popularity is so high."

"I can tell."

"When Xiao613 Lily and I sell fanfics for her, we always get a lot of praise for her. That child has a high talent in this area. As a father, I can be sure!"

After saying this, Leonard was stunned.

The last scene in it has ended, and the CG of the hero and heroine together is presented accompanied by music.

Just like Leonard G's strategy.

Worthy of being a high-end player of galgame...

Ke Yeming thought of this and saw Leonard handing the handle to him.

"Come on, Ye Ming boy, you also try to conquer the next character."

"I don't have to..."

"You're welcome, this game is very interesting; on the surface it's just an ordinary love affair, but the 'hidden thread' hidden under the main line is full of surprising plot twists! Highly recommended!"

"Then I'll write down the name and we can play with it later."

Ke Yeming, who did not intend to play the beautiful girl game in this cubicle, declined politely and recorded his name on his mobile phone.

After the failure of Amway, Leonard Song looked pityful.

He put his body on the backrest behind him, picked up the drink and drank it.

"Young man Ye Ming, the reason why I called you here is because of the conversation just now; it seems that Ying Lili made a smart decision in choosing you, and I don't dislike rational and calm young people."

"Mr. Reynard is flattering."

"Now that I've said this, I'm ready to go back! Young man Ye Ming, don't be late for the banquet tonight."

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