Siye planned to contact Ke Yeming, but found that there was no way to make calls here.

Soon the medical equipment neatly placed around began to shake.

The sound of steel clashing began to fill the space.

The five sisters hurriedly gathered together and moved towards the corner.

"Where...are we?"

Facing such a scene, Nakano Ichika was also a little panicked.

Now they are trapped in a very strange place...! .

Chapter 1 Ye Ming, the hero of the five Nakano sisters? ! (back)

Ke Yeming looked around. He was still staying at his original place, but there was no trace of the five Nakano sisters following him.

Faced with such an unusual situation, Ke Yeming, who was calm and unfazed, laughed instead.

He looked forward and waved one hand. After the thick fog formed by dry ice was blown away, the normal passage was revealed.

Then Ke Yeming walked forward and spoke to the empty place except him.

"Are you the same as the monster in the basement? You originally stayed in a place like this, waiting for prey that was valuable enough; but unfortunately, you can't use those five girls as bait and hostages, do you understand?"

Ke Yeming stopped at this moment. On the surface of the scary device that suddenly popped up, sharp blades that could cut through the skin and nails that penetrated the body appeared.

However, they were shattered by Ke Yeming before they could work.

The broken pieces fell down, proving that the first attack of the monsters lurking here failed.

"Do you naively think that I will enter here unprepared? They have the protection I provide, so they will not be harmed by you, and... once you attack them, I will be able to clearly detect you position."

【who are you? 】

"Can you talk?"

When Ke Yeming asked, the puppet originally used to scare people appeared.

Obviously it was manipulated and not the true form of the haunted house monster.

"I'm just a tourist passing through here. I'm here to deal with a restless thing like you."

[Who I thought he was, turned out to be just an arrogant idiot with some abilities; you humans do have psykers and magicians, but these abilities are meaningless in my opinion and cannot bring any threat. 】

"You seem to be very confident too."

[I have accumulated strength here for many years, how could I lose to a guy like you? ! 】

The haunted house doll charged, and at the same time, its body made of cotton suddenly exploded, shooting out a large number of scalpels from inside.

The sharp blade flew through the air and stabbed Ke Yeming quickly.

This kind of overly simple and direct trick was very ridiculous in Ke Yeming's eyes. Just like before, he waved the knives away with one hand.

"Almost, I know your location."

【Then come to me!When that time comes, I will kill all the trapped girls. 】

"Didn't you hear what I was saying just now? Those five girls will not be harmed by you."

[This is not necessarily the case! 】

"No, that's for sure."

Ke Yeming's right hand was pressed against the wall at this moment.

The black shadow spread from between his fingers, like a school of fish swimming in the middle, began to spread and move everywhere.

At the same time, the fog formed by dry ice reappeared, and the fake dolls and skeletons hidden in it began to run. They lay on the walls and hung on the roof, intending to attack from different angles.

The next moment, these dominated things suddenly looked at the walls everywhere.

"These are useless means."

Before Ke Yeming withdrew his right hand, the surrounding walls turned into puncture traps in the movie. A large number of black thorns spurted out from the wall and penetrated all the dolls and skeletons.

The surface of these thorns has barbs and almost invisible suckers. They cut off, melt, and absorb everything they come into contact with, like an abyss formed by intertwined vines.

Ke Yeming, who was walking forward, changed his direction this time and moved to the right.

"The most convenient thing about my ability is... I don't have to bother myself to take action when it's not necessary."

The black shadow spreading at high speed inside the building was completely controlled by Ke Yeming.


"Got you."

【asshole! ! 】

The moment the resentful and angry voice sounded, the black shadow controlled by Ke Yeming found the target in the No. [-] basement of the haunted house.

The instigator is hiding behind the north wall.

Ke Yeming, who observed through the black shadow, found that it was a body buried in concrete.


Or weird?

When Ke Yeming made his analysis, the energy emitted by the corpse formed a two-winged demon. The demon rushed out of the wall and ran directly to Ke Yeming's location.


Without any suspense, the demon was entangled in black shadows as he destroyed the wall, and his whole body began to dissolve.

【This is impossible! ! 】

"You know so little about this world."

Now it seems... the same is true for Ke Yeming.

After he said this, he clenched his right hand into a fist, and the black shadow surrounding the demon shrank instantly until it disappeared from the entire space.

As for the corpses on the inside of the wall, Ke Yeming also devoured them.

The so-called battle is nothing more than a one-sided crushing.


"It's time to go find Ichika and the others."

Ke Yeming said this and increased his speed.



Everything suddenly quieted down.

The whole space became dead silent.

1440485057 (Remarks into the group)

The five Nakano sisters who were staying in the corner didn't know what was happening, and kept looking around worriedly.

The room they were currently in was terrifying.

Apart from being filled with various medical props, there are no entrances or exits. It is a completely sealed secret room.

The depressing atmosphere began to swell, and Ichika left the corner to calm down the sisters.

".〃 I don't think it's like a haunted house prank... This is too much; you stay here and I'll go check around, maybe there's a hidden passage."

"Is it just like an escape room?"

"That's right, Yotsuba."

"Then I too..."

"No, you stay with Sanjiu and the others."

As the older sister, Ichika didn't want to sit still and wait for death, so she walked out of the group alone and began to investigate against the wall.

At the same time, she used the doll she just got as a shield to prevent those knives from flying again.

Ichika moved carefully, holding the doll in his left hand and tapping the wall gently with his right hand.


no response.


On the second tap, the wall suddenly began to rotate.


"What, what's going on!!"

This movement scared the four sisters on the other side. Nakano Ichika, who was at the front, didn't think much and prepared to rush over.

"Are you okay?"


As soon as Nakano Ichika took a step forward, she heard a familiar voice.

It's Ke Yeming!

The sound relaxed her tense nerves, and she softened and was hugged by Ke Yeming.

"It's Ye Ming!!"

Yotsuba ran over with the remaining sisters.

Including Nakano Ichika, the five Nakano sisters grabbed Ke Yeming's arms and clothes one after another, not daring to let go.

Ke Yeming, who came here to save them, is the only trustworthy hero.

Chapter 1 The world in Nishimiya Yuzuru’s eyes

Ke Yeming's left hand was held by Yotsuba, and his right hand was held by Nino;

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