at the same time.

At Asan Military Camp, the battle has come to an end.

Although hundreds of Asan soldiers began to explode after being forced into a desperate situation, they could not stand up to Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, who could not listen to the "veterans of hundreds of battles".

After discovering that the opponent's number of people would not be reduced no matter how hard they fought, the mentality of many Asan soldiers collapsed.

After their mentality collapsed, a 'massacre' began.

A few minutes later, after killing hundreds of Asan soldiers in the Asan military camp, Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo left 50 "veterans of hundreds of battles" to mop up the rear, while they took the others and headed towards tonight The last two goals rushed.

In the command center of Stanley Barracks.

".~ Fuck, why haven't those damn Chinese come here yet!"

Levens hissed sharply.

Then, he glared at his adjutant and shouted loudly: "Ask the officers in the Chinese military camp to arrive here within three minutes for reinforcements, otherwise they will wait to go to the military court!"

It's just that Levens never dreamed that 1500 Chinese soldiers had actually assembled and were heading towards Stanley Barracks, albeit at a much slower pace.

No matter how much the ghost officer in charge of them urged, these Chinese soldiers just couldn't get up.

At this time, a hissing sound came from the walkie-talkie in the hand of an anxious-looking ghost officer.

"Captain Thomson, the Lieutenant Colonel has issued a death order. In three minutes, you must lead people to the military camp, otherwise you will have to wait to go to the military court!"

The voice of the major adjutant came from the speaker of the intercom.

"Fuck, these Chinese people are walking slower than my 80-year-old grandma, how do you want me to catch up?"

Thomson yelled angrily.

"Captain Thomson, that's your problem!"

After the major's adjutant said this, he ended the communication.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Thomson cursed several times, then looked at the Chinese soldiers who were still advancing slowly and said: "Brothers, please hurry up!"

Unfortunately, his pleading had no effect.

Among the Chinese soldiers, one soldier whispered to another soldier: "Damn, the ghost guys only pay 2800 Hong Kong dollars a month, and they still want us to work for our lives. I don't know what they are thinking."

Gui Lao did save a lot of military expenses by recruiting soldiers on Hong Kong Island, but they never thought about why these Chinese soldiers, whose wages were much lower than those of Gui Lao soldiers or even Asan soldiers, should work for them?

the other side.

After various almost threatening orders from Livings, more than 200 Guilao officers from Guilao's last camp finally dispatched and headed towards the Asan Military Camp.

Soon, they encountered Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others head-on.

These ghost officers are indeed the most elite people in the entire Stanley Military Camp. Their combat literacy is very high, and they can compete head-on with them even when faced with "veterans of hundreds of battles".

But as the battle progressed, more and more of these ghost officers died, and the advantage of the "old soldiers from hundreds of battles (de Li Hao)" who could be supplemented was getting bigger and bigger.

Ten minutes later, the balance of war began to tilt.

"Retreat to the military camp and use the barracks house as a bunker to deal with these people!"

A ghost major shouted loudly.

It was also at this time that Wang Jianjun gave the order to charge forward!

Under Wang Jianjun's order, more than 100 "veterans of hundreds of battles" rushed directly to the Gui Lao officer, risking bullets.

After killing dozens of "veterans of hundreds of battles", but the other party rushed quickly and was about to be in front of them, the morale of these ghost officers finally collapsed.

Soon, the entire Stanley Prison turned into a hell on earth.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, please ask the Hong Kong Island Police for help!"

The major adjutant said to Levens cautiously.


After a long silence, Levens finally nodded slowly and asked the colonial police for help. This was the shame of shame for soldiers, but Levens knew that at this moment, he and these ghost officers at Stanley Barracks , there is no choice anymore.


At this moment, a loud noise came to Levens' ears.

Without a moment's hesitation, Levens pulled out his pistol and looked towards the stairs.

Soon, several figures appeared in Levens' sight.

Without a moment's hesitation, he fired.

'Bang bang bang~'

Levens successfully killed two "veterans of hundreds of battles", but to his despair, a steady stream of people stared at him and the bullets from other ghost guys in the command center poured in.

'Da da da da~'

After a fierce exchange of fire, the Stanley Barracks command center fell into dead silence.

the other side.

The residence of Police Commissioner Mak Yan-ho.

'Ring ring ring~'

A ringing phone woke up Mai Renhao.

"Which one?"

Mai Renhao closed his eyes, picked up the phone receiver, and asked.

Then, his eyes suddenly opened. Both his eyes and the expression on his face were full of shock: "What are you talking about? Stanley Barracks was attacked by bandits and asked our police force for reinforcements?"


This night, Hong Kong Island was shocked! .

【129】Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, $[-] million for a large military transport aircraft is not excessive, right?

Late at night, the residence of the Commissioner of Police.

In the entire Hong Kong Island, out of tens of thousands of civil servants, only three have official residences.

Governor of Hong Kong, Chief Envoy, Commissioner of Police.

Like the Governor's Residence, the Commissioner of Police's Residence is also located on the hillside. It is a 2-story white European-style building.

But unlike the Hong Kong Governor's Residence, the people responsible for the security of the Commissioner of Police's Residence are not specialized guards, but the VIP Protection Team (referred to as C4) of the police force.

It used to be a quiet night here, but it was obviously different tonight.

After Mak Renhao heard that the ghost officer from the Stanley Barracks actually asked the police for help, he was so shocked that he completely woke up on the spot. He had never heard of such a request in his life.

It’s no wonder that Mak Renhao was surprised. In the 140 years since Hong Kong opened as a port, only the police force has always asked the military for help, such as during the provincial and Hong Kong general strikes, the May [-]th riots, the June [-]th riots, etc.

But the army has never asked the police for help. After all, even with the significant withdrawal of troops, there are still 3000 fully armed soldiers in the Stanley Barracks. Even they can't hold them. Wouldn't it be a waste for the police to go up? ?

"Yes, Mr. Director, we have just received a request for help from Lieutenant Colonel Livings from the military, asking our police force to send people to support them as soon as possible."

On the other end of the phone, Chief Inspector Qin Wenfang of the Police Communications Department was also surprised.

She had just confirmed it several times, which made the Gui Lao officer who was talking to her a little agitated before she actually confirmed the news. Then Qin Wenfang made a decisive decision and directly reported the news to the Police Commissioner Mai Renhao.

"Okay, I understand. Your Communications Department will immediately notify the Hong Kong Island Region and the Kowloon Region to have the Flying Tigers, Stormtroopers, and PTU bring heavy weapons to support the Stanley Military Camp immediately!"

After a brief moment of surprise, Mai Renhao immediately came to his senses. The situation was urgent. This time, he did not contact the person in charge of the relevant department first, but directly issued his order.

"Yes, sir!"

Qin Wenfang immediately said loudly.

After hearing Qin Wenfang's reply, Mak Renhao immediately hung up the phone, turned on the desk lamp, and dialed the number of the Hong Kong Governor's Office.

"I am the Commissioner of Police, Mak Yan-ho. I have something very important to ask Mr. Governor of Hong Kong. Please ask Mr. Governor of Hong Kong to answer the call immediately!"

After the call was connected, Mai Renhao immediately spoke.

at the same time.

Inside Stanley Military Camp.

After killing all the Gui Lao soldiers and Gui Lao officers in the Stanley Barracks, under the orders of Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, as well as the fully replenished 200 "veterans of hundreds of battles", they quickly ransacked the arsenal of the general camp. All were loaded onto military transport planes.

At the same time, they also thoughtfully gathered together the dead Gui Lao, Ah San, and the "veterans of hundreds of battles" who died in battle, and used incendiary bombs to help cremate them and destroy their corpses.

After doing all this, Wang Jianjun 153 took off with 200 'elite veterans' on a military transport plane and left Hong Kong Island.

Military transport aircraft cockpit.

Wang Jianjun took the satellite phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Jun, it's me, everything is settled."

After the call was connected, Wang Jianjun spoke.

"Okay, you fly to Haojiang now. I have arranged for someone to pick you up at Haojiang International Airport. After arriving in Haojiang, we will act according to the plan."

On the other end of the phone, at the Henglai Hotel, Li Jun said with a smile while watching Meng Na playing with the tea set in an extremely elegant posture.

Before Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo started taking action, Li Jun had already greeted He Xian. Now at Haojiang International Airport, Ye Qiu is waiting for the arrival of Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others with more than 2000 "veterans of hundreds of battles".

As soon as the military transport plane arrives and leaves, it will be driven into a hangar at Haojiang International Airport, and then the second phase of Li Jun's entire plan can begin.

A military transport plane is worth a lot of money...

"Okay, Brother Jun, I understand."

After Wang Jianjun finished saying this, he hung up the phone and at the same time gave the order to Haojiang International Airport to the 'veteran of hundreds of battles' who was flying the plane.


On the other end of the phone, Li Jun smiled slightly after hearing the busy signal from the receiver, and then smiled at Meng Na in front of him and said: "Meng Na, there is nothing wrong with your overall movements, but that kind of subconscious teasing, you You must change it, otherwise it will lower your level, which is not good.”

"Remember, in top clubs, members are not interested in sex. Don't overdo it. Let them feel the nobility of their status at all times. This is the most important thing."

It was obvious that Li Jun was already giving him everything he had.

"Okay, Brother Jun, I understand."

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