Although there are still some people who stubbornly think that everything is a conspiracy planned by Ella, such as Hyde and his followers, but after that night of horror, Ella completely ignored the noble boy, as if he was just an insignificant Flies, after all, compared to that black shadow, Hyde almost seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Not only did the boy still think that Ella was a blood-sucking monster, but even Anderson, who rescued her that day, became Hyde's suspicion.He regarded Anderson as the captive of the monster, or the real mastermind behind the scenes, and even Yousef and others became evil black magicians in his eyes.

Anderson took a few days off after that, citing wind chill and overuse of magic.Ayla didn't know whether breaking the petrification spell required a huge amount of magic power, but after that, the magic biology class was always replaced by spell literature professor Aurora.

The days seem to have changed back to the previous rhythm, and Ella has lived a life of three points and one line in the classroom, cafeteria, and dormitory.But in fact, the uneasiness in her heart has not dissipated, that black shadow is still hidden in a corner of the school.

On Friday evening, Ella went to see Adolf for tutoring as usual. In fact, since that day, Adolf has been very busy, and Ella has not seen him for several days.

After Adolf directed the rhythm and timing of a few spell releases, they chatted.

"By the way, Ella, I haven't asked you in detail yet, what happened that night? You can talk about your own response, which can be regarded as a valuable practical experience."

Ella began to remember,

"Ling and I first ambushed in the dead leaves. After the man appeared and cast the petrification spell on the crows, I jumped out and attacked him..."

Ella detailed the spells she used at the time.

Adolf nodded,

"Ayla, you are born with high intellect and spirit. Under the boost of the Eye of Hermes, you already have the firepower not inferior to that of an adult magician. After he was suddenly attacked and injured by you, you originally It should have an advantage, but do you know why you lost?"

Ella thought for a while, bit her lower lip,

"I was not careful enough."

"That's right, you have to understand that in a real battle, it doesn't mean whoever has the stronger magic power will win... What about after that? I've only heard a little bit about it."

“…that person was going to kill us, but for some reason he gave up.”

"This can only be attributed to good luck. Anderson picked you up when he was patrolling the forest, right?"

"Yes, Professor." Ella seemed to think of something, and said with a smile, "Professor Anderson's shortbread is delicious."

Adolf also raised his eyebrows, "Yes, I once tasted his wife's craft. It was more than ten years ago. It seems that the guy has also learned some fur over the years."

"Professor Anderson said that he invited me to visit him during the winter vacation. He said that he would let me try his wife's craftsmanship, and I will bring you some."

Ella smiled happily. This was the first time someone invited her to their home.

But Adolf's smile suddenly froze on his face. He was silent for a long time and rubbed his brow vigorously.

"What are you talking about, Ella, Anderson's wife has been dead for two years."


Ella wondered for a moment that she had heard it wrong. She remembered clearly that under the dim light of the stone cottage, Anderson said that he could go back to accompany her for a week every year, and he could go back after Christmas.

"Are you joking, Professor?"

It was a nasty joke, and Ella was almost annoyed.

Adolf stared into her eyes,

"I remember very clearly that Anderson's wife died two years ago from a ghoul attack. Yousef and I performed a purification ceremony for her and buried her with Anderson."

Ayla suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill.

"Anderson's mental state may be very abnormal now. As a magician, you should understand what this means."

Ella's face was pale, of course she knew it, this was the knowledge she had mastered in the first class.

A magician who loses his mind will die due to the disintegration of the magical structure of the building, or...become a monster.

In this way, the identity of the wizard who collected blood everywhere is completely clear.

Ella remembered what Anderson said in the stone house: Maybe that monster didn't intend to hurt others from the beginning.

Ella murmured to herself like a prayer,

"Maybe Professor Anderson just made a joke, but I just misheard..."

"I hope so, but I still need to confirm, Ella, please don't come."

Ella grabbed Adolf's sleeve, with a strong will to refuse on her small face.

"Ella, this is not the time to be willful..."

"It's okay, let her go Adolf, I think Miss Williams is already mentally prepared, and I also think she should be exposed to the reality of the world earlier."

At this moment, Kleist's voice sounded from the door. The headmaster, who looked like a flower farmer, had been standing at the door of the half-open classroom since no one knew when.

Adolf wanted to say something more, but under Kleist's deep gaze, he finally nodded.

Across a maple grove, on a farm in a remote corner of Glamis Manor, is the stone cottage of Anderson, professor of magical biology.

Ella still remembered the last time she came here, she and Ling were held on the shoulders by Anderson.Both sides of the cobbled path in front of the stone house are full of daffodils. They grow well under Anderson's care. Although they are not as good as the principal's white rose garden, they also have a delicate beauty.

A translucent red viscous liquid spread from the cracks in the door of the stone house, covering the daffodils and the cobblestone path.

Adolf knocked on the wooden door and tried his best to greet the inside with the same tone as before, but his voice still trembled unconsciously.

"Hi, Anderson, I heard you haven't been feeling well lately. Ella and I came over to see you, and I heard her say you learned how to bake butter shortbread."

"Adolf? I'm fine. I'll be fine tomorrow. You all go back."

Anderson's voice sounded weak and hoarse, but other than that, he was no different from the previous magic biology professors.

"Anderson, as the principal, I still have to care about the health of the professors. You know, if I don't, those guys will say that I lack humanity."

Kleist seemed to really come to visit the patient, and there was no wavering in his tone.

"Cleist, are you here too? Well, if you insist, come in, but I'm really fine, just a little cold and overuse of magic. You know, I'm older and can't recover as well. Those young people."

Anderson muttered, and the door was slowly opened.

Seeing the scene inside, Ayla subconsciously covered her mouth with her hands to suppress her screams.

Anderson's head and heart grew on a strange plant, and his ribs could still be vaguely outlined, but the rest of his body grew into a red transparent fungus, which looked like a coral.Red fungus grew in every corner of the room, wriggling along with the beating of Anderson's exposed heart, spitting out a viscous light red liquid.

Anderson's head was extremely pale, but his mouth was still opening and closing.There is no tongue there, only a dark hole left, and I don't know why I can still speak and communicate.

"You see, I am healthy and nothing is wrong with me."

He has obviously lost most of his sanity and still thinks he is a normal human being.

Ella found that Hyde was lying in the corner of the room. When he saw Ella walking in, his expression became very frightened, and he shrank to the corner desperately, but after touching the red fungus, he let out a terrified scream. Lasso gave him a sleep technique.

Kleist's tone was as usual, "Anderson, I think you seem to be performing some kind of ritual magic? What is it, can you share it with me, an old man?"

"Of course!" Anderson's head showed a bright smile, "I plan to revive Sith and my wife."

"What are you going to do?"

"It's not difficult. I use the flesh and blood of magical creatures to build a body that will no longer be afraid of ghouls, and then summon her soul. It's very simple, isn't it? I have this ability now. I miss her very much. This time ... I will always be with her and will never let her get hurt again.”

"Where did you get the knowledge of human body refining? This is magic that only exists in legends. And what's going on with Hyde? Do you plan to use it as a sacrifice?

Adolf finally couldn't stand it anymore and asked several questions in succession.

"How could I sacrifice my own student, that child is spreading rumors everywhere, slandering his classmates, I just plan to put him in confinement for a few hours! As for that magic..."

Anderson was lost in thought, as if he had forgotten something, "I can't remember clearly, it probably was a whisper I heard during a certain divination, no... that's the sound only made by evil gods, I won't..."

The confusion in Anderson's eyes disappeared a little. He looked around the room with an expression of disbelief, and then sighed.

"So... I'm already a monster."


A flattering smile suddenly appeared on Anderson's head.

"Leave me alone, Kleist, I will hide in the Forbidden Forest or somewhere else, and won't hurt anyone."

"Remember Adolf, we have Yusef, drinking together, hunting monsters."

"Remember Ella, I didn't hurt any of you that night..."

Ella felt sadness for the first time. It was a wonderful emotion. She felt strange about her transformation, but it was so unbearable.

"I'm sorry, Anderson, you are also a magician, you know our duty."

Anderson's expression became ferocious, an expression he had never made before.His eyeballs were rolled up, revealing the whites of his eyes, and a vertical pupil appeared on the back of his eyeballs, which were vertical pupils like snakes.

"You want to kill me!? You still want to kill me! I'll kill you all before then!"

That was no longer the professor of magic biology Anderson, it was a monster through and through. The human voice faded away, and the roar of the beast echoed throughout the room.

At this moment, Kleist took a step forward.Ella didn't hear him chanting any spells, but Anderson, who had turned into a monster, was blocked in front of him by an invisible wall, and a beam of pure white light broke through the barrier of the stone house and fell from the sky.

Ella saw Anderson's head and heart silently reduced to ashes.The distorted monster turned into fly ash in an instant, and the red fungi began to wither slowly.

Kleist bent down and picked up a silver pocket watch from a pile of ashes. It was an old, fuzzy and yellowed photo of Anderson and a smiling woman.

The aged headmaster sighed.

"Miss Williams, do you understand? We are not the magicians described in fairy tales, we are just a group of poor people... struggling and seeking salvation."

The fairy tale in the wizarding world ends here.

Chapter 18 Christmas Eve

Anderson didn't leave a body, so Adolf put a set of professor's robes and the silver pocket watch in the coffin instead.

According to notes left by Anderson, he began the alchemical ritual months ago, using the blood of animals he could find, as well as his own blood.From the beginning, the man had no intention of attacking anyone.

Kleist’s external explanation was that the professor of magical biology discovered the blood-sucking monster and died with it in a heroic fight.Hyde, who witnessed the whole process, had his memory erased by magic.

Anderson's funeral was held on Christmas Eve, and Adolf drove his coffin to his hometown in a carriage, accompanied by Kleist and Ella.The two men wore solemn black robes, and Ella changed into the black pleated skirt Yusef bought her, which was the only dress Ella could wear for the occasion.

Columb, Anderson's hometown, is located [-] kilometers west of Glamisburg. His wife is buried in a cemetery at the corner of the town. There is a bouquet of daffodils in front of the tombstone. It seems that Anderson has returned not long ago.

According to Adolf, the professor of magical biology at Kraft School grew up in an orphanage in Colum Town without relatives or clans.

Adolf buried the two together. On the new tombstone is an old black and white photo of Anderson, who looks younger than when he was alive.

Kleist thought for a long time and carved a brief epitaph on the brown stone tombstone.

"Be sure to wait a moment at that door,

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