"It may be a little uncomfortable, you have to be patient."

As she spoke, Ella slowly poured out some brown translucent viscous liquid, and spread it evenly on Ashley's arm.

An itching like ant bites spread rapidly inside the arm, which was more unbearable than the pain. Ashley's white skin quickly turned red and hot, and she gritted her teeth without making a sound.

Although she was prepared, her breathing became uncontrollably heavy, and a lot of sweat poured out from her forehead. This torture lasted for about a minute. Ella wiped off the remaining liquid medicine with a wet towel.

"Try moving."

Ashley moved her right hand in disbelief, clenched her fist, and then slowly released it.

"It's incredible. Although I still feel some pain, I can move... I seem to be getting a little tired."

"That's a normal reaction. The essence of this medicine is to speed up recovery, but the energy used to recover injuries still comes from you, so you feel tired."

Ella explained, and put the vial on the bedside cabinet.

"You apply it again in the evening, and once a day for the next two days, it should be cured."

Chapter 9 What you think may not be true


Ashley tried a few moves with his right hand, then got up from the edge of the bed,

"Create a huge wall of fire, and this medicine...you seem to be able to do anything, just as Master Lily said, you can't just be a young girl in an ordinary mountain village..."

Ella took a step back, sensing a sharp hostility she could no longer conceal in Ashley Chevalier.

"But I really want to know why you approached us."

The sense of oppression brought by that not-so-tall slender body was suffocating. Ella took another step back, but she had already touched the wall behind her.

"Your appearance is too coincidental. I'm sorry, I wanted to do this when we first met, but was interrupted by the wolves. Maybe I asked too directly, let's put it another way-what are you Who and where are you from, please don’t worry, I don’t intend to attack you, I still remember the kindness of that day, but as a colleague, this is something that must be known.”

Ashley's posture was relaxed, and he probably had no intention of doing anything.

Ella looked directly into the other's eyes.

"My real name is Ella Williams, I am a wizard from Scotland, there is no falsehood in that."


The knight repeated the word several times, her eyelids twitched unnaturally, she seemed to be lost in thought, and held her head with one hand.

"I've never heard of this place...but why are you alone in the forest."

Ella didn't hide it, although it made her feel a little uncomfortable, but as Ashley said, she was indeed very suspicious, and companions were indispensable in this strange environment.


Ella had to admit that this was absurd and unbelievable.

But to her surprise, Ashley accepted this statement, and Ella could clearly feel that the knife-like hostility disappeared.

"Let's just make it my goal to return to Scotland, or make up my memory. In addition——I also have things I want to know, such as your and Lily's identities."

"There is nothing to hide. Miss Lily Bell is the only daughter of Lord Winter Earl Bell, and I am an honored knight. Your Excellency the Earl is ill. Miss Lily Bell will attend His Majesty the Snow King's birthday banquet instead of her father. And offer congratulations."

She gave Ella a moment to digest the information in the conversation, then asked,

"About memory, how much do you remember now?"

Ella replied,

"I think most of them are fine."

With the further recovery of magic power, she felt that some ambiguous places in her memory had gradually become clear.

Ashley shook his head.

"Memory is the most elusive thing. What you think now may not be true."

There was an inexplicable, genuine emotion in her tone that seemed sympathetic.

As she said that, Ashley yawned. She was really tired due to the medicine.

"Goodbye then, I'll ask the waiter to bring you food in the evening."


Ella opened the door and returned to her adjacent room.

Ashley's words made her somewhat concerned,

[Memory is the most elusive thing. What you are thinking now may not be true. 】

Did she still forget something?Or maybe even the concept of "forgetting" itself has become blurred.

Without warning, Ella suddenly felt a chill. Maybe she really overlooked something?It sounded ridiculous, but a strong uneasiness occupied her heart so abruptly.

It was some kind of inspiration, and it didn't bode well for a magician.

While Ella was comforting herself, on the other hand, she began to nervously count those people and things:

I'm Ella, Ella Williams.

I haven't forgotten anything, it was just a casual remark by Ashley Chevalier,

Ling—my best friend, Howard Youssef—my best teachers, school professors—my most respected people, Mr. Turner and Renee—what will happen to my rent during this time?

The annoying young master and the shadow have also become companions, George and Maykel, as well as Jack, Alice and his wife, Dolores, Miss Rosa...Henry's family, and the new acquaintance Lily, Madame Mapel who helped me...

Tangerang Island... the volcanoes, the mines of São Francisco and Sibylla, Glamis and London...

Yes, I remember everything,


Before that,

before this

- What is it?

It was as if a tight thread was suddenly disconnected, and all the strange feelings that had been ignored suddenly emerged.

Ella didn't remember anything before being fostered at Henry's house. Who was that man who regularly sent a sum of money?Who is his mother?Their faces seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making them completely unclear.

why is that?Is it because the memory has not been fully recovered, or this special place, which even the messenger cannot reach, is eating her from the deepest part of the memory through some unknown way?

But is this really a change that occurred after waking up from the Snow Country?Maybe from earlier times...

The black iron door fixed with rivets that she had seen in the dream world once again appeared in her mind.

When Aila didn't realize it, her body began to appear abnormal, the skin of her arms became transparent and shrunk, gray flames surrounded her whole body, her eyes became confused, and in the depths of the flames was a faintly trembling bird. Sewn Eyes.

For the first time since learning magic, Ella showed signs of losing control.

thump, thump


The sound of the door surprised Ella, and she temporarily got rid of that state. She instinctively gave up searching, quickly emptied her mind, didn't think about anything, and then described the complete object in her mind.

Ella chose the Eye of Hermes. This lost alchemical item was indeed the thing she was most familiar with. The model gradually became fuller until every detail was perfect.

"Ella, are you in there?"

The girl let out a long sigh of relief, and she looked at her arm with some creepiness, it had returned to its original appearance.

She looked at the mirror in the hotel. Although the color of her pupils was still a little abnormal, it was gradually fading away.

Overall she is now out of danger.

The voice outside the door should be from Lily, thanks to her, Ella was able to get out of that state in time.

She opened the door of the room, and what appeared in front of her was Lily Bell in a multi-pleated rav-neck waist cake dress.

"So you are...ah, how did you end up like this?"

Lily's expression turned to shock.

Ella was puzzled for a while, she felt that there should be no problem with her body, which had been confirmed in the mirror.

After a while, she looked down in a daze. The woolen coat was about to be torn to pieces by the flames, but it was barely hanging on her body.

Ella's face was a little red, but she forced herself to be calm, slowly tightened her clothes to barely cover her body, and replied with the same tone:

"Something went wrong."

Chapter 10 Norbold Williams

The two girls walked side by side on the streets of Caroline, Ella needed to buy some daily necessities, and Lily just wanted to go shopping.

For the time being, Ella was wearing clothes borrowed from Lily, and they were not too different in size, and they barely fit.

She seemed a little absent-minded, and after being reminded by Miss Ashley Chevalier, Ella noticed more details that she had overlooked.After a certain amount of psychological preparation, this should no longer lead to loss of control, and before that, Ella prepared a few bottles of sedatives.

There are problems with her life experience——

The evil gods themselves cannot have offspring with humans, this should be an iron rule in mysticism.

Perhaps there have been some cases in the literature where the bloodlines of the relatives of the evil gods were inherited by humans.But that's not the evil god itself.And these wizards usually do not show excessive power, they are accompanied by half-mad results from the moment of birth, and it is difficult to survive childhood.

This can't explain the connection between Ella and "Yafum". That kind of strange personality and power can only belong to the gods.

That being the case, what about Ella's parents?Will they be normal humans?

Ella had conducted an investigation into the evil god "Aphem" before, but intentionally or unintentionally ignored the essence of it.

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