Yousef nodded, tore off the school badge on the professor's robe, and threw it out!

"Maybe you are right, but I cannot accept this so-called protection. I will leave Kraft."

Kleist's expression fell into a dull state of shock.

"I won't hand over the umbilical cord to you - it would be equally a disaster for humans if someone like you becomes a god."

"Ella was the one I brought back to Glamis. She is my student...forever."

Chapter 2 Snow in the mountains

It was a village between mountain peaks and valleys, the branches of trees were covered with thick snow, and the ground was pure white.

The old woman Marpel, who had returned from shepherding, drove the sheep that were the same color as the snow back to the barn. She pushed open the wooden house. There was hot food in the pot, and there was a written letter on the stove.

There were still some sparks left in the charcoal under the stove. The person who prepared the food should have calculated the time when the old man would return. The flame had just extinguished. No extra firewood was wasted, and the food was still warm. Everything was cooked just right. .


"Where did you go... What a worry-free child."

There was no response from the room, and the old man hadn't opened the letter yet, but he already had some premonitions.

The girl she stumbled across in the forest half a year ago.

Just like when she appeared without warning, she suddenly disappeared without warning.

A layer of fat floating on the stew in the pot is slowly congealing.


Tall trees have accumulated thick fallen leaves on the ground over the long years. In the vast expanse of snow, people cannot tell whether they are solid ground or a soft trap formed by dead leaves.

So, two unlucky people were sitting in a deep hole created by the collapse of the snow, around a flickering bonfire.

"About five or six months ago, I was found unconscious in this forest by Mrs. Mapel. When I woke up, I forgot everything including my name."

"Heh, so that means the name 'Tina' is a pseudonym?"

The two people talking were both women. They sat side by side on a rotten tree trunk in the snow pit. The surface of the trunk became a little wet due to the temperature, and there was a layer of folded cloth on top of them.

The girl who called herself "Tina" was petite and looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old. Her silver-white long hair was simply tied behind her head with a string, and she was wearing a wool coat that was very common among local hunters.

Tina put her hand close to the bonfire. The coat was obviously too big for her, and only part of her fingers could stick out from the cuff.

"It's not a fake's the name Mrs. Mapel gave me for convenience."

The other girl was about the same age as Tina, with blond curly hair trimmed very delicately, wearing a deer-brown leather hunting suit that was easy to move. It seemed to be quite an expensive material, although it was light, it was also very warm.

She swung her legs, and the snow on her long boots dripped down the black leather.

"Are you planning to run away from home? That old man seems to be treating you well, right?"

"Although I feel a little sorry for her, I always feel that I don't belong here. Everything in the village and the mountains makes me feel a little strange... There are seven moons in the sky. For nearly half a year, almost every day here It’s going to snow, and so are these trees, and I seem to remember they’re not evergreen trees—and this.”

Tina cautiously put her hands into her neckline, shivering a little from the cold.After a while, she took out a pendant, which seemed to be an oddly shaped emblem, with a pupilless eye in the center of the distorted star pattern, which seemed to have been burned by flames, and the color was somewhat black.

"I've had this on since I woke up."

"I think you're the weird one...aren't those things taken for granted? This is the country of snow."

The blonde girl felt that the other party was like a fool who knew nothing. She rolled her eyes inwardly, taking the pendant and playing with it in her hand.

"Snow Country... What is that? Miss Bell, why are you here?"

"Just call me Lily, I'm just a little bored—ah!"

The eyes on the pendant twisted strangely, and the young girl named Lily Bell was so frightened that she fell back and staggered. After a slight shock, a mass of snow fell from above, smashing Extinguish the bonfire.



Tina hurriedly brushed away the snow from the firewood. If they got wet, it would be difficult to ignite them again.

The inside of the snow pit was suddenly plunged into darkness, and it was not too early outside. In this kind of weather, the sun only showed its face at noon, and then hurriedly got back into the thick dark clouds.Although it was only afternoon, almost no light could reach the forest.

After the bonfire was extinguished, the remaining heat dissipated quickly, and the temperature in the snow pit began to become colder, which gradually became unbearable.

Lily moved her body and unconsciously got closer to Tina. The body temperature made her feel slightly better.

"......Now how to do."

"Wait a mininute."

Tina closed her eyes, her fingers began to feel cold gradually, and a small flame appeared.

"Oh? Do you know how to use magic? So that's how the bonfire was lit just now? Although it's not too strange to be able to use magic, I really rarely see people who can use flames in the Snow Country."

"Is this called magic? I only discovered a few days ago that I can do this kind of thing. It's like a strange instinct."

Tina maintained the flame in a small way, and held it in front of her face. The faint light of the flame was beating, which looked illusory and unreal.

"It's incredible... Every time I do this, I seem to think of something, like the phantom of some houses and people... It's very vague, but I can feel it - they have an impact on me." I should be very important..."

Lily shrugged helplessly, interrupting Tina's soliloquy.

"Is this the time to talk about such things? The wood will soon be wet."

"That's right...sorry."

The firewood was re-ignited, the snow pit became bright again, the snow-covered branches became a little damp, some choking white smoke rose up, and the flames made crackling sounds.

Lily Bell was coughing due to the smoke, while Tina squatted on the ground again, staring at the flames in a daze.

"Here you go with the necklace. This pattern is disgusting... and it looks like it's been roasted on fire."

"Have you ever been burned by fire... I heard from Mapel that when she found me, I was half buried in the snow. Most of my original clothes were destroyed by the fire. Maybe it's the traces left at that time... ...but I don't look burned myself."

Tina took the necklace and brought it back to her neck. Because it was exposed to the air, the metal chain became cold, which made Tina tremble all over.

"By the do you think we should get back to the surface?"

"Wait a little longer, someone will come to me soon."

Lily didn't seem to doubt this, and in fact, there did seem to be vague human voices in the distance.

Tina was still staring at the flames in a daze, her eyes were lost in thought, as if she was about to remember something.

"When my people come, I will bring you with them, don't worry!"

Lily patted Tina on the shoulder, but the latter was still muttering nervously, and she suddenly trembled.

"I remembered-I'm not name is Ella."

"Ella Williams!"

Chapter 3 Strange World

"Where is this place? I remember that I should have fallen into the crater."

Ella felt that she still forgot a lot of things, so she began to sort out the current situation.

"Is this the world after death? But it doesn't feel like it..."

What Aila thought at the time was that in the future that the shadow saw, this was not her own ending. If this was the case, it was obviously the right choice to take the greatest risk by herself.

Although I feel a little scared when I think about it now, the temperature of the lava still seems to remain in the air around me.

But if I do it again, I will definitely still make this choice, but this is absolutely unchanged.

Ella hugged her shoulders, and she felt her teeth chattering, but she didn't know whether it was because of the cold around her or the heat in her memory.

The feeling of the body being burned is extremely clear. It cannot be an illusion or other reasons. It is the memory left by the severe pain in the body!

After calming down, she continued her analysis.

"But why did I survive... No, am I really alive?"

A certain memory gradually appeared in her mind, and before falling into the crater and losing consciousness, there was indeed a certain fluctuation of some kind of object.

Ella noticed that there was still some cold touch on her neck, and she gradually had some guesses.

"This should be the ability of the old seal of the star. It sent me into this strange place before I died. This badge was given to me by Professor Kleist. What did he see in the "Book of the Future" No?... He gave me the medal at an earlier time, after the events in London five years ago."

Speaking of items, Ayla suddenly felt a pang of heartache.

She is now completely back to a state of poverty, with the mysterious door borrowed from Hyde, teacher Yusef's notebook, alchemy equipment and the two hundred pounds she carried with her... Although the contents of the notes are already in her ability. I memorized it before I understood it, but the other things were indeed completely destroyed.

There is no way to return the mysterious door to Hyde, and there must be other ways to compensate him for this.

The biggest loss was the Eye of Hermes, a powerful alchemical tool left by the ancient prophet Sibylla that she threw to an unknown place.

If you can go back to Sambawa Island, you must find a way to recycle it!

Otherwise, Professor Roger would have killed himself, Ella was sure of that.

On the other hand, there is her physical condition. During the battle with Ulysses Philip, she used the prayer to call [Aphem] twice in a row. Although the scars on the surface of her body were eliminated for unknown reasons, her spirit and The magic itself was still severely wounded.

Fortunately, Ella's body is much better than it was five years ago. She only needs enough time to recover, and she can also prepare some potions to help this later.

But during this period of time, most of the magic could not be used, at least there was no way to use the floating spell to return to the ground.

Ella sat down on the ground in despair and began to worry about gains and losses.


At this time, the situation in the outside world seemed to have changed.

"Miss Lily!"

From above the snow-pit came the voice,

"Ashley, here I am! You're too slow!"

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