The strong smell made Ella almost throw up.

Ling also exclaimed.

"It turns out that what that person said is true!"

At this time, a voice sounded from the corridor.

"Ella, are you there?"

Adolf and another professor strode up the stairs.

The professor was Anderson, the professor of magic biology who managed the Kraft school farm. He took two steps forward with a serious expression.

"You two students don't stay in the dormitory at night, what are you doing here..." Professor Anderson looked at the scene in the room, and suddenly his eyes widened. "Oh no, my eagle, Adolf, come and see, what is going on here Something happened!"

Adolf also took a breath of air when he saw the scene in the house. Anderson seemed a little excited. He knelt down tremblingly and fumbled with the feathers of the magic eagle.

"Kraft above...who did such a horrible thing!"

Adolf patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, then turned his head and asked Ella what was going on, Ella faltered and talked about what she saw in her dream, and then came to this tower to see everything, and emphasized that she He Ling just arrived here.

Adolf listened carefully to Ella's words and asked a few questions in the process. After Ella repeated it several times and completely restored her logic, Adolf squatted down, put his hands on Ella's shoulders, and looked at her. s eyes.

"Listen to me Ella, calm down, I completely believe everything you said. I promised Yusuf to protect you, so when you were tutoring, I cast a tracking spell to determine where you are. Just now I found that you ran to the tower late at night to find it all the way. Think about it, the person who did this may be hiding in the tower. What if you encounter him before I arrive? And you, Ling Miss, you are too adventurous today."

Adolf took out a piece of parchment, wrote something on it with a quill, and then shook his hand, and it burned into ashes in mid-air.

"The principal and the law enforcement team will be coming soon to surround the tower and conduct a search. I will send you back to your dormitory first. Stay there and don't run out again tonight."

There was nothing to say along the way, only Ling had accumulated a lot of questions, but she and Adolf were not familiar yet, and she planned to ask her friends after going back.

Ella was silent for a long time. She remembered the tragic incident in the factory that day and didn't want to see it again in Kraft, so before saying goodbye, she finally couldn't help but ask Adolf,

"Adolf, Professor Kleist and the others will definitely catch the person who did this, right?"

"Of course!" Adolf comforted her, "Kleist is the strongest magician in the world."

Then he seemed to think of something suddenly, "By the way, Ella, I forgot to tell you some good news. Yousef wrote a letter saying that his affairs are about to be finished, and he will be back around Christmas."

"Really?" Ella managed to lift her spirits, her complexion improved a little.

This was the best news she had heard recently.

Chapter 14 Rumors

Ella felt that the atmosphere today was a bit weird, which made her very uneasy.

In the lounge and cafeteria, the students avoided her and Ling's seats intentionally or unintentionally.They whispered, but fell silent when Ayla looked at them.

This anxiety reached its peak before the morning magical creature class.Finally, when Ella walked into the classroom and sat in her seat, people gathered in the other corner of the classroom surrounded her.

Headed among them was Hyde, the young master from the magician pure-blood noble.

"Hey, Williams, you're the one who drank the blood of Krakowt's animals! Damn vampire, you still come to class as if nothing happened?"

Ella froze for a moment, not knowing what Hyde was talking about.

"Shut your mouth, Hyde! Ella couldn't have done that!"

Ling was like a kitten with fried fur. He slapped the table and stood up, grabbing Hyde by the collar.

Haide broke away from her forcefully, dusted his front, raised his chin, and continued to speak without even looking at Ling,

"Hmph, someone told me, Williams, that your ancestors were those dark creatures that sucked human blood in the Book of Nod. If you want me to say, you have already started doing this, right? And your ancestors You can also draw magic power from your blood, so you can learn spells faster than me!" Hyde showed an aristocratic smirk that disgusted Ella, which reminded her of her uncle's expression.

"Yesterday you were caught red-handed by Professor Anderson and the others in the tower, right? Admit it Williams, let Kleist fire you, and then go back to the slums of Whitechapel District to suck the blood of those untouchables!"

She now understands the meaning of the strange gazes of the students who looked at themselves since the morning.

That's the look in the eyes of a monster.

Ella didn't know why she was being targeted. In the month since she came to Kraft School, she hardly knew any of her classmates except Ling.She just studies magic every day and then returns to her dormitory. She shouldn't have offended anyone.

"not me……"

After someone took the lead, the voices of the children gradually became louder, and Ella's rebuttal was quickly drowned in the wave of voices.

Ling almost wanted to pick up the bench and smash Hyde's straight nose, which would definitely make her feel better.

"I don't think . . . Miss Williams, she's a very nice person."

There was a disapproving voice in the classroom, it was a girl with curly hair and somewhat rustic dress.Ella has some rare impressions of her. The girl named Dolores asked her experience in mastering spells in a certain spell class.

The smile on Hyde's face was even more contemptuous,

"Look, Williams, what kind of people are supporting you, a crazy girl dressed like a boy and a rustic poor student."

A voice came from the corridor.

"Perhaps including your magic biology teacher, Hyde, I think I should deduct ten points from your grade in this class."

Professor Anderson pushed open the wooden door, stepped onto the podium, and scanned the entire classroom.

"Everyone, go back to your seats, turn the book to page 120, today we're going to talk about Hydra, Miss Williams, I'm sure you've done the preview, please tell us what the weakness of Hydra is What? What should a magician who encounters such a monster do?"

Ella was shocked, stood up, and looked at Professor Anderson gratefully, but the latter seemed to have noticed nothing.

"Don't you know, Williams?"

"No, Professor, I have previewed it. The weakness of the flying polyp is the current of a specific frequency. We can use the runes about thunder and lightning and add frequency-controlling chants to it.

"Completely correct."


After the class ended, this phenomenon still did not improve.Rumors had spread throughout the campus. Ella was standing in front of the lounge door, her hand resting stiffly on the handle. Someone in the room was talking about herself.

"Did you hear that first-year freshman Ella Williams is actually a vampire! She lives on our floor..."

"Oh my God, this is so scary, I heard that when Professor Anderson walked up the tower yesterday, Williams was biting the necks of those poor magic eagles..."

Ling clenched her teeth, and was about to push open the door to stop those talking nonsense.But Ella was one step ahead of her, kicking open the lounge door and sarcastically saying,

"That's right, you dreadful vampire Ella Williams, is about to bite the carotid arteries out of each of you at night! Wash your necks and die, you idiots!"

After speaking, Ella turned her head and ran out.All the people in the lounge were silent. They didn't hear the sarcasm in Ella's words, and thought it was a real threat.

Ling was stunned for a while, she had never seen Ella like this before, it was the first time she knew that the little girl who loved sweets and was very afraid of the cold could make that kind of expression.She followed quickly.

"Ella, you were so handsome just now!"

"That's not funny at all, Ling."

Ella sat on the stairs hugging her knees, burying her face in her knees and muttering softly.

"I'm not sure what's going on. Do you remember when I said I was dreaming yesterday? You said at the time that I actually had my eyes open! I'm afraid it was the shadow on the Eye of Hermes that was unconsciously Replace me...otherwise, why would I find that door, Ling, what do you say if I really killed those animals?"

"Ella, I'm sure it wasn't you, we've been together, if you did those things, how could I not know?"


"Nothing but, Professor Kleist and Professor Adolf also said that there is nothing wrong with the mirror, right?"

Ling rubbed Ella's hair into a mess, looked at her depressed face, and suddenly laughed.

"If you're still not sure, then I have an idea."


Ayla raised her head slightly and glanced up furtively.

Chapter 15 Magical Ritual and Dark Shadows

"Can this work?"

Ella looked at Ling worriedly, who was busy mixing several magic materials together and pouring them into a dark alchemy crucible.Previously, Ling secretly took Ella to the woods behind the manor, and mysteriously prepared a magic ritual.

"Three hundred milliliters of pure water, two drops of Datura rhizome juice, a rooster's eggshell... and finally a Congolese peacock's tail feather." Ling stirred the solution in the crucible, and a strange smell filled the air. Turning his head, he handed Ella a ceremonial bell.

"Of course it can be done, Ella, please help me sanctify this silver bell. I can't recite the consecrating incantation yet."

Ella chanted the rune character representing the sun, and carved the shape on the surface of the bell with a knife.

Ling took the bell and applied some rose essential oil on her forehead.

"I know that magic rituals are the content of the second grade, we haven't learned it yet, but I have seen Dad use magic rituals to hide his private money, and I used this to threaten him to hand over the rituals to me after that, so there should be nothing Question. Look after Ira, I think you can preview it in advance, the spell of the ceremony is mainly divided into three parts, the object of prayer or the god, your own request, and finally praise him. "

Ling drew a simple triangle with mercury mixed with coarse salt on a flat stone surface, and lit a white candle. When she rang the bell, Ella obviously felt that the surrounding light was getting darker.

"The Lord of the Five Colors of Xiqi,

The first peacock born in the world,

My great ancestor,

I am here to pray,

I pray that you ignite the power in my veins,

praise you,

Great ancestors. "

After the prayer was over, Ling drank the solution that had been filled in the beaker in one gulp, and then let go of his hand, and the beaker fell to the ground.

An invisible wind blew up in the woods, kicking up the coarse salt in the dish, and Ayla noticed a faint imprint in the shape of a feather appeared on Ling's forehead, and her black eyes grew deeper.Afterwards, Ling shook the holy bell again, and the surrounding space brightened up again.Everything is back to normal.

"A perfect magic ritual, I'm such a genius!"

Ling cheered and threw herself on Ella.

"So, is this considered complete? The content of the prayer just now has nothing to do with blood-sucking monsters, right?"

"It's only half done now. I have strengthened my bloodline through magic rituals, and now I can use some special abilities...for example, like this."

Ling stretched out his right hand, circled his index finger and thumb, put it against his tongue, and blew a loud whistle.Not long after, there were bursts of birdsong in the air, and the birds that had avoided Kraft's school reappeared in the sky above Glamis Manor.

"If that monster is still in school, he will definitely continue hunting animals. The birds I summoned will only move in this forest according to my instructions. For the rest, just wait here for it to take the bait!"

It was already winter, and the forest floor was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, enough for the two girls to hide inside.Ella and Ling quickly got into the fallen leaves, leaving only their eyes exposed. Before that, Ling waved his hand to keep the birds within their sight.

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