"Okay...but you need to get more money. Forty pounds is only enough to buy a small box of seven Mafis. Next week you need to bring another forty pounds."

Ling was stunned by the price. Forty pounds was enough to rent a spacious and warm house in Liverpool, and saving a little was enough for her and her mother to live for two years.The previous bloodletting treatment only cost five shillings each time.

Lawrence produced a small amber glass bottle, no bigger than a thumb, but forty pounds for seven of them.

Lawrence used a syringe to draw out half of the light yellow liquid medicine and injected it into the mad woman's blood vessel.

After only one minute, Ling found that the mad woman's expression was no longer in pain, and she smiled, as if she was having a happy dream.

Ling hadn't seen such a peaceful expression on her mother's face for a long time, which dispelled her doubts. This new drug called Mafis seemed to be really effective.

"I'll give you a syringe, use one for your mother every day, and treat today's medicine as my gift to you."


Ling covered her face with her hands, and sat weakly on the wooden floor. After a few seconds, she slapped her face twice, stood up again, and forcibly pulled herself together.

At least she now sees a little hope, just need more money, the mad woman can no longer suffer so much, this is not difficult for her, just need a little luck and a suitable goal.

Ling looked at the pedestrians outside the window, his pupils became as sharp as a bird of prey again, and he began to look for his prey.

"Maybe this time, the scope can be made wider."

Chapter 3 Continuing to get worse

Late at night in the port of Liverpool, the weather is getting colder, thick dark clouds in the sky and howling north winds herald the approaching snowstorm.

On such a day, sailing is extremely dangerous, not to mention that it is approaching Christmas, and there are very few people on the streets.Even the vagrants gathered under the bridge hole or by the benches in the park, lit the charcoal they had collected, and saturate themselves with hot river fruit with the black bread they collected from the poor point.With better luck, there may be broken blankets and dirty cotton batting picked up, which will give them a better chance of getting through this damn winter.

So most of the time, the streets at this time are very quiet.

At this time, the woman's beast-like scream broke the silence of the night. It no longer sounded like a human voice. The terrifying roar made the homeless people on the street corner wrap up in ragged blankets or clothes, cover their heads, and did not dare to speak out. sound.

Under a dilapidated hut, the crazy woman knocked over the hot water in the iron pot, convulsed all over her body, fell to the ground, and scratched every good flesh on her body with her sharp nails.Her strength was astonishing, Ling tried to control her, but was bounced away by the woman's waving limbs several times.

"Give me the medicine quickly! It's so uncomfortable..."

Ling seized an opportunity and stepped forward to hug the crazy woman's head to prevent her from twisting her own neck.

"You've already played one today, you can't do it again!"

The mad woman's nails pierced deeply into Ling's skin, she suppressed a moan back into her throat, clenched her teeth and continued to control the mad woman.

"I'm not right... Blood is coming out, my blood... You all want to kill me! Medicine, give me medicine...!"

The blood surged up and blocked the crazy woman's nose. It was black and viscous blood. They were foul and disgusting, exuding a disgusting rusty smell.

Ling gritted her teeth and freed a hand to take out a small wooden box, opened the lid, and then her expression became stiff.

"There are... two left..."

In the beginning, the crazy woman only needed to use one Mafis every day when she felt the most uncomfortable, but gradually, the dosage of one was insufficient. Once she stopped using it, she would completely lose her mind and start to harm herself.

Ling sucked the last drop of the medicine in the glass bottle into the syringe. This medicine is too expensive to waste a single drop.

The girl struggled to hold her mother down, pinned her body with her knees, and pushed the syringe to the bottom.

The crazy woman became quiet, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face again.Ling fell to the ground weakly, gasping for breath, but she couldn't rest yet. The crazy woman is prone to catch a cold in this state. Considering her body, any accident would be fatal.

Ling pulled a piece of old and blackened cotton wool and covered the woman's body with it.

When the girl's movements were completed, the crazy woman buried her head in Ling's chest, and her next words made the girl tremble.

"who are you……"

Ling took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to make his voice calm and gentle.

"I am your daughter."

"Really... He and I already have a child."

The woman showed a happy expression, and her eyes were blurred, as if a beautiful hallucination appeared in front of her eyes.

"My husband, he promised to pick me up, and then we will go to Newport, Wales, and we won't have to suffer anymore... He promised me..."

As she spoke, the crazy woman's breathing gradually became steady, and she let out a soft snoring sound.

Ling was silent for a long time, carefully placed the tattered blanket under the woman's head, got up and left, before it was time to sleep peacefully.The remaining medicine can only be used for one day at most. Maybe I can try my luck at night.


Inspector Alexander has been suffering a lot lately. Including the burglary case last night, this is already the No. 20 case that occurred since December.

That way, he wouldn't have to wait until Christmas before he could get out of the Sheriff's Office.

Alexander secretly glanced at his colleague Bruno. With his seniority, if he stepped down, he would soon take his place.

However, instead of feeling angry, Alexander was somewhat gloating about his misfortune.He is very aware of the abilities of his colleagues. At most, he can just grab a few street kids just like himself to make up the money. But as new cases break out, Bruno may become an inspector with the shortest career.

He took a sip of black coffee with several spoonfuls of sugar, and grabbed today's latest newspaper.That was the notorious Liverpool Herald, a paper known for exaggerated and distorted descriptions and particularly lurid headlines.

The most conspicuous place above reads:

"Shocked, the thieves continue to get away with it, and the inspector actually advises the public not to bring too much cash out!"

Under the caption was a picture of Alexander himself, God knows where the damn reporter was hiding, just giving a barely reasonable suggestion on the street and yawning out of exhaustion.But this scene was photographed by a reporter with ulterior motives, and such a title was attached.

What’s even more damning is that even though this is just a rubbish article full of baseless speculation and a lot of gaudy rhetoric.But after adding this title and photo, the sales were as high as ghosts.

Alexander felt a strong stomachache, covered his stomach, and drank the rest of the coffee.

"Bruno, go to this newspaper and tell them to cut out the damn picture, you know what to do!"

The police officer named Bruno responded and trotted away from the police station.

Ling stayed on the second floor of Lawrence's private clinic. Last night, she only got fifteen pounds in cash, and the money left on her body was not enough to buy three Maffeus.

Recently, rich people in Liverpool have become more and more cautious. They always put their hands on their purses when they go out, and they will check them soon. in a metal safe.

Ling also stopped distributing her loot to the vagrants on the street. She could sense that hunger and cold had begun to make some vagrants lose their minds, and Bill couldn't control those children.Already some malicious eyes swept towards the old shed.Therefore, she dare not leave the mad woman for too long now.

She turned her eyes to the pier, maybe she should shift her target to those outsiders. Those merchant ships had a lot of money and goods, but they also had sailors and muskets to defend the ships.They were rich enough, but too dangerous. Generally speaking, Ling would not easily take advantage of these people.

It's just...she has no choice now.

Ling left Lawrence's clinic. Unlike usual, this time she didn't bring a whole box of medicine, but only two small amber glass bottles in her pocket.

Chapter 4 Necrosis

Ling crumpled up the newspaper and threw it away.

The headline read "Liverpool's nightmare, rich businessman dies at home, new inspector does nothing!"

Newspapers described the thief who appeared this month as a terrifying murderer. This terrible thief is no longer satisfied with stealing property, or perhaps the residents' growing defensiveness has angered him.Since the night before yesterday, residents of three households have been killed in their homes, and their deaths were miserable.

Ling couldn't remember who he had killed, maybe the "Liverpool Herald" was talking nonsense, or some murderous monster really appeared in Liverpool.

Even if this was the case, Ling didn't find it strange. She recalled the bedtime story that the mad woman told her when she was still awake. The wicked would go to hell after death—and demons appeared in this hellish world, It is nothing more than normal.

These are not worthy of her concern. The girl noticed a middle-aged man coming from the port. He was a well-dressed gentleman. Polite, carrying a heavy gold-inlaid cane.

The man has a calm demeanor and a short, neatly trimmed beard.This was an unfamiliar face. Ling had never seen this gentleman in Liverpool. Maybe he had just finished his voyage and came to Liverpool to visit relatives or friends.

The girl guessed that such a decent gentleman from out of town probably had no less than fifty pounds in his pocket.

This is an excellent opportunity, as long as it succeeds, at least one week... or even two weeks of medicine for the crazy woman can be guaranteed.

Ling snapped his fingers and let a crow land on his shoulder.She discovered that she was different a long time ago, her strength was far greater than that of her peers, she was more agile, and could easily perform movements that they couldn't complete.At the same time, she can also manipulate the birds to some extent to complete some commands, all of which make her stealing easier.

The crow flapped its wings and left, hovering over the target. Now that the streets are full of patrolling police officers, it is difficult for her to have a chance to strike.But birds are different. No one will be wary of a crow crouching on a street lamp.

Taking his chances soon enough, the man stopped a stagecoach and took out his wallet, which Ling could see with his excellent eyesight, contained a thick stack of banknotes.As a rough estimate, even if they were each one pound notes of the lowest denomination, they would be enough to buy a mad woman a fortnight of mafis.

"It's now!"

Ling clenched her fists secretly. If she failed, she would have to risk doing it herself.

The crow swooped down from the top of the street lamp without a sound, with its talons stretched out like an eagle, and it only needed to get closer to snatch the gentleman's wallet, which would be regarded as an unfortunate accident .

The crow approached the gentleman smoothly, and it only took another second to succeed.Ling was already extremely nervous, a heart almost jumped out of her throat, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in her heart, will it be so smooth?

Immediately afterwards, the crow froze in mid-air and fell into the arms of that gentleman. It became as docile as a kitten, and the vague connection with Ling was completely severed.

The man in a black gold-edged velvet dress stroked the crow's feathers, raised his head with great interest, and looked across the street, through the passing pedestrians, and cast his eyes precisely in Ling's direction.

The dark gray pupils passed through the physical distance and were reflected in the girl's dark yellow pupils.

The moment their eyes met, Ling suddenly felt like falling into an ice cave.It was an indescribable feeling. Ling clearly realized that this man was his own kind, but he was infinitely stronger than himself!

The so-called specialness that the girl is proud of looks funny and ridiculous in front of him.Without waiting, Ling had already made a choice, she turned around and ran, doing her best.

This is the body's instinct, triggered by fear.

Ling went through several streets like crazy, couldn't stay here any longer, and immediately took the crazy woman out of the city.Before leaving, maybe she could go to Lawrence's private clinic and steal all the Mafis. The girl already knew this medicine, and she would definitely not take it by mistake.

Leave Liverpool and go to a new city, London, or wherever in Wales, just to get away from this horrible man.

There was a stench in the air, like rusted iron.

Ling was familiar with this smell, it was the smell of blood, and an ominous premonition rose from the bottom of his heart again.

Her footsteps stopped outside the dilapidated shed, and the blackened blood spread around the shed.Broken limbs and broken torsos were scattered on the ground. One of them had his head pulled out with his spine. It belonged to the two homeless children Ling Zengjin had seen, and Ling could feel their eyes.Ever since she had given up the spoils to the waifs, there had been a coveting of the non-existent pounds in the shed.

But they were already dead, with horror and despair remaining on their faces.

The smell of rust permeated the depths of the alley, with a stomach-churning sweetness.Ling immediately vomited it out. She hadn't eaten anything in the morning, and soon she could only vomit sour water.


Ling leaned on the wall to support her body. She took a few steps forward, a little afraid to look into the depths of the shed. She didn't think that a crazy woman could survive such a tragic massacre, let alone imagine her tragic death.

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