"Accompany me to the cafeteria to steal something to eat!"

"It's so late..."

"I don't care, this is compensation for my friend!" Ling, who claimed to be Ella's friend, said forcefully.

Ella slept very late tonight, so she was late for her first morning class at Kraft School of Witchcraft and Magic. This was later regarded by Ella as the biggest stain on her academy career. Of course, this is another story .

Chapter 7 Charm Lesson

Glamis Manor is bathed in sunlight, the crescent-shaped lake sparkles, and even the dew on the vines is shining.The two girls ran quickly across the embossed stone bridge on the lake, and the contrasting colors of the two were very conspicuous.

Ella's breathing was a little disturbed, and she ran quickly.Because of what happened last night, they got up a little late, and this morning was her first spell class at Kraft Academy.

"It's all your fault! Now we're going to be late!"

Ella felt that the four-story building was a bit too high, and her physical strength was very poor. After a few minutes of running, her heart almost jumped out of her throat, her face was pale, and the strands of hair on her forehead were wet with sweat.

Ling stuck out her tongue, she was indeed responsible for most of the current predicament.But her physical strength seems to be good, at least she won't be as embarrassed as Ella.

"Forgive me, Ella. I'll treat you to pudding later. Let's not talk about this for now. If we hurry up, maybe we can still catch up!"


Professor Aurora looked at the two girls who trotted and stopped in front of the door, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"Miss Williams, Miss Ling, I can't believe it. You were late for the first class of this semester, and your grades in spells were each deducted [-] points. Remember that there will be no next time. Find a seat now. Come down."

The seats in the front row have been taken up, and Ella and Ling are sitting in the right back corner of the classroom.

Ella was still panting and almost collapsed on the desk.

Ling winked at her, raised his eyebrows, and said quietly, with smiles in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey, genius, you have something you're not good at."

Ella glanced at Ling weakly, and saw that she was hit on the head by half of the chalk, she cried out in pain, and sat upright obediently.

Professor Aurora cleared her throat and resumed her lecture.

"The spell book in front of you records all the spells you need to use before the third grade, runes, ancient runes, elves, whatever you call them, their essence is the same, That is--"

Aurora wrote the word "Mana" in cursive on the blackboard with chalk

"Words with magic power."

"Magic power, this is the biggest difference between us and ordinary people. Bloodlines endow us with innate magical properties, and mantras are the door to vent this power. Only by fully understanding the meaning of a certain mantra and mastering the knowledge in it , we can use the power contained in it. If the knowledge of the spell exceeds the limit that your reason can accommodate, that is the end of the magician, from falling into madness, direct death or other worse endings."

Professor Aurora's tone was serious, and the classroom was silent for a moment.She nodded with satisfaction and continued,

"So learning mantras has to be done step by step, and according to each person's innate mental strength and willpower, the amount of knowledge you can accept is also different. After this class, the class time will be divided according to the comprehensive evaluation in the test ceremony. , This will be notified to each of you in the future, remember, don’t be too greedy for the power of magic to explore knowledge that you cannot grasp, that will only lead to the end of destruction.”

Ella thought of the incantation she accidentally read last night, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.What she didn't know was that the incantations about radiating flames could only be mastered by a third-year magic apprentice at least.

"Then, next, I will teach you what you need to master in this lesson, the only rune text, open the textbook, the first line on the first page."

Aurora wrote the shape of the text on the blackboard, and Ella found that it was just a straight vertical line, but when she observed it carefully, she felt that the edge of the line became blurred and shaken.

"It's pronounced Raguz, which means water. Point your hands at the cup on the desk, close your eyes, imagine the shape of the word and the flow of water in your mind, and build the connection and model between them. Then, try to read it."

Ella closed her eyes according to her words, and pointed her fingers at the white bone china cup on the desk. The vertical lines of text gradually distorted and deformed in her consciousness, becoming a flowing river. She didn't deliberately recall the pronunciation. The syllables of the text came out naturally.


A clear stream of water appeared from Ella's fingertips. She slowly opened her eyes and watched the water fill the bone china cup, transparent and pure.

Professor Aurora looked around, and then came over in a little surprise. She picked up the bone china cup, observed it for a while, and then took a small sip.

"Very good, the water source is pure, free of impurities, and contains the taste of magic. You are the first student to complete this spell, Miss Williams, and I can give you ten points, which will offset the points deducted before."

The other students opened their eyes and were surprised to find that the girl who looked the youngest had already completed the spell, while most of them had not yet succeeded in establishing even the most basic connection.

It didn't take long for them to exclaim again. The second person who completed the spell was a blond boy named Hyde, a noble child from a family of pure-blood magicians.The material of the school uniform is obviously different from that of most students. It is obviously a specially customized school uniform with very good magical properties, which is obviously helpful for Heller to build a spell model. Of course, his talent is also the same amazing.Heller glanced at Ella provocatively, but the latter didn't notice it, but instinctively felt a little uneasy, and began to look around.

In the three-hour class, there were very few students who had completed the incantation. Ling repeated the unlucky incantation even more dissatisfied, and waved his fingers forward again and again, accidentally breaking the delicate porcelain cup. Naturally, it was unavoidable to be reprimanded by Professor Aurora.

When the magic bell rang, Professor Aurora announced the end of get out of class on time.She just waved her hand, and the porcelain cups flew to the cabinet at the corner of the classroom one by one, and the cabinet door was closed tightly.

"Huh? Are there no other classes today?"

Ella put away the spell book and was a little surprised.

"Well...let me think about it, there is also a history of magic class in the evening. In the first month, we only had one class during the day, which is to let us gradually get used to magic and have enough time to regain our sanity—— Although it seems that you don't need it, let me ask again, Ella, did you feel dizzy or uncomfortable after using the spell?

Ling looked at Ayla as if looking at some rare magical creature.

Ella thought about it carefully, then shook her head.

Ling sighed,

"Hey, I really shouldn't ask you this question, forget it, let's go to lunch."

"But it's only ten o'clock!" Ella was speechless. She felt that Ling would become as fat as her Uncle Henry sooner or later.

Chapter 8 The first day of the new semester

Ella took two pieces of walnut pie and ate them in small bites. The rich aroma of roasted nuts was very tempting. The craftsmanship of the chefs at Kraft School was as good as the magic level of the professors, at least as far as the average level of the UK was concerned. ,very talented.

Ling brought several plates, and she was dealing with a food called haggis, which is the product of oatmeal, butter, lamb liver and other fillings wrapped in lamb belly and cooked for several hours , is a local specialty of Scotland.Ella couldn't accept its fishy smell, but Ling chewed it with gusto.

"Ayla, let me tell you, your body is a bit too weak. We just ran from the dormitory to the castle this morning. Your face is so pale that it looks like you are about to die."

Ling inserted another piece of steak and frowned when she saw that the pie in Ella's hand was not as big as her palm.

"You only eat so little? No wonder you are not in good health. Come and see the training room with me in the afternoon."

Ella frowned. Her physical strength has not been very good. This has nothing to do with her previous living environment, but what the girl thought was that her predicament in the morning was entirely Ling's responsibility, but this person thought Blame it on your own body.

So Ella snorted dissatisfiedly, and changed the topic to Ling's weakness,

"If you want me to say, you should think about the runes taught in the spell class this afternoon. You can't even get a drop of water out."

Ling's shoulders suddenly drooped weakly. Looking at the food in front of her, she lost her appetite. After getting along with her all night, she found that Ella was not as pure as she appeared on the surface, and even had a dark belly. The white-haired girl's unintentional words often hit the nail on the head , poking at her most awkward place.

"Forgive me, Ella, by the way, why don't you teach me in the dormitory this afternoon. If I can't use the spell well in the next class, I will definitely be assigned to a class different from yours!"

"Well, that would be great." Ella said solemnly as she stuffed the last bit of pie into her mouth.



Ella sat on the sofa in the dormitory, trying her best to describe the feeling when she chanted the spell. Her hand unconsciously touched the small hole she burned yesterday. It is actually difficult to express that feeling in words, at least Ella Can't describe it exactly yet.

"You empty yourself first... don't think about anything, like this, and then wait until you are completely calm, and then start to imagine the image of the text...I said, do you feel that you see flowing water...Ling, are you asleep? gone."

Aila found Ling drooping her head, leaning comfortably on the sofa, snoring softly, she stretched out her hand and tapped the other person's head.

Ling woke up from the knock, looked around, and said,

"...It's very kind of you to say...but where did you just say it?...I'm sorry I was wrong."

Ella sighed,

"Are you really going to be assigned to another class?"

"I don't want to either... But my spirit hasn't recovered today, Ella, have you encountered any terrible things before? I feel that your mental strength is terribly high."

The scene inside the factory appeared in front of Ella's eyes. The slowly melting faces of the people she was familiar with seemed to be still in front of her eyes. Ella's hands trembled. Scary monsters and disgusting flesh and blood, and some things she didn't want to mention to people.

Because Ella was surprised to find that she didn't feel any strong sadness when facing the deaths of those workers. Those workers were all familiar faces she got along with every day, and there was even a middle-aged female factory worker who took good care of her. work.

She was a little afraid of herself.If one day, Uncle Henry and Cousin died, Ling died, and even Yusef.Will she cry that day?Ella didn't know the answer.


Something brought her back to her senses. Ling was hugging her and stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't bring up what broke your heart... I mean, whatever it was, it's over, it's over..."

Ella froze for a moment, then patted Ling on the back, feeling a little more fond of this incomprehensible roommate.

"Thank you, but you still have to continue practicing that spell."

"...Don't say such things that spoil the atmosphere."

The class in the evening was History of Magic. Professor Benson was an old man who looked like he was about to die. The old khaki teacher's robe on him looked as old as him for many years.

He walked to the podium tremblingly on crutches, and then spoke about history in the eyes of a magician in a trembling voice.

But according to a senior, when Charms professor Aurora was a little girl, Benson in that old photo with her was already what she is now.So no one knows how old he is.When talking about some modern history, Professor Benson always uses a weird tone that seems to have been experienced personally, and talks about some historical details that make the students creepy.

Without asking questions to the students, and without any other classroom interaction, old Benson just talked about the big events in the history of magic in a constant tone.Ella always felt an indescribable sense of awkwardness when she heard those big figures she had read in books appearing in Benson's mouth as magicians.

Benson talked about the persecution of wizards by the Holy See from the age of mythology to the Middle Ages, and the lesson ended with the sound of bells.

According to Benson, after that, he will divide the courses at different times according to the god department of the students' ancestors. If all events are to be compiled into the textbook, probably until the students graduate from the seventh grade, Professor Benson may only Can say less than a third of the content.

After this class, Ella and Ling will no longer study the history of magic together. The time for the history of magic classes for the Nordic and Eastern gods will be split between Tuesdays and Fridays.

At night, the second day's course was spit out by the fireplace. It was a piece of parchment with a corner scorched, an unknown instrument was printed on it, and the word "alchemy" was written in cursive script.

Ling happily told Ella that it would be the most interesting class in the first grade, and they would receive their own alchemy creations in that class. Not surprisingly, they were all magic props that would follow the magician for a lifetime.

Ella thought of the black-robed man who was fighting monsters in the factory, and the long burning hair in his hand, and suddenly wondered what Professor Yusef's alchemy tool would be.

ps: fpx cattle b, Phoenix cattle b!

Chapter 9 The Eye of Hermes

The first alchemy class of the first-year freshmen was not held in the classroom as usual. Professor Roger with long black wavy hair only said a few words to the students in the classroom, and then led them to Crescent Lake.

"I don't expect you to understand the mysteries of alchemy. The next courses are fine, but remember, if you still want to live to graduate from the seventh grade, just remember every word of mine in today's class. Now, Go to the alchemy props room with me and Professor Aurora, not for you to choose alchemy props, but for them to choose you, understand?"

The students gave sporadic responses at first.But the long-haired middle-aged male professor frowned, his voice sounded a little cold, "I hope you don't make me ask it a third time, do you understand?"


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