"Professor Kleist, are you looking for me?"

Kleist pointed to a black package on the table,

"Ella, open it and have a look."

Chapter 2 Juice of Thorns on the Human Face

Ella looked over. It was wrapped in a dark brown rag that was dusty and greasy. Something, the rag was too dirty and darkened, and it could easily be mistaken for black.

It didn't look like it was caused by dust and wind and sand, but it seemed that the cloth was originally filled with a large pile of dirt.

She uncovered the rags layer by layer, and what was exposed in front of the young girl was a strange human face that was half buried in the soil and shriveled from dehydration. It exuded an indescribable strange fragrance.

Ella took a step back in shock, but she took a closer look and found that it was not a real head, but a weird root nodule of some kind of plant, surrounded by dry and thorny vines, like a grotesque sculpture made by a lunatic .

What's even more amazing is that when she smelled the strange fragrance and touched the plant, Ella felt that her long-dormant magic power was throbbing in her blood, and there were faint signs of recovery.

But this state only lasted a few seconds, and the head-shaped plant quickly weathered, and Ella watched in shock as it turned into a pile of sand-like powder.

"Professor, what is this?"

"This is the thorn in the human face."

Kleist put on a single piece of crystal glasses. He flipped through a thick ancient book on the table, and pointed to a certain page. On the yellowed page was a distorted plant with a human face.

"The juice of thorns on the human face has an excellent curative effect on the sequelae caused by excessive use of magic power. Hehe, I originally thought that this magical plant was extinct, but Adolf accidentally found it in a bar in San Francisco Bay I bought it from an ordinary pioneer, and it is said that they found a lot of human face thorns in the mine. They didn’t know this plant, and regarded it as some kind of handicraft left by the local aborigines.”

"But why did it suddenly shatter?"

Ella tried to touch the powder, but there was no such wonderful feeling of magic recovery, which made her a little anxious.

"That's where it gets a little tricky."

Kleist spread his hands helplessly, and continued:

"The human face thorn will die within a few hours after it leaves the soil, and gradually loses its juice. Even if the ground where it grows is dug up, it can only last a day or two at most. And this Plants can't withstand the teleportation in space, so, Ella, I think you need to go to San Francisco."

Kleist took off his glasses, handed Adolf and Ella two cups of honey tea, and sat back in his chair.

"San Francisco?"

Ella expressed some doubts, she had never heard of this place.

This time it was Adolf who spoke.

"It's a city in the western part of the United States, also called Yewabuena. We can take a boat from Liverpool to Baltimore, and then take the railroad."

Ella heard the meaning of Adolf's words,

"Professor, do you mean to go with me?"

"Of course, why not? And Miss Ling also said she would accompany you. Ella, you can't wait any longer. We can leave tomorrow morning."

Ella clenched her hands tightly, her palms turned white. She had waited too long for this day.She noticed a little tiredness hidden in Adolf's smile, the girl took a deep breath, gradually calmed down the rapid heartbeat, and slowly stretched her fingers again.

"Let's wait for you to rest for a few more days. I also need to confirm that my patients are cured. You know, I run a pharmacy in Glamis. The landlord, Mr. Turner, had the flu not long ago."

Adolf froze for a moment, and seemed a little surprised by the answer. He touched his hard stubble and began to sigh:

"Okay, we do still need some preparations. It seems that our girl has grown up a lot."

Ella smiled a little embarrassedly.

Before she left the office, Kleist told Ella not to leave Kraft and go back to the pharmacy, and that he would have a theology class at three o'clock in the afternoon, which was arranged impromptu.

When Ella left the principal's office, Ling was waiting outside the door, whistling boredly.

"Are you going to accompany me abroad? What about your courses? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Ella asked three questions in a row.

"Ella, you are nagging more and more. First of all, the western United States, of course I will not miss such a fun place. Secondly, Professor Adolf will definitely teach us a lot of things along the way. The last question, if I told you early in the morning I will definitely not agree, but now I have booked the boat ticket!"

Ling stopped whistling, and took advantage of her height to ruffle Ayla's hair.


Ella was a little speechless for a while, struggling uselessly.

"It's nothing but, if you ask me, you'd better go back to Glamis now."

Ella finally broke free from Ling's grasp. She felt as if she had forgotten something. She had an ominous premonition and asked suspiciously:

"Why? The principal said he had a theology class in half an hour."

"So you brought your theology textbook?"


Half an hour later, Ella sat panting on the remaining vacant seat in the classroom. This time she finally caught up 5 minutes early. She didn't want to make the same mistake as in the spell class in her first theology class.

A group of students followed them into the classroom, headed by Hyde, an aristocratically dressed and carefully trimmed hair, who seemed intent on impressing Kleist in his first class, to him and For his family, this level of social significance is far greater than what he has learned.

"Hey, look who I saw, isn't this Miss Williams, our Kraft hero? Let me guess why I haven't seen you recently, maybe I'm busy saving the world?"

Four years later, Hyde has grown a lot taller, and his height is already like that of a young man, but his annoying personality has indeed not changed at all.

"I heard that Williams has lost his magic power due to the aftereffects of a wrong magic ritual."

"That's really a pity!"

Ling clenched her fists,

"Shut up Hyde, if you don't want to have my front teeth kicked out in the next practical class."

Ella directly regarded them as air, looking out of the window in a daze.

Kleist walked into the classroom wearing a teacher's robe. Students rarely saw the principal in this outfit. Professor Kleist usually wore a rough linen shirt, like an elderly gardener, using his In my own words, this makes it easier to take care of those white roses at any time.

His opening remarks are still different:

"We don't need to introduce each other, you all know me, and I can pronounce the name of every student in the school, so those time-wasting processes are omitted."

Kleist drew a distorted five-pointed star on the blackboard with a white seal pen, and Ella noticed that it was the same pattern as the badge she had obtained four years ago.

"Today you are going to learn how to draw old seals, but before that, I have a question for you. Don't be nervous, this is just the old man's long-winded, you can just treat it as small talk. In your understanding—God What is it?"

The classroom fell into silence. After a moment, Hyde raised his hand and stood up at Kleist's signal.

"We are magicians. Generally speaking, we think that gods are powerful enough mages. For example, Professor Kleist, if you were in ancient times, you might have a corresponding god name."

Kleist smiled noncommittally.

Ella recalled the Son of God who appeared in London four years ago and the source of magic she felt when praying, and then raised her hand.

"In my opinion, God is an existence whose life level is completely different from ours. That is a difference in nature, not just a gap in strength."

Kleist shook his head,

"Miss Williams said something a little closer, but it deviated from my question. You emphasized the difference without giving me a specific answer. That's the end of the topic. Next I will teach you the old seal. Drawing method, old seal, it is essentially an abstract symbol used to describe gods, it will make evil creatures instinctively fear. Watch my movements, I will only draw once."

As he said that, he looked at Ella. The girl raised her head and met Kleist's eyes. His heart trembled. He understood that this would probably help him on his next journey.

Chapter 3 Set sail

"How is your health?"

A few afternoons later, Ella visited Mr. Hans Turner, the landlord who lived in the same street.Renee, the short-haired black cat, sprinted from her arms to the ground, jumped onto the owner's sofa, and curled up into a ball.

"I have recovered. The quality of your medicine has always been very good. Miss Williams, do you prefer coffee or black tea?"

The old Mr. Turner teased Renee a few times, and got up to prepare drinks.

"No, Mr. Turner, I'm here to say goodbye. I will be going abroad for a period of time soon, and I plan to pay a few months' rent in advance."

Only then did Turner notice Ella's attire. The girl was wearing a wide-brimmed flat-top felt hat, a women's hunting jacket that was easy to move around, and was carrying a large suitcase that was a bit bulky compared to her size.

He was a little startled, but quickly calmed down and said:

"Traveling abroad? So suddenly... well, how long are you planning to go?"

"Well, about three months. I will pay you thirty pounds in advance. If the time exceeds three months, I will make up the difference to you when I come back."

"Twenty-five pounds will do, I trust your credit, and I'll hire a handmaid to keep the house tidy during this time."

After saying goodbye to Mr. Turner, Ella returned to the townhouse and placed two bouquets of flowers in front of the simple wooden cross in the garden.

"George, Merkle, I'm going to leave here for a while."

The girl pressed her palms to the ground and muttered to herself. At this time, a public open carriage stopped outside her courtyard.

Ling waved to her from the carriage, while Adolf was napping on the other side of the carriage.

"Ella, let's go!"

"Okay, come right away."

Ella agreed, picked up the suitcase, and locked the hollow iron gate of the courtyard.

They boarded the Glamis steam train and spent an afternoon arriving at Liverpool Port. It was the first time for Ella to see the ocean and large ships. Rivers are completely different.

She didn't have a good impression of water and boats before, and such words only reminded her of squalor and poverty.But the scenery in front of me is different. The fresh and cool sea breeze with a slight salty smell, the waves beating against the ships, and the white doves and seagulls floating on the port are all dyed orange by the afterglow of the setting sun. .

There is a huge iron anchor on the stone platform in a prominent place in the port. It is not a handicraft such as a statue. It is covered with traces of seawater corrosion. It should have served a certain ship for a period of time.

They were greeted by a girl with blond curly hair and wearing a sky blue tunic dress, which surprised Ella a bit, because this girl was also an acquaintance of hers.

On the steam train back to London four years ago, they sat in the same private room, and Dolores was one of the few classmates she could talk to in the past few years.

Ella looked at the huge sailing ship with several floors in front of her, and was speechless for a while. Dolores only said that she lived in Liverpool, but she didn't say that her family ran several merchant ships.

Dolores greeted Ella with a smile. In the past four years, the shy little girl has matured a lot. Her study at Kraft School has come to an end. She will return to the school at the end of this year. To the Port of Liverpool to inherit his father's business.

Kraft's regulations are special. Students after the third grade can apply for graduation, and they don't have to finish seven years of study. If you have to say it, there are very few students who have actually read the seventh grade.

"Many people have been going to San Francisco Bay recently. I heard that some people found gold there and became rich overnight. This Margaret is the last remaining ship of my family. It is actually a cargo ship. We freed up a few cabins and converted them into guest rooms.”

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