"What are you doing? You can't do this... Then I won't be able to deliver magic power..."

Ella was so weak that she couldn't even break free from the hands of the two children, but as the transmission of magic power stopped, her symptoms began to alleviate.

The two children looked at each other with sunny smiles,

"Sister Ella, enough is enough, you will die if you continue like this."

"I once refused to save your mother...At least, let me save her children, George, Mekel, must live, go to Glamis with me to live, together... "

George sneezed, symptoms started to appear, and Mekel was too weak to make a sound, and his eyelids began to tremble as if he was dozing off.

George touched his nose,

"Meeting Sister Ella is already like a dream. Do you still remember the snowman we made in front of Boss Jack's bar? Although Sister Ling told you that you can keep it forever, the snowman...will melt in the end, right? , It’s like I was woken up from a dream, sorry, I’m a little sleepy, I need to sleep for a while.”

"don't want……"

A lot of tears welled up from the girl's eyes, rolled down to the ground, and froze into ice.Ella cried for the first time.

George let go of Ira's hand, hugged Mekel who had closed his eyes, leaned against the wall, and stopped breathing.


When Jack brought Yusuf to the clock tower, there was only Ling who had fallen into a coma, like the sleeping George brothers and sisters, and the little magician who lost his voice and was in pain.

Chapter 38 The snowman will melt after all

1848 in the Western calendar, January [-]st.

The clear and warm sun pierced the frozen clouds that had accumulated all winter, leaving a golden halo on the ground. The cold winter is over, and it looks like the weather will be good for some time to come.

It's the first day of the New Year and it's being celebrated around the world, wishing for a good start to the new year.

But London is obviously not included in this list. According to rough statistics, the number of deaths due to the plague has exceeded [-].

Ella woke up from a deep sleep, and there was no pain in her body.Her arms were covered in bandages and she was so weak that she could barely get out of bed.

Professor Yousef stood by her side, while Ling was lying on the hospital bed next to her with her head buried in the quilt, only a strand of black hair sticking out could be seen.It is said that Kleist has returned to Glamis overnight, and he paid a high price for using some powerful alchemy props, so he needs to return to recuperate.

Ignoring Yousef's stop, Ella struggled to get out of bed. On the cabinet in the corner of the room, there were two small silver urns, which belonged to Maykel and George.

The girl was silent for a long time, then took a cane from Yusuf's hand, and staggered out of the ward.The professor got up without a word, and followed her far away.

Plague doctors wearing beak masks are collecting corpses all over the city. They use carts to transport the corpses hidden in the corners of the East District and pile them together. These corpses will be burned to ashes, and the corpses claimed by relatives will be buried. In the cemetery, the unnamed ones are packed into a metal cabinet in the cemetery, and the small drawers are neatly arranged together.

Ella saw Henry with blank eyes on the street, kneeling in front of a dental clinic, with the bodies of Will and Mrs. Tris in the cart beside him.The middle-aged factory owner who had just returned from Kessington this morning, lost the businessman's smile that often hung on his face, and just knelt on the ground blankly, looking at the corpses of his wife and son.

Ella stopped on the road for a few seconds before leaving, thinking she couldn't forgive the Henrys, but now she couldn't hate at all.Henry couldn't bear any more pain, so they just passed by.

Ella felt that this should be the last time she saw Henry.

On Yangjiao Street, the Old Man's Bar, the broken wooden door showed signs of repair. Ella saw the snowman in front of the bar's door.

It was piled up by her and Ling with George Meckle, and it had shrunk in the sun, and it was covered with dust and mud, and the cobblestone decoration was crooked and completely deformed.

The water droplets dripped from the snowman's body, forming a small puddle on the ground.

Ella remembered George's words again, yes, the snowman will melt after all.Some waywardly, she wanted to summon Fengxue and change the snowman back to its previous appearance again, but a pain in her body interrupted the girl's magic power, and a sense of powerlessness came over her, like water flowing through her fingers, Like fine sand that can't be grasped by a handful.

She smiled self-deprecatingly, and knelt weakly in front of the snowman, resting her forehead on the snowman's body.What's the point even if she's in good shape?Even if the shape is perfectly restored, this will not be the original snowman.

Ella's nose was sore and she let the tears fall on the snowman. She took two round black pebbles from the snowman and put them in her pocket.

The girl propped herself up with a cane, and pushed open the wooden door of the bar. There was no tall and thin bartender who was always wiping glasses at the bar, only the bald Jack lying silently in the chair.

He saw Ella walking into the bar, and forced a smile.

"It's Miss Williams. It's good to see you in good health."

"You too."

Standing up with his hands on the railing, Jack took out a package from behind the bar, along with a wad of bills.

"It's George and Maykel's belongings, and £45. After all, I haven't looked after them for less than a week."

"No need, that's just...you pay me to guard the pontoon bridge."

Ella just took the package.

"Would you like to take a look at their room?"

"...No, I will return to Scotland today, thank you for your care during this time."

Jack just waved his hand as a farewell.

After that, Ella left the Whitechapel district, and Yusuf took Ling, who was still disabled, on the steam train to Glamis. Ling's spirit was still very poor, and she fell into a deep sleep shortly after getting on the train. That spell had done her a lot of damage.

This incident was finally interpreted as a malaria outbreak, and various newspapers pointed the finger at the government and factories one after another, and a bill to treat the sewage of the Thames River was put on the agenda.Maybe many years later, the Thames can become clear again.

"Professor, how did this incident break out? Could it be that just a cult magician can summon the heirs of the evil god and kill tens of thousands of people?"

"What do you think?"

Yusef looked into the girl's eyes.

"...possibly related to Whitechapel itself?"

"That's right." Yousef nodded approvingly, "Poverty, filth, and hunger have remained the same for the poor in Whitechapel for decades. I've heard that young people in those factories can only live In less than ten years, it was a land full of death and curse. It provided an excellent environment for the birth of the son of Abhoth. Do you know the evil god Abhoth? Kraft School has records about him, This evil god is called the source of uncleanness."

"The source of uncleanness...it's ironic that they call themselves pure."

"Those factories are just like your uncle Henry's textile factory. On the one hand, they are constantly creating a large amount of goods, making London more prosperous and providing job opportunities for the unemployed, but it also provides an opportunity for the birth of evil gods. Opportunity, that cultist just accelerated the process."

Lawyer Morris said similar things, but as he said, this cannot be changed by one person or a few people, it is the choice of the times.

In the evening Ella returned to Glamis, where she rented a townhouse with a courtyard for thirty shillings a week.

The landlord is an old magician, and Ella readily accepted the price he offered, which made the old magician feel good.

After seeing off the landlady, Ella buried the ashes of Maykle and George in the garden of the courtyard, and placed their belongings and the two pebbles in the grave.Ella intends to buy the house once she's settled down, and she's raised the matter with the landlord, who says it's not a non-negotiable thing as long as the price satisfies him.By then, Ella could have erected the tombstones for the two children, fulfilling her promise to bring the Meckles to Scotland to be with her.

After burying Meckle and George, Ella stubbornly collected the snow in the courtyard and built a small snowman in the middle of the garden.

No matter how stubborn Ayla is, it will eventually turn into a blanket of snow.

Chapter 39 The Sun Also Rises

next morning

Ella opened her eyes, and the fireplace in the room had been extinguished.

Although she lived here alone, she still rented this small building with four bedrooms, and she lived in one of the rooms on the left on the second floor.

Today is Kraft's opening ceremony, and there will be a banquet in the evening.She changed into her long-lost school uniform and red and black grid skirt. Although it was only a month, Ella felt that it was a long time.

In the garden there were two crude crosses made of branches, which were the crude tombstones Ella had made last night, where she placed two bouquets of flowers and left the new home after saying good morning.

After a simple breakfast in a coffee shop, Ella walked through the bustling Glamis commercial street that had been restored. On both sides of the white stone avenue leading to the castle, the white rose flowers had already sprouted new buds.

Some simple stables are still the same, and the rows of skeletal horses are as quiet as statues.As Ella approached, the largest marquee came out and snorted in front of her.

Ayla touched its cold skull, and the horse lowered its head, and rubbed the girl's hand in enjoyment, so that she could reach him better.

"I really want to thank you that day."

If she hadn't been helped by the sudden appearance of the horse when escaping from Holy Cross Hospital, she might not have been able to get out of that street alive.

The horse hissed triumphantly, then knelt down and squatted on the ground, beckoning Ella to ride on it.

It briskly raised its bony hoofs and led the girl to run, like a gust of wind blowing across the white stone-paved avenue, with some cold wind and the fragrance of white rose flowers, blowing away a little gloom in Ella's chest.

She saw Ling in Kraft's infirmary, and Roger, the alchemy professor, was mixing potions on the wooden table.

Ella's lively friend was now covered in bandages, with only his head exposed, looking like a big white bug wrapped in a cocoon.

That mysterious intruder left countless wounds on her body, ordinary flesh wounds can be easily treated with magic potions, but that enemy's attack has a curse similar to the son of Abhoth, which brought a lot of trouble to Professor Roger's treatment. some trouble.In addition, Ling used a spell beyond her own ability, which left a lot of hidden dangers to her body, and she was close to getting the same ending as Professor Anderson.

Ling was lying on the hospital bed, spitting bubbles boredly, she turned her head to see Ella, and greeted happily, but it affected the wound, and she grinned in pain.

"Hey Ella, look, I'm alive, I almost thought I'd never wake up again."

Ella stepped forward and hugged her friend,

"Ah, take it easy, take it easy, it hurts me to death."

Ling twisted his expression, but didn't push Ayla away.

Roger, with a serious face, pulled Ella away, ready to start reprimanding.

"Roger, don't be so serious, there's nothing wrong with children being lively."

"Okay, Mr. Principal."

A voice came from behind the curtain beside the bed.

On another hospital bed, Ella saw Kleist. The old headmaster had already changed back into his professor's robe, and got up to leave the infirmary. Judging by his complexion, he should be recovering well.

"Also, I think it's necessary for you to check Ella's body and the Hermes Eye. This child held a big magic ceremony in London that can cover the entire city."

Roger's complexion suddenly became very exciting. She took Ira's bronze mirror and looked at the reflection that was almost fixed on the mirror.

"You're still alive? You're lucky."

Then, he pulled out another hair, similar to Ella's flicking between her eyebrows, which was his cue to open the spiritual vision.Roger's somewhat exaggerated hairline seems to have something to do with it.

He looked the girl up and down seriously, then frowned,

"You overdraw your magic power a little too much. In my opinion, it's best not to use magic for a year. It will cause irreversible damage to your body. I mean, if you plan to live until graduation."

"In addition, even after a year, don't use the Eye of Hermes anymore. Your shadow will almost completely appear on the mirror. I don't know if it will affect it temporarily, but when it becomes completely complete …You can go to Glamis Cemetery and pick yourself a good piece of land.”

Turning his head, he threw some strange ingredients into the cauldron again, boiled some dark liquid, put them in a glass tube with a wooden stopper, and threw it to Ayla.

Ella hurriedly took over the flying glass tubes, for fear that they would fall to the ground.

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