Ella was surprised. She hadn't had the concept of a birthday for a long time, and she probably hadn't told the man in front of her.

"How do you know that?"

Professor Yousef smiled inscrutablely. He stretched out his right hand, and Ella almost thought that another flame would rise there.

"A little magic."

Ella put on this black pleated skirt and accepted a small leather satchel, which was just enough to hold a few books or some light clothes.

It was already late at night, and even with the prosperity of London, the lights of the night market had gradually turned off.There are only a few dim oil lamps flickering, which cannot be seen clearly in the thin mist.

Ella hadn't left the factory a few times, but she also felt that this shabby-looking platform seemed a bit out of place in London.The copper-green train spews milky white steam and stops on the rails. Its front is decorated with a bronze monster that looks like an octopus but has wings on its back. Yusef told Ella that it is the evil god named Cthulhu, and they are also school emblem.

The light in the carriage seemed a little dim, it was a gentle light that could be seen but did not affect the rest of the passengers. Ella was a little sleepy. After encountering those things, she only rested for a short time, and her excitement gradually faded away. cool down.

The girl sat by the window and looked at the gradually distant London. The lights in the Whitechapel area became weaker and weaker, gradually turning into a small spot of light and disappearing into the night.In this short day, Ella encountered terrible monsters, a strange magician who claimed to be a professor, got new clothes, and boarded a train leaving London. The bizarre scenes were like dancing candles in her mind. , those were her ninth birthday presents.

Ella closed her eyes and silently sang a birthday song to herself in her heart.

Happy birthday to me... happy birthday to all...

Chapter 2 Absurd Knowledge

Christmas is approaching, and there is light snow in the morning sky. Ella opens her eyes, her pink eyes are dazed and out of focus under the light eyelashes.She raised her small hands and rubbed them, then shook her head, her arms felt cold, and she quickly shrank back into the warmth.

The cold made the girl lose her sleep and woke up. She found that she was wearing a large black woolen windbreaker, which was also the source of warmth.

Ella stretched out her hand cautiously, first turned her head and let out a breath on the car window full of ice crystals, and then wiped away the white mist.

The train was still driving slowly, and the snowflakes covered the farmland and villages along the way with a few thin white patches.

The door of the carriage compartment was opened, and Professor Yousef wore a woolen round-neck vest over his shirt, and the hem of the clothes was tied in a leather belt. The professor who took off his coat looked even thinner.

He walked in with two cups of steaming coffee.

"Good morning, little lady, you will feel warmer after drinking this."

Ella took the cup and took a sip. A large amount of milk and sugar were added to the coffee. It was just the sweetness that children would like and would make people smile unconsciously.The girl exhaled a breath of hot breath, holding the cup in her hands. She felt a lot warmer, and her stiff body began to slowly wake up.

"Good morning, Mr. Professor."

Yusef sat across from Ella, posing comfortably.

"Well, Ella, we are almost in Scotland, and I think it is necessary to introduce our school to you now."

Since the factory incident, after Ella agreed to be his student, Yousef never talked about the school, and Ella never asked about it. She just imagined that it was probably a gathering of magicians like in a fairy tale book. place.

Ella sat upright, with her small body straight. This is the experience she gained in the factory. Those who teach workers how to operate the machines usually only say the same thing once.

Yousef was a little surprised at first, and then nodded in satisfaction. He started the topic with a soft cough.

"So Ella, first of all, I want to ask, have you read any books?"

Ella answered in the affirmative without hesitation. Uncle Henry still has a lot of books at home to show his taste or fill in the appearance.Although the door was half as tall as a person and more than half of the books on the three-meter-long bookshelf, Henry hadn't even opened the cover.Henry has no objection to Ella reading more books after finishing the housework, at least the girl is very quiet while reading and will not cause him any trouble.

Ella has read a lot of obscure history books in the past few years. Most of Henry's books are of this type. Their main purpose is to make guests feel that the host is knowledgeable and tasteful.But the girl’s favorite thing is the fairy tale book left by her cousin when he was a child. If possible, Ella even wanted to stuff them into the package before leaving.

"Very well, history is very valuable knowledge. As for fairy tales, I think, Ella, you would prefer Andersen's fairy tales, right?"

Ella nodded, because in the Grimm's fairy tales, there are occasional contents that make girls feel scary, including eerie stories like the juniper tree.

"But unfortunately, our world is closer to the story of the Brothers Grimm."

Professor Yousef narrated in an absurd tone. According to him, myths and legends all over the world were the truth that once existed and were whitewashed.Behind the changes of the times and the great figures in history, there is also the shadow of myth hidden.The world that humans live in is like a fortress on the beach, which can be broken at a touch. Terrible monsters and unspeakable evil gods lurk in the dark. It only takes an accidental gaze to make the appearance of safety disappear in an instant.

Ella thought of the slime-like monster in the factory. Just one monster killed hundreds of people in a very short period of time.

"Ella, if you pay attention, you will find that no matter which civilization's mythology tends to end in destruction, such as the twilight of the gods in Norse mythology, or the flood that submerged the world mentioned in the Bible, in fact, those records That's right." Yusuf bowed his head and took a sip of his coffee. "We believe that some devastating events did occur in the age of mythology. It may be the invasion of foreign evil gods, or other reasons. The powerful guys called gods resolved the crisis at the cost of complete destruction, and the natural We who have certain characteristics are the blood descendants of those guys, which is what you understand as magicians. We are a group of protectors who maintain the existence of human society in the dark.

"Me too?"

"Yes, you should have realized a long time ago, you are a little different?"

Ella only had a vague idea of ​​this. She probably first realized this because older children liked to bully younger children on the street. Ella vaguely felt that she could subdue him silently with just a thought.But she never did that, she didn't want to be called a monster, and she didn't want to be kicked out of the house by Henry after causing trouble.After all, girls have nowhere to go but there.

Forced by the living environment, Ella, who is only nine years old, has a maturity that does not belong to this age.

"Craft Academy will teach you to control your own power. You can understand it as learning magic, because we can't find any suitable words to describe that kind of power. Witchcraft, magic, or Taoism or other things in the Far East , whatever, there are many ways to say it.”

The whistle sounded, and the steam train stopped in a small town in the Angus region.

Ella struggled to digest a lot of concepts that Professor Yousef said, and felt a little unbelievable.In the end she simply gave up and just memorized them mechanically in her head.

"So, Professor, what should I do next?"

"Everything a real student should do, put on the school uniform, buy a set of textbooks, other things the school will tell you slowly, oh, don't forget to bring those woolen gloves, it's cold outside."

Chapter 3 Farewell

Ella followed Professor Yousef out of the train, and there were many people standing scattered along the track.Most of them are young people dressed as students, wearing deer brown or dark green suits. The girls wear Scottish-style red and black plaid skirts, exposing half of their white calves in the cold weather. The young people are in groups. He left the station and headed to a small town not far away.The rest are children similar to Ella's age. They are following the adults. They should be freshmen preparing to enter school like Ella.

Ella had rarely seen her peers before this, so she couldn't help but take a few extra glances.Ella noticed a girl with short black hair. She wore ridiculously large prototype crystal glasses. Through the lens, she could see strange eyes that were also black. The girl's skin color was slightly darker than Ella's, but her hair color She was still very fair against the background, she was wearing white casual clothes, it was a somewhat boyish Asian girl dressed up.

The girl noticed her gaze, turned her head and smiled sunnyly.Ella froze for a moment, then smiled politely back.

"Ella, let's go."


Ella turned her head and trotted after Yousef.

Not far from the station, there is a town called Glamis. The town is built on the outskirts of the castle. Between the town and the castle is a huge garden full of white roses. The garden is huge and stretches as far as the eye can see. I don’t know why it was used. In any case, even when the weather is getting colder, the sea of ​​flowers still retains its charm.

You can already see the towering conical tower of Glamis Castle at the entrance of the town.The town maintains the style of decades ago, which is different from the increasingly tall buildings in London, and it is not as crowded as the slums of Whitechapel.Between the shops and the hotel on the wrong road is a long street paved with black cobblestones, and the shops are only small buildings with a height of about two stories.

Young people dressed as students and adults in various costumes come and go. In the center of the street is a bronze bust of a middle-aged man, with a round fountain pool underneath.This not-so-long street has the liveliness of a commercial street, and is not much different from some small towns in the UK. The only special thing is that the signboards of those shops mostly have weird graphic marks, or are like twisted shapes. Star-shaped and other awkward patterns.

Ella walked into a store under the leadership of the professor. It was a clothing store. On the shelves were many dark robes and capes, as well as some long pointed hats decorated with feathers.The store was dimly lit and empty without a single customer, which was rare in a busy commercial street. Considering the store's pretty good location, it was even more incredible.

Ella poked her head and looked around the interior of the store by the wooden door. It was dark inside, and the girl didn't notice the clerk or anyone else.And Yousef knocked hard on the wooden door of the shop, and the silver wind chime rang loudly.

After that, the store was quiet for a while.There was a sudden movement behind the counter. First, a withered hand grabbed the table, and then an old man stood up with support.His gray hair could no longer completely cover his forehead, it was sparse and out of shape.The old man fumbled from the table in a hurry.

Ella found, in a corner out of his reach, a pair of reading glasses with tortoiseshell frames, and she went over and handed them to the old man.The old man fumbled to put on his glasses, but even the shell of the hat could not cover his thick bags under the eyes. The old man with tightly pursed lips obviously just woke up from a dream. He first looked at Ai with a puzzled face. Pull, then raised his head, squinted his eyes to look at Professor Yousef, and his face became better.

"Yosef? Didn't you go to carry out the mission in London? When did you return to Glamis, why did you come to find me again?"

Professor Yousef replied, "Leave the task aside, Mr. Peter, your business is still so bad, I would say you should buy more clothes that young people like now."

"You know what, I'm a real boutique with high taste! How can it be compared with the garbage that is only in fashion for a few days!"

Old Peter is the manager of this clothing store. This shop has been customizing robes for wizards from a hundred years ago since his ancestors. There is basically no change from a hundred years ago.If it weren't for the fact that Peter was still making classic school uniforms and providing teaching materials for students, it would have been impossible for this store to continue to open on the busiest street in Glamis.

Yusef began to regret that he had started talking like this. He found that old Peter had the attitude of talking all day long, so he hurriedly changed the topic and stated that he needed to buy a set of school uniforms and teaching materials for Ella.

"Student? I remember that this year's kids ordered school uniforms from me two months ago. You just picked this kid up from London?"

Only then did Peter take a closer look at the girl who was not as tall as the counter.

"Hello, Mr. Peter, my name is Ella."

"Hello, hello, you're a pretty cute little girl, wait a minute..."

Peter retreated under the counter again, rummaging for something, and after a while he took out a small set of women's school uniforms.

"There are still a few sets of samples. You can take them inside and try to see if they fit. Let's wear a set first. Tonight is the entrance ceremony, and I don't have time to make new clothes. I will send the textbooks to the school later. inside."

Under the guidance, Ella walked to the fitting room deep in the store, took off the black pleated skirt with ruffled leaves a few times, and folded it neatly with the gloves.The smallest school uniform looked looser on Ella, and Ella in the school uniform looked more immature. Even compared with her peers, she was a size smaller. The life in the factory was not harmful to the girl’s development. Influence.Ella walked out of the fitting room, and old Peter looked around her, frowning slightly.

"It's a little bit older, but you are growing fast at your age, it's okay to be a little older."

After leaving the clothing store, Ella walked through the town behind Yousef. In the sea of ​​flowers in front of the castle was a wide avenue that was wide enough to pass carriages side by side. This time the pavement was replaced by large blue slates. It connects the back door of the castle and the town.

Aila looked at the stables by the road and opened her mouth in surprise. A row of pale bone horses stood side by side among the stables. They looked like a row of weird sculptures, but the hollows in the eye sockets of the bone horses There was a faint blue flame burning everywhere.

Yousef pulled out a bone horse, and it snorted like a living horse. Ella didn't understand how it made such a sound with only bones left, and took a step back in fear.

"Don't be afraid, this is the principal's magic." Yousef encouraged Ella to touch the skeleton.The girl raised her hand carefully, but only halfway through, the bone horse brought the pale skull closer and rubbed Ella's little hand with its nasal bone.Ella felt the cold and hard touch of his hands, but gradually felt relieved. With a cry of surprise, she was picked up by Yousef and placed on the back of the bone horse. The latter turned over and sat behind her, and the horse, which was full of bones, began to move smoothly. Go to the castle.

"Little lady, when you get there, I will arrange for you to take a small test for freshmen. You give a letter in your backpack to a man named Adolf. If you have anything later, you can go to the professors or headmaster."

Ella heard the meaning of farewell hidden in Professor Yousef's words. She wanted to turn her head, but she made no move. She just looked straight at the castle and the sea of ​​flowers in front of her.

"Professor, are you leaving?"

"Ah...that's right, I have to go to London to deal with some incidents, and I really can't delay any longer."

Ella didn't answer and stayed silent for a long time. The bone horse was almost reaching the gate of the castle. The girl took a deep breath and said something unclear.

There was no response, Ella turned her head and saw only the bluestone road and the sea of ​​rose flowers, and the girl herself was the only one sitting on the bone horse, and Yousef left at some point.

Although it was only a few days, this skinny middle-aged man reminded Ella of her father whom she had not seen for a long time.

"I will miss you."

The girl said this to the empty sea of ​​flowers.

Chapter 4 test

The bone horse knelt on the ground, making it easier for the girl to climb off her body.Ella slowly took off her body, then reached out to touch its hard and cold skull, curiously staring at the blue flames in the eyes of the skeleton.She inexplicably felt that this undead creature was also observing her, but could a creature created by magic really be so intelligent?

It rubbed against Ella's hand with its nasal bone, let out a long hiss, and stood up vigorously, with a crisp sound of bones, turned around and ran towards the stables in Glamis Town.

Ella waved at it goodbye.

"It's amazing, you are the first freshman I've ever seen who can get along happily with Mukuma."

It was a tall man with beards. He was in his thirties when men were the strongest. The thin fabric of the teacher's gown was stretched by thick muscles, making him look a little tight.This kind of tall and strong figure is rare in Glamis, at least the magicians Ella saw before this were all thin and thin.

"The carcass? Are you talking about that horse? It just looks scary, but in fact it is obedient and obedient." Only then did Ella know the name of the horse.

"Not everyone can like it. In fact, the smell of death on Suju's body will make most people feel a little uncomfortable. If you ask me to say that you are still a little special, let's not talk about it for now - little girl, I seem to smell some acquaintances. smell, have you ever seen a thin man dressed like a bat...or he asked you to hand something to me or something like that. This seems to be more his style. By the way, you can call me Professor Adolf, etc. When you reach second grade, I will be your practical class teacher."

Adolf?Ella thought of something, took out her small bag, and found a letter with hot red paint inside.Since leaving the train and the store, this small bag has been straddled by Ella. I don’t know when Yousef stuffed the letter into the small bag. In fact, Ella didn’t realize that Yousef was in When did you write this letter.

She gave the letter to Adolf.The man who claimed to be a combat teacher took out a small knife with a wooden handle and cut open the envelope. God knows why he carried a knife with him in school.Adolf began to read in this way, raised his head and glanced at Ira in the process, and then threw the letter away, and the letter burned in the air and turned into ashes.

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