In fact, outside the town of Glamis, the so-called heads of magic in most parts of Britain only know one or two spells and some simple common sense about magic.Their task is nothing more than dealing with simple incidents, or delaying time when relatively serious incidents occur, and waiting for professionals who come to Glamis.

Old Jack, who is more than 50 years old, can recite three spells and has some enchanted silver bullets in his hand.In terms of magic power and magic knowledge alone, Ella can be said to be a qualified consultant.

The difference between ordinary wizards and Kraft students is that the former is just an ordinary person who came into contact with the magical world by chance, while the latter is a magic elite whose bloodline from the Age of Gods was detected.

"So, have there been any recent incidents with magical elements?"

"No, everything is normal, Miss Williams, although occasionally a few dock workers and unemployed people disappear, but this is nothing more than normal in the East End. If there is any abnormality, I will use the magic eagle to notify you, otherwise, You only need to come here once every three days, I don’t know, can I ask you something about magic.”

"Of course." Ella frowned when she heard that the workers were missing, but this was indeed nothing new in the slums of the Whitechapel district.

Dock workers whose weekly salary is less than a pound and who live in no fixed place may freeze to death silently in the park or in the depths of the alley in this cold winter.Or fall into the Thames in the exhaustion of work.Their bodies are unclaimed and difficult to identify, maybe those who have worked with them will realize that someone has not been seen for a long time, as for the unemployed vagabonds, it is even simpler, this situation is described by the gentlemen of the police collectively referred to as——


Chapter 22 Snowstorm

Old Jack suggested that Ella try a pistol on the shooting range of the bar. In his words, if a girl of Ella's age needs to wander alone in the East End, it is best to buy a self-defense gun.It only cost three pounds, and he would send some free common ammunition.As for the law, at least two-thirds of people with guns in Whitechapel do not have a firearms license.

Ella refused, she already had her own alchemy props.What's more, she has mastered several attack spells, so it is impossible for her to be afraid of human traffickers or robbers.

Jack glanced at the weird bronze mirror in Ella's hand, and shrugged noncommittally.

"Miss, if you ask me, you don't need to use magic to deal with those villains. A revolver is far more deterrent to them than a small brass mirror."

Ella was a little moved, and went to the shooting range with Jack.

The interior space of the "Old Man" bar is much larger than it appears on the surface. Down the stairs, there is a rather large venue with a boxing ring, and further inside is a shooting range with good sound insulation.

Two strong men are facing each other in the arena, and the onlookers are holding lottery tickets and cheering.Even in winter, there are quite a few sturdy people with bare upper body, and one of the tattooed people smiled rudely at Jack.

"Hey, Jack, is that your illegitimate daughter! When was the last time you went to the Red Theater? It won't go off!"

"Shut your mouth, Ryder!" Jack pointed the middle finger at the tattooed burly man, "This is my honored guest, if you can't control your tongue, I don't mind using gunpowder to cook it to medium , and write it into the afternoon menu!"

Ella just cast a glance, thinking that with a fireball, she could knock down the two people in the ring and the audience.

You just need to control the magic so that they don't burn them to death, which is not difficult.

The girl thought about it seriously, and finally walked into the shooting range with her head down.

She took a silver revolver from Jack, and under his guidance, inserted the bullets one by one, aimed at the round target, and pulled the trigger.

There was a loud noise, and the girl almost threw the revolver out of fright.The impact went up the arm, shaking Aila's arm numb, and the bullet hole went far away, flying to a place several meters above the gun target.

Ella calmed down, took a deep breath, got ready, raised the gun, took aim, and pulled the trigger a second time!

But this time, the bullet hole couldn't be seen where it fell...

Ella was speechless for a while, while Jack swallowed his saliva and smiled awkwardly,

"It doesn't matter, sharpshooters are fed by bullets, maybe you can grow up..." He wanted to say that he hit a wall that was closer, but he opened his mouth and finally swallowed the remaining half of the sentence in stomach.

Ella shoved the revolver into the barkeep's hand, gritting her teeth.But in the latter's puzzled eyes, he took out a five-pound note and bought it.

Ayla took the revolver wrapped in tarpaulin, and there were fifty rounds of yellow bullets that Jack gave as a gift. As for those more expensive, so-called enchanted bullets, Ayla was completely unnecessary.

First of all, she herself can be enchanted by sanctification, which is better than half-baked old Jack.

Secondly, no matter what kind of bullet it is, it has to hit the target to be useful. Obviously, this is still a big challenge for Ella.

In Ayla's hands, the deterrent effect of this revolver obviously exceeded its actual power.

In addition, the girl bought a thick wool blanket here, left the basement, and pushed open the door of the bar.A gust of north wind mixed with snowflakes swept in, blowing Ella and the two unlucky guests sitting at the door, and they stood up in a panic and hid in a place closer to the inside of the bar.

"It's another blizzard, it's a disaster!"

Ella hastily pushed the door tight again, shivered, and shook off the snowflakes all over her head, planning to wait until the snow was lighter before going back.

"No, that's actually a good thing."

Jack stroked his goatee, took a gulp of Irish whiskey, his face slowly turned rosy, and unbuttoned a button of his jacket.


"Miss Williams, are you a native Londoner?"

Ella nodded.

"Then think about it, what's the difference between this year and the past, except for the fact that the snow is heavy, excuse me, that's completely nonsense."

Ella thought about the previous years of work seriously, and frowned a little bit.

"Maybe the air is better?"

Jack raised his thumbs up affirmatively,

"You are very different from what you look like. I thought you were a lady from a noble manor. But the truth is the opposite. I think you should have seen the real situation in the Whitechapel area."

Old Jack took another gulp of his whiskey and smacked it on the ground.

"At this time of year, the area near the Thames is terribly stinky. Civilian excrement, garbage, factory sewage, or rotting corpses. The lower reaches of the Thames are completely septic tanks of these filth! Summer is even worse. , as long as you touch the mist by the river, you will itch all over."

Ella was stunned. She had only heard that the Thames River was seriously polluted, but Henry's house was located upstream, and the situation there was much better than here.She also didn't expect that people in the slums would live in such an environment just two or three streets away.

"The blizzard is good, those snow and ice blocks temporarily seal the river, at least around the New Year period, I can still enjoy a few days of fresh air, you know, it is very good for the health of the elderly. "

Ella was also not sure if Jack had a point. A bad environment meant the growth of disease, which could make an otherwise healthy worker weak, get fired from the factory, and starve to death.But the same is true of blizzards, which will also cause many old people or children who cannot stand the wind and cold to die in this too long winter.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost twelve noon now. Ella decided to have a lunch at the "Old Man" bar before going back. The snow had driven back, and it was at least a little warmer than it was before dark.

Ella ordered toast, cream of peas and a lousy cheese.Ella planned to eat three meals outside in the future. Even in Old Jack's shop, the food she ate was much better than the black bread specially reserved for her by Aunt Reese.

But before she was ready to have lunch, the door of the "Old Man" bar was pushed open again by someone, and a cold wind swept in, and Ella felt the food on the plate getting cold quickly.

A ragged, brown-haired boy rushed in, rolling and crawling.

"Help, Mr. Jack, please help Maykel!"

Chapter 23 Responsibilities of Survivors

Strictly speaking, he was just a child of seven or eight years old, but his clothes and eyes made him look more mature.

The boy crawled up to Old Jack in twos and threes, trying to hug his thigh, but the latter frowned slightly and took a step back to avoid the hug.

The boy felt all over his body, scraped together a dozen pennies, and held them in front of his face.

"Please, please help Mekel find a doctor, she is dying!"

A dozen pennies are barely enough for a lunch at Jack's place, and even a country doctor without a pharmacist's certificate is more than this price.

Jack looked down at the boy expressionlessly. It's not that he is sympathetic, but this is the rule of the Eastern District. God knows how many people will freeze to death in this blizzard. If he helps everyone, he will also lie in bed within a few days. Frozen in the shadows of street corners.Not to mention Jack, even if a certain banker in London puts out all his capital, it is impossible to make much waves.There is no god in the world who can save everyone. Even if there was, according to Kraft's historical records, it would have fallen long ago.

Ella was a little concerned about the name Mekel, which made her feel a little familiar. She looked at the boy for a long time, and then slowly matched him with the face in her impression.


If she was not mistaken, the boy should be the son of a female worker in Henry's factory.Abandoned by her gambling and alcoholic husband, the woman worker is proud to have raised George and daughter Maykel alone, whom Ella met at Henry's factory.George was wearing an old but clean black jacket, baggy trousers, and even a fashionable peaked cap. Ella also recognized him from the hole in the boy's head.It was a New Year's gift from his mother.Even though she was worried about her livelihood, the female worker gave her child the best she could.

But she was dead, in a tragedy at the factory.

Hearing the sound, George turned his head and looked at the girl in the woolen trench coat and woolen stockings with a puzzled expression.That's not something poor people can afford, and I don't know any rich people.But the girl's silver-white long hair made him feel a little familiar. He remembered that it belonged to a colleague of his mother, but he was not sure.

"Are you... Sister Ella?"

"It's me. Take me to Mekle. Maybe I can be of help."

George seems to have grasped the life-saving straw. He grabbed Ella and was about to run out the door. The girl picked up the bag of bread and woolen blanket, and Ella put the oilcloth wrapped with the revolver and bullets into it. Top pocket.

George took her all the way down the bridge hole. According to him, after his mother died unexpectedly, the paltry pension was quickly used up. After that, the landlord forcefully drove them out of the house.He was surprised that Ella was still alive, since the papers said there were no survivors of the fire at Henry's factory.

In the depths of the east side of the bridge, George's younger sister is curled up in a pile of tattered cotton wool. Mekel is only six years old this year, two years younger than her brother. She is a brown-haired girl with many freckles on her face.Her face was sallow and her eyes were lost.

Beside her is a pile of fire that is about to go out, and the sporadic orange red on the firewood is crumbling in the cold.

"Mekel has been like this since morning, no reaction at all!"

Ella tapped the center of her eyebrows lightly, which was a trick Adolf gave her.Through some actions or hints to activate spiritual vision, for people with magical powers, they can see the undead or peek into the souls of the living.A person's soul has color, and its brightness or dimness also symbolizes the health of the owner's body.Ella found that Mekel's body showed a dark and cold tone. Perhaps she just suffered from a simple cold, but poverty, hunger, and cold prevented the disease from getting better, and it deteriorated step by step until it threatened her life.

Ayla stepped up and threw the thick wool blanket over Mekel.This is just a trivial disease. If Ella carries that suitcase, it is easy to prepare a potion to cure it.

"Mekel is just too cold and hungry. Go and boil some hot water, George."

The boy hurriedly set up an iron pot, which was a little property he had rescued from the landlord with all his might, and took out two flints to start a fire. It may be because he was too flustered, and the pile of charcoal was still alive after several strikes. burn up.

Ella sighed softly and said a spell in a voice only she could hear, causing the charcoal to burn violently.She looked at the strange green ice on the Thames, and simply took some clean snow. In London's air, the first snow was mixed with dust and dirt in the air, not much better than the Thames, but with the blizzard The continuation of the current snow has been much cleaner.Although the boiled water is still a little yellow, it is much cleaner than the river water.

George watched dumbfounded as the flames danced with Ella's movements, his mouth open enough to stuff an egg.

The snow quickly melted in the iron pan, bubbling, and white steam rose.Ella placed the loaf of bread across the pan to soak up the steam, and the aroma of wheat began to spread.George swallowed, and Mekel's eyes recovered a little, she instinctively grabbed the blanket and opened her mouth.

Ella tore off a small piece of bread and put it in Mekle's mouth, watching her slowly begin to chew and swallow, and she stopped after only a few pieces.

"People who have been hungry for a long time can't eat too much at one time, my teacher said so." Ella recalled many things Adolf said in tutoring. At that time, she still felt that the knowledge was meaningless.

George swallowed and ate half a loaf with Ella's tacit approval.He swallowed the food in his mouth and nodded.

"I know that a few days ago Robert found a lot of moldy bread in a rich businessman's trash can. After eating all of it, he clutched his stomach and wailed, and died soon. They said that Robert broke his intestines."

This was another familiar name, and Ella's face darkened. It was also the son of a certain factory worker, and she had some impression of that fat boy.

Another homeless man lying in the bridge hole also smelled the smell of food. He twitched his nose and approached slowly, raised a wooden stick with a nail in his hand, and looked fiercely.

Ella frowned, untied the tarpaulin, and pressed a few bullets into the revolver in front of them. Only then did he calm down, move his body slowly, and ran out of the bridge hole.She believes that those who still have the strength to threaten children with wooden sticks do not need charity.

After eating some food and drinking some hot water, Mekel curled up in the wool blanket and fell asleep, breathing evenly.

George felt relieved, looked at his mother's colleague, and felt that the girl who was not much older than him had become different from a few months ago.

"Sister Ella, are you a magician?"

"Yes." Ella thought for a while, and was about to leave here. It was getting late, and she planned to leave some money for the George brothers and sisters, but she was worried that it would be robbed by homeless people.In the end, Ella just raised her index finger in front of her mouth, "Don't tell anyone."


George was very excited that there really was magic in this world.And Ella's appearance was a miracle in itself for their brother and sister.

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