So after thinking about it for a while, Lin Yan finally asked Yao Lao a few questions.

Yao Lao naturally answered all questions to Lin Yan knowingly.


After some summarization, Lin Yan already had a certain understanding of these basic medicine refining knowledge.

"Okay, senior medicine, let's get started."

Lin Yan finally expressed his opinion to Yao Lao.

"Then let me teach you the first thing, recognizing the medicine cauldron."

Yao Lao was not ambiguous when he heard this, he pointed to the medicine cauldron in front of him and said to Lin Yan.

"This medicine cauldron is called the two-mouthed cauldron. It is left over from my practice a long time ago, but it is very suitable for a novice like you."

"The medicine cauldron is divided into grades. The more vents the cauldron has, the higher the level of the cauldron is, and the higher the efficiency in refining elixir."

"Of course, the higher the level of the medicine cauldron, the more difficult it is to control. Therefore, when choosing a medicine cauldron, alchemists often cannot blindly choose high-level medicine cauldrons. What's more important is that they are suitable."

He first explained the principle of the medicine cauldron to Lin Yan, and then let him control it himself.

"You should familiarize yourself with the medicine cauldron first, put your hand on the burner, and then pour the wood attribute energy in your body into it."

Lin Yan immediately followed suit, put his hand on the burner, and followed Yao Lao's request to search for the wood-attributed energy in his body.

This is the mystery of the method of practicing Qi in the Dou Qi Continent.

Douqi Continent's exercises can help practitioners better distinguish and sense the attributes of Yuanli in the body, and mobilize it when a certain attribute of Yuanli is needed.

However, most of the exercises in the martial arts world can only be mobilized in one go, all mixed together, and it is impossible to mobilize the power of a single attribute.

With his eyes slightly closed, Lin Yan searched for a few seconds, and quickly found the wood attribute energy in his body, rolled it into the medicine cauldron on the spot, and suddenly, a strong flame burst out from it!

"Good good!"

"Little friend's soul perception ability is really amazing!"

"It seems that little friend is really a natural genius in refining medicine!"

Seeing this, Yao Lao couldn't help clapping his hands in praise.

He was really amazed by the talent shown by Lin Yan.

Even for him, it took nearly half an hour to go through this step.

But Lin Yan did it directly in a few seconds.

This really made Yao Lao a little surprised.

All of a sudden, he became more and more looking forward to it. Lin Yan's talent is so terrifying. If he really teaches Lin Yan to make medicine in the future, how far will he grow in the future?

The more Yao Lao thought about it, the more excited he became. This is a feeling of cherishing talents.

However, he also knew how to control his emotions. After he was immersed in it, Yao Lao gave Lin Yan two pills.

"This is the prescription of the dispelling cold pill and the healing pill that I made myself."

"You take a look first, and then get started."

"I will remind you of the temperature of the flame and the composition of the medicinal materials at any time."

Lin Yan nodded seriously.

After that, he turned his attention to the prescription given by Yao Lao.

"One red flame grass, two blood coagulation flowers, two tricolor fruits..."

He remembers quickly.

After that, all the medicinal materials needed for a elixir were thrown into the medicine cauldron.


A fierce flame rose up, and before Lin Yan could control it, the several medicinal materials thrown in were burned to ashes by the flames and were completely scrapped.

"When you are not familiar with it at first, you will come the same way."

"Also, the temperature is high."

Yao Lao said to Lin Yan calmly.

Lin Yan nodded, and continued to try as Yao Lao said.

It's just that the temperature was still a bit high this time, so it didn't take long for the second medicinal material to be scrapped successfully.

Seeing this, Lin Yan felt a bit pained, after all, this kind of behavior was no different from burning money.

But Yao Lao was very calm: "Continue."

Lin Yan could only grit his teeth and continue.

This process is very difficult. When watching the medicine aging and refining the medicine before, the latter's calm performance really easily makes people mistakenly think that this is an easy task.

But now Lin Yan knows that even if it is just a simple extraction of medicinal materials, it is not so easy to complete.

He practiced medicine unremittingly.

Finally found the right temperature after trying more than a dozen times.

Lin Yan didn't even dare to take a breath, and his spirit was tense the whole time.

Under such concentrating tempering, all of his medicinal materials were finally tempered successfully.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Little friend is really amazing!"

"Now, it's just the last step."

"That is to fuse all their medicinal powers together, and then make them into pills!"

Yao Lao praised Lin Yan again.

Afterwards, Lin Yan was also instructed to throw all the refined essence into the medicine cauldron.

Lin Yan naturally did it very quickly.

Several essences entered the cauldron and soon began to merge with each other.

However, this process is actually very difficult, because the alchemist needs to keep the flame in a suitable area through perception and experience at all times.

After all, the temperature resistance of various medicinal materials is different, and the positions are also different.So it often happens that high temperature is needed here, but low temperature is needed there.

This back and forth multi-line operation naturally consumes a lot of energy and body, so it is not unreasonable to call it the most difficult part of refining medicine.

Fortunately, Lin Yan's talent is very good, and his soul perception is also very amazing, so after a lot of smelting with all his concentration, he miraculously refined the elixir.

Lin Yan couldn't wait to open the lid, and with a wave of his hand, a jade-colored pill landed in his hand, bursts of medicinal fragrance came, and soon filled the entire room.

"Senior medicine man, look!"

Lin Yan handed the elixir to Yao Lao on the spot, and wanted him to help him taste it.

And Yao Lao naturally didn't refuse, and after taking a few careful glances at the result of his first-hand elixir, his eyes showed strong admiration.

"Little friend is really talented!"

"I seldom praise people in my daily life, especially when refining medicine, there are really very few people who can be praised by this old man."

"But my little friend frequently surprised the old man. For the first time in alchemy, not only did he successfully refine the elixir, but it was so fine! It's really eye-opening."

Yao Lao praised Lin Yan without hesitation.

"Little friend, this old man will never lie to you."

"According to your talent, as long as you concentrate on research in the future, surpassing the old man in refining medicine will be as easy as drinking water!"

Lin Yan was also very happy to hear this.

But it must not be too arrogant, so I still said to Yao Lao:

"Thank you, Senior Yao, for your praise."

"However, it doesn't matter what kind of realm the boy can refine medicine in the future."

"But the refining of medicine was introduced by the old master of medicine, but the boy will always remember it in his heart."

"Please allow the kid to express his thanks to Senior!"

Chapter 13: A first-grade pharmacist, Qingtan who was drenched in water

After some words, Lin Yan quickly thanked Yao Lao sincerely.

As for Yao Lao, after hearing Lin Yan's words, he couldn't help being stunned.

Then he came back to his senses and said to Lin Yan in front of him:

"Good! Good! Good!"

"The old man is here to be thanked by my little friend."

He also cupped his hands towards Lin Yan, and when he continued to look at Lin Yan, the admiration in his eyes became more and more difficult to conceal!

In his opinion, Lin Yan is this person.

Not just talent.

He even has a way of being a human being.

Don't be arrogant!

When faced with compliments, he won't get carried away with complacency, but instead calmly praises back.

This kind of xinxing is really rare!

Therefore, unconsciously, even Yao Lao himself did not realize that Lin Yan's rating in his heart had become much higher again!

Afterwards, Lin Yan quickly started refining medicine again.

And Yao Lao has always played the role of a teacher, constantly giving Lin Yan guidance on the side.

Although Lin Yan did not learn from his teacher, Yao Lao did not hide his clumsiness at all, and even taught him very carefully.

This is entirely because Lin Yan has been approved by Yao Lao, so even if there is no such red tape, he still chooses to give it all!

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