
after the battle

In the dark and silent room, the only sound was the breathing of the two of them.

Yi Lianna slept soundly with her arms folded, with a smile on her lips, as if she had dreamed of some beautiful scene.

In contrast to Thunder...

Although his eyes were closed, his breathing was extremely rapid!Slight cold sweat continued to break out on the forehead and neck...

His brows and facial features were wrinkled, and the veins on his arms were bulging!

The corner of the bed sheet was still tightly held in his hands... Gradually crushed into pieces...

The whole body is still twitching from time to time.

It was like seeing something in a dream that even he felt extremely frightened...

A woman's words kept echoing in his ears, the voice continued and became more and more urgent...


Just kill me…"

"Thunder...kill me..."

"Lei Ming, kill me!"

"Thunder! Please kill me..."


"kill me!!!"

In the end, the screaming roar caused him to open his eyes violently!Bounced out of bed!

He was panting heavily...his chest was heaving violently, he raised his head and looked around blankly...

The room was still silent and the needles could be heard, and Elena beside her was also sleeping very peacefully, as if everything was in peace...

Lei Ming wiped the cold sweat off his face, and gradually calmed down.

Then he gently removed Elena's arm resting on his lap, and then lifted the covers and went to the bathroom...


The cold water column washed away the sweat on his face, and he put his hands on the sink...

Looking up into the mirror, the man with bare upper body and extremely fierce eyes seemed to want to kill someone... The man with bloodshot eyes muttered to himself:

"What's wrong with me…"

Lei Ming looked at the person in the mirror, obviously he was exactly the same as himself, but it made him feel like he was looking at another person...

This reminded him of a term in the medical world.


Commonly known as post-traumatic stress disorder, it can also be called war sequelae...

Refers to a mental illness that occurs after a person suffers a major blow...or witnesses a scene that exerts great psychological pressure. When the disease occurs, it will make people have nightmares...irritability...mania and a series of insane behaviors.

In severe cases, it may even cause some uncontrollable violent behaviors, including killing or committing suicide...

And he,

Killed many, many people...

Be it bad guys... or good guys, civilians, soldiers, fighter pilots... robbers, even angels!as well as…

His own [-] clansmen.

And Qiao Wei...

The one who once dreamed of... but killed her with his own hands,

first woman.

Killing so many people...and even killing the angels for more than ten years in heaven did not close their eyes.

His mind really...

No problem at all?

Lei Ming felt his head was in a trance...I didn't know whether I should go to see a doctor, and whether it would be useful, anyway...

It was impossible for him to go back to sleep now.

Just turning around and turning around, I heard a strange movement in the hall of the manor...

Checking with perspective eyes, I found two masked men in black carrying a bag of special tools for thieves, with pistols pinned to their waists, stealthily starting to steal inside the manor...

Without thinking about how the two mere thieves passed through the tightly guarded Earl's Manor... and came here before being noticed by his perception, Lei Ming glanced at Elena who was still sleeping on the bed, opened the door gently and left room...


In the living room on the first floor, two thieves were holding an antique vase and discussing its value in low voices, without noticing it at all...

In the pitch-black environment, a tall figure appeared behind him, walking towards them slowly.


Before the two thieves could yell out, Lei Ming quickly stretched out his hands... and grabbed the necks of the two, and lifted them into the air...

The two thieves kept struggling, kicking their legs and stretching out their hands, trying to break off the fingers on their necks...but it didn't help.

For such a life-or-death person, Lei Ming has never been soft-hearted.

He used his hands gradually... Suddenly, the two thieves couldn't make a sound, and their struggling movements also gradually fell silent...

Suddenly... the chandelier in the hall was switched on by someone, and the whole room was bright and bright in an instant.

Thunder instantly dilated pupils!

Because the two people who were held up in the air by his neck turned out to be Elena and Sophia!

He let go immediately!Then he quickly picked them up in his arms, and slowly let them lie flat on the ground...

But the two of them were already out of breath.

"what happened…

How could this be? ! "

Lei Ming checked Elena's heartbeat in a panic, but he couldn't feel the slightest sign of beating...

At the moment when he was about to go berserk, his expression suddenly froze... and then gradually regained his composure.

Without looking at Elena who was on the ground, he stood up slowly, his eyes scanned the hall, and finally locked on an antique clock standing by the wall that was almost as tall as him.

The second hand is beating slowly, and the large glass mirror of the clock is reflecting its own reflection.

Staring at the antique clock, Lei Ming walked towards it...

Strangely, the reflection on the mirror did not synchronize with his movement... The self in the reflection was still standing motionless, watching Lei Ming walking towards the clock with a blank expression.

The second after Lei Ming stood still in front of the clock, the 'Thunder' in the mirror suddenly opened his mouth and said:


As expected of someone who could kill all the angels...and come back alive from heaven. "

After finishing speaking, he still had a faint smile on his face, as if he was not surprised that Lei Ming could realize that it was a dream in time.

At the same time as he spoke, 'Irina' and 'Sophia' lying on the ground in the center of the hall suddenly turned into fly ash, and the entire room returned to a dark environment...

"and who are you?!

What are you trying to do with these tricks! "

Lei Ming looked dignified, because his senses could not detect any signs of this 'reflection'.

The sights and sounds he just saw, and his 'PTSD' are the work of this guy, somehow, it uses his mental laxity to lower his defenses to make him fall asleep, and then puts the slightest 'weakness' deep inside him The infinite magnification made him so dazed that he even forgot all the things he should have noticed.

As a result, he was almost treated as a fool to the end.

Facing Lei Ming's question, Reflection shook her head...

"Your word isn't quite right... I'm not 'who'...

Of course...I'm not a ghost, or an angel...a demon, or anything else..."

"I am…



. . . . . . .

(Didn't even go up three rounds, dumbfounded)

Chapter 74 Electrolux's Thank You Gift

Opening his eyes, Lei Ming woke up again.

Looking around, he was still lying on the bed in the guest room, and Elena next to him was still sleeping extremely soundly.

Although he already knew that everything that happened just now was false, Lei Ming couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief seeing her peaceful sleeping face, as well as the steady breathing and heartbeat from her chest.

When he got up and got out of bed, he realized that the sheets under his body had been soaked with his sweat.

He actually fell into a dream within a dream...

After sitting by the bed for a while, he went to the bathroom to wash his face again, but this time he saw his own face in the mirror, but it looked normal...

There is no fierce look... and there is no blood in the eyes.

"'Dream', isn't it..."

Lei Ming muttered...

Just now in the dream, the "self" reflected in the glass said so, but when Lei Ming asked why he deliberately teased him, he replied that it was just a small temptation...

Then he woke up 'again'.

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