"I can't believe I joined the Supervision Bureau to be a babysitter for this bastard..."

Dylan in front of the screen regrets...

And here, Max also flew over a certain block to stabilize his figure. Hearing the gunshots from below, he leaned over and rushed to the ground...

"It's 'Super Max'!"

Under the gaze of the Los Angeles police, Max slowly landed in front of the police car.

With his arrival, the police officers present also breathed a sigh of relief. They confronted the bank robbers for a while, but unfortunately they did not dare to act rashly because of the presence of hostages, and fell into a stalemate for a while.

"Leave it to me next!"

Max patted the police officer on the shoulder, turned around and swished, breaking through the tempered glass of the bank's gate, followed by bursts of gunshots, accompanied by flames, and the screams of the robbers...

Two minutes later, several hostages ran out of the gate unharmed, and Max slowly floated out of the gate with two unconscious robbers in one hand...

Immediately there was warm applause at the scene, and the crowd watching outside the cordon also gave warm cheers!

"Nice job! Super Max!"

"You are a hero!"

"No, no, no..."

Max waved his hand in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "I just did what I should do..."

Then he pointed to the police officers in front of him and said, "And you...my friends!

You are the true heroes! "

Then the crowd broke out into even more enthusiastic cheers...


Chapter 32 Connie's decision

"I can't stand it..."

In the university cafeteria, Connie, who was eating with her friends, couldn't help but roll her eyes while watching Max interacting with the crowd on the TV news.

"Connie? Why don't you like Super Max?"

Jennifer, a good friend and best friend beside her, noticed Connie's little expression and asked in puzzlement.

"Uh... I just can't accept his clothes, who would wear the national flag on his body?!..."

Connie told the truth.

"I also find it a little strange..."

Seeing that Jennifer actually agreed with her point of view, Connie's eyes lit up... She thought that finally someone had the same idea as her!

"But his face is so handsome! And his figure is superb! The key point is that he can fly!

I also heard that Superman is his older brother, and his chest muscles are so strong that he can even block bullets!

Compared with these advantages...clothes and so on don't matter..."

The words of the best friend made Connie lose the luster in her eyes, and she had no choice but to continue cooking.

Like Jennifer, there are quite a few idiot fans who like Max in the school. Almost all of them dream of being "favored" by Super Max one day, and then take them on a romantic air date under the night...

In fact, she can also understand. After all, they are all restless adolescent girls. It is not surprising that they like idols, especially Max, who is difficult for ordinary people to touch and imagine. Their attraction is extremely deadly!

In fact, it's not that Connie can't accept that her best friend likes Max, nor does she really hate Max's current appearance.

It's just that when she thinks that the object of her star chasing is the familiar Max...annoying and talkative Max, everything feels wrong.

"Oh... I wish he could fall in love with me one day... and fly to the sky with me... I haven't tried XXOO in the sky yet..."


Connie almost spit out the rice, then threw the spoon, got up and left with the plate.

She just can't stand it...

"I'm full, you eat slowly..."

"Hey! Wait for me..."

Jennifer also hurriedly got up and chased after her.

"Connie, there are 5 minutes until class, do you want to go to the bathroom with me?"

The two walked side by side in the bustling school corridor, and Jennifer took out the makeup mirror and asked.

"No... I'm not going."

Jennifer had no choice but to go to the toilet alone with her mouth deflated.

Back in the classroom, Connie lay down on the table exhausted, thinking to herself that she must not let her know that Max and her are foster siblings. If it is exposed, it will be over. She has no interest in being a superhero...

After all, this world already has Lei, the most powerful superman, even though he has disappeared for more than a year, he doesn't know where he is...

As for Max?

forget it…

The class bell rang, and the classroom was filled with people one after another, but Jennifer hadn't come back yet.

Connie didn't care either, the little roast chicken who loved beauty was probably on the phone with some handsome guy from the baseball or football club, and it wasn't the first time that she was late.

Five minutes later, the teacher was talking on stage, but Jennifer hadn't come back yet.

Connie secretly took out her mobile phone and sent her a '? ', but the other party did not reply.

Connie had a bad premonition in her heart, so she slowly closed her eyes and concentrated on her ears...

In an instant, all the surrounding sounds... and smells were amplified tens or even hundreds of times, and the stimulation brought by the strong external information made her frown uncomfortably.

However, having received a lot of training in the Supervision Bureau, she has been able to withstand this kind of stimulation, and has also learned to eliminate the messy information that is useless to her, leaving only what she needs.

Soon, her hearing extended to the outside of the classroom, located at the end of the corridor...in the women's toilet about 100 meters away from the classroom.


Connie heard a burst of rhythmic muffled sound, it was the sound of a human heartbeat!

Just getting slower...and extremely faint...


Connie, who was concentrating, subconsciously called out, drawing the attention of the surrounding students and teachers in the quiet classroom.

"Miss Connie? Do you have any questions?"

The teacher on the podium said with some dissatisfaction, but the latter ignored his inquiry.

At the same time... a strong smell of blood poured into Connie's nostrils...


Connie suddenly stood up and yelled, startling everyone.

"Call the police! Hurry up and call the police! Something happened to the women's restroom!"

Connie yelled nervously and rushed out of the classroom quickly, showing her physical strength three times higher than ordinary people in an instant!All the desks and classmates blocking the way ahead were sent flying several meters away.

The classroom was quiet for a few seconds, and then rushed out of the classroom to join in the fun...

In just a few seconds, Connie quickly ran to the door of the women's toilet, smashed the toilet door with her body, and entered the bathroom.

There was no sound in the quiet toilet. Connie followed the smell of blood and opened the door of a cubicle toilet, and saw this scene...

Jennifer sat slumped on the toilet, with her arms hanging limply by her side, on the ground, there was a round thing between her feet...

That was supposed to be on her neck...Jennifer's head...

The expression on her face was terrified, she didn't know what horrible scene she saw before she died...


Connie in front of the corpse had already lost her ability to speak, and stood blankly at the door of the compartment, trembling uncontrollably.

Until the other students who followed behind to join in the fun also rushed in, and there were screams one after another in the toilet...

Half an hour later, the police arrived at the scene. The toilets were cordoned off and the crowd was evacuated. Since Connie was the first to discover the deceased, she was taken away by the police on the spot...


"Miss Connie... Please answer my question, how did you know that someone had an accident in the toilet in a classroom so far away from the toilet..."

In the interrogation room of the Los Angeles Police Department, a black police officer is interrogating her.

But Connie didn't seem to hear it at all...

Now her mind is full of images of Jennifer's tragic death, replayed over and over again.

Suddenly the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and a man in a suit walked in. He spoke before the black police officer got up.

"Sorry, this case is taken over by our Supervision Bureau, and you will receive a call from your superior soon..."

"Connie...we can go."

After speaking, Dylan said to Connie who was still in a daze.


The black police officer had a question mark on his face. As soon as he stood up, the mobile phone at his waist rang. He looked at Dylan suspiciously and answered the phone at the same time...

"Let people go? But this girl is very suspicious...

"Ok, I see…"

The black police officer put down the phone, then signaled for Connie to go...

Looking at the back of Connie and the man in the suit leaving, the black police officer couldn't help guessing what the background of the girl was, and not only asked a special department like the Supervision Bureau to ask for her in person, but even asked the branch chief to call him personally and ask him to release her …


As soon as Connie came out of the police station, she saw Peggy and his wife who were waiting outside to greet her. Connie couldn't hold back her emotions anymore, threw herself into Peggy's arms and burst into tears...

Glancing distressedly at Connie in her arms, Peggy said a few words of comfort before thanking Dylan.

As soon as he found out about Connie's accident, he called the other party. He knew that Dylan's special department had a lot of authority, and that Connie was not an ordinary person, so it was reasonable to ask them for help.

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