His eyes were fixed on Gracie's calf like two white jade radishes.

While stretching out the devil's claws, he let out a laugh.

"Jie Jie, let me touch your legs to make a training plan!—"


The emperor of the East China Sea kicked Long Xizaki four or five meters away.

Di Bao's power was well controlled, and after Nishizaki Ryu landed, the power had dissipated not much.

"No, what are you doing, my lord?"

Nishizaki Ryu sighed.

"Didn't I touch the special week's legs, your legs? This is really a training plan for revision symbols and your personal situation!"

"Can it be the same?!" The emperor said angrily: "Ask McQueen and the others, what did your eyes and laughter look like just now?"

McQueen: "Pervert."

Yamato: "Lese."

Vodka: "Scum."

Special Week: "Lori-Con."

Ah Chuan: "Ghost f—"


Ryu Nishizaki interrupted the golden ship.

Any more, and he was about to be shot.

He tried to look at Gracie innocently, but he and the girl looked at each other for no more than ten seconds.

She was defeated by Gracie's more innocent eyes.

No one can resist this kind of gaze, and the evil in the heart will be infinitely magnified and turned into deep self-blame.

"Okay, anyway, it's a good thing to have new members joining."

Nishizaki Ryu rubbed his head.

Although Gracie is not a stranger to the team, basic tests are still required.

"Before going to meet the new members for dinner, do a simple test first. The endurance test is too long, so let's do a 100-meter run first. I will test the time and estimate your speed."

Ryu Nishizaki came 100 meters away from the venue and waved to Gracio in the distance.

shouted loudly.

"Are you ready?"

"Run at full speed?" Gracie asked.

"That's not necessary, measure the speed temporarily, don't look at the explosive power, just use the average normal speed."


Gracie nodded, and responded cutely.

The fragrance of grass and soil made her horse girl more impulsive and active.

At this moment, the urge to run that she had been holding back suddenly let go.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a fancy hotel.

It was obviously a welcome banquet to welcome the new team members, but the atmosphere was weird.

Even a foodie like Special Week can hardly swallow the rare carrot meal in front of him.

A room full of people ate a table of delicacies to the taste of chewing wax.

This can not blame them.

It can only be said that the stimulation brought by Gracie was too great.

Even the emperor of the East China Sea didn't see Gray Xiujing running past, so who would be hurt by this stimulation.

"You guys should eat."

Gracie shivered.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Gracie, you are not wrong, we are too good." Special Zhou lay on the table with his face flattened.

Emperor of the East China Sea: "My U has been crushed!"

"Indeed, is this the power of the unity of a horse and a horse? This kind of speed cannot be achieved by humans, nor by horses."

McQueen also broke down and criticized.

She remembered the scene of the test just now.

A normal mid-range speed of a horse is 20m/s, which is equivalent to 72km/h, that is, it only takes five seconds to run 100 meters. In the final sprint, the speed of a horse can generally reach 90km/h, which is also That is, the speed can be increased to 25m/s to 30m/s.

Some talented horse girls can sometimes rise higher in the explosive stage.

But Gracie's speed just now definitely exceeded 240km/h. She didn't know how much it was, because Ryu Nishizaki forgot to press the watch.

But that kind of phenomenon brought about by running is not available at this speed.

When Gracie was running at high speed, the surrounding scene began to deform. This was because the air could no longer flow across the surface of Ma Niang in time with her body movement, which would cause a phenomenon called shock wave.

At this time, the density of the air surrounding Gracie became extremely low, because very little air could keep up with its turbulent speed.

Therefore, a pressure zone is formed between the air and the horse.

This pressure zone is like a visible arc-shaped cone that spreads toward the front of the horse, so the running horse girl looks like it is surrounded by a cone composed of light, vibration, and plasma.

In the last chapter of Sai Ma Niang, the miraculous resurrection of the emperor of the East China Sea, when the emperor crossed the line at the end, in just a few seconds, the white cone cover in front of him was a similar thing.

As a result, Gracie didn't speed up, didn't brew, and didn't have any belief in full swing, and ran out of this thing as soon as he lifted his foot.

This is the same result as the standing long jump and the approach jump.

Then who will suffer.

Not to mention that before running, he asked Ryu Nishizaki if he should use all his strength.

"You won't be able to run out of the speed of sound with all your strength." Yamato couldn't help asking.

"how is this possible."

Nishizaki Ryu interrupted quickly.

"The length of the short-distance racecourse is only more than 1000 meters. She ran to the speed of sound, and the race was not over in three to five seconds. Besides, it is so fast, and steering is also a problem."

In less than a second, he encountered a curve, and he might have rushed out directly.

"Oh, don't do this."

Seeing everyone listless, Nishizaki Ryu began to feel a little anxious.

After thinking for a long time, he opened his mouth and said.

"Do you think that Gracie will only stay for three months, and she will run from her debut match. She is not on the same track as you, and the one who suffers is someone else, right?"

"Hua Q, trainer, what you said makes sense!" Ah Chuan exclaimed.

After a short silence.

The atmosphere suddenly became active.

"Eat, eat!" The special week began to cook happily: "I can't wait for those people to be slapped 80 by Gracie!"


that's it.

Gracie's campus life begins.

in her memory.

I don't seem to have much campus life...

Mom resigned from Grandma Mebius for her sake, so she was always at home.

Teresan's class is the same as ordinary middle and high school for general knowledge learning in the morning.In the afternoon, there will be competition lectures, victory stage, sports nutrition, basic training, etc., and the lectures will be centered on the competition.

Gracie originally thought that the first day of class was full of unfamiliar faces.

But I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance in the class.

twin turbo.

"Why are we in the same class?" Gracie asked curiously.

"The horse girl who is not qualified to participate in the G1 level competition is here. She just ran more debut games and some small events than you." The enthusiastic horse girl explained.

"Ah this."

Gracie froze for a moment.

The image of Twin Turbo's predecessor collapsed in an instant.

After all, Diwang is running in G1 now, and the twin turbos take Diwang as their opponent, but they can't even make it to the track?

"What's the hurry, I'll be there soon!" Twin Turbo said confidently, "I'm going to win the championship just this month!"

"come on!"

Gracie cheered the opponent up.

Although I don't know where the self-confidence comes from, this kind of cheerful personality does make people feel sunny.

The culture class in the morning covers various basic rules from the history of horse racing girls.

Gracie basically remembered it after listening to it once.

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