"The Reunification Movement is not a violent organization..."

Tallulah continued to output crazily.

Start to place the blame on the army group.

"They even pretended to be an integration movement not long ago and attacked Longmen!"

There is sufficient evidence in Tallulah's hands in this matter, and the nobles of Ursus couldn't shake it off even if they wanted to.

Wei Yanwu at Longmen looked at the evidence in Tallulah's hand and his face darkened immediately.

That thing was obviously collected by him.

He didn't know when Gracie took it.

"Do you still feel bad about getting something?" Wen Yue pouted at the side.

"I don't have anything to worry about. I didn't do it myself to collect this information." Old Wei quickly explained, "This is... What I mean is that she didn't even tell me what she wanted. I will definitely give it to you.”

"This one."

Wen Yue nodded with a smile.

"She told me."

Wei Yanwu: "..."


For Tallulah, she didn't just talk casually.

All the members of the integration movement who were already crazy were given up by her.

From today onwards, the integration movement will have an independent logo, official members will be audited, and the situation that was once demanded by everyone will be changed to rather short than excessive...Of course, these are all things in the future, and we have to do it little by little.

"This is We Integrate Movement!"

We can never be satisfied as long as the infected remain subjected to the unspeakable savagery of their oppressors.

We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, weary from travel, cannot find lodging in the motels along the highways and in the hotels of the cities.

We will never be satisfied as long as the basic movement of the infected is to move from small ghettos inhabited by ethnic minorities to large ghettos.

No!We are not satisfied now, and we will not be satisfied in the future, unless justice and justice are like the waves of the river, surging and rolling in.

"The new emperor of Ursus."

Tallulah made a declaration to the aloof new emperor.

No, it's not so much a declaration as a coercion.

"From today, our integration movement will become the new home of the infected! And this agreement is a new beginning."

As she spoke, she took out a thick stack of documents that seemed to have been prepared a long time ago.

At the top are bright, even somewhat dazzling big characters.

——"Ursus Infected Liberation Treaty"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There was silence in the palace.

Facing the "Ursus Infected Liberation Treaty" presented by Tallulah, no one answered the question.

But sometimes silence is also an answer.

Tallulah seemed to have expected this long ago.

"Since you don't want to read it, I'll read it to you."

Having reached this point, it is impossible for Tallulah to let the situation stalemate here.

"From today onwards, all those who are infected in any area of ​​Ursus shall be free then and thereafter forever; the administration of the Ursus government, including the armies, shall recognize and guarantee the freedom of these persons , when they, or any of them, make any effort for their own liberty and equality, do nothing to suppress them."

"Similarly, these infected persons who have been declared free must not violate the law unless it is necessary for self-defense. Wherever possible, they should also work faithfully for reasonable wages. They can participate in normal production and life .”


Tallulah recited aloud one by one.

The stern voice echoed in the magnificent palace.

It also reverberates in every corner of Terra Continent.

There is no privilege or discrimination for the infected.

Even various LGBT women's rights and environmental protection organizations will feel ashamed and ashamed after hearing Tallulah's manifesto.

The noble officials of Ursus also looked increasingly ugly.

On the contrary, they wished that Tallulah, who had already entered the palace at this time, made some excessive demands.

In this way, whether they take the opportunity to put themselves in a weak position, or make a fuss about it, they are all familiar with it.

But now, it's difficult.

A fighter for democracy who has no selfish desires and holds a gun in his hand for freedom and liberation.

How terrible, the selfish nobles like Ursas have seen it today.


This is true without a trace of flaws.

They couldn't think of any reason, any temptation, or any condition that could make Tallulah change her mind.

Even now, almost all Terran people watching the live broadcast, no matter which country they are in, feel that there is nothing wrong with what Tallulah said.

Fight for equality and obey the law.

In the eyes of people other than Ursus, Tallulah just asked Ursus to sign the "Declaration for the Emancipation of Black Slaves".

But in the eyes of nobles like Ursus, what Tallulah presented was clearly the Treaty of Nanjing.

It is a loss of power and humiliation to the country, which is absolutely unacceptable.

This is what Tallulah is fundamentally fighting against.

If she wants to help the infected in Longmen, the resistance will not be as great as it is now. As long as she handles it well, Wei Yanwu will only let her GKD.

But Ursus is different. What she has to fight is not only force, but also discrimination and prejudice.

She couldn't even use Gracie's power to directly overthrow Ursus and establish a big country dominated by infected people.

If she does.

Now those voices on Terra who support her due to the atrocities of Ursus and sympathy for the infected will all disappear.

Instead, there is a strong panic that no one will establish diplomatic relations with such a country, and even everyone is a potential enemy.

Eat one bite at a time.

"We can't sign this treaty!"

A nobleman from Ursus stepped forward.

Because now that Tallula is broadcasting live to Quan Taila, it is impossible to do anything.

As long as he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, Tallulah will change from an oppressed fighter for democracy to a villain who uses violence to achieve his goals.

Tallula didn't respond when she saw this, she just asked lightly: "Why can't you sign?"


The noble suddenly got stuck.

He is not without reason.

On the contrary, he has countless reasons to object.

Just like the blacks are free, what about the farmers?

Trying to be free, what should the master do?

Who will do the dangerous work?Where does the free labor come from?

There are simply too many reasons like this, and he can stand on his own ground and say for three days and three nights how harmful it is to liberate the infected.

If there is no live broadcast, he doesn't care about it.

But if you say that now, it is estimated that all Terrans who watched the live broadcast will remember him.

Even if it is out of public opinion, all countries have to issue announcements to condemn him, or even impose sanctions. Even if he is in Ursus, other nobles who are affected by interests will not let him live.

Just when he is neither standing nor sitting.

"The treaty can be signed."

The voice of the new emperor Ursus suddenly sounded.

"But even infected people, who have lived on the land of Ursas for generations, may not be willing to leave with you. Since you advocate freedom and equality, you naturally have to respect their opinions, right?"

"That's right, we won't stop you, Tallulah, you came out of the tundra, you can ask the infected people on the tundra if they are willing to go with you."

"As long as the infected person promises to go with you, we will never stop him!"

The nobles echoed one after another.


Tallulah knew what these people were thinking.

She is also the one who led the team.

Liberation is actually a difficult thing. She has also seen herself to overthrow oppression, but was hated by fellow infected people, saying that she destroyed her peaceful life.

Under the influence of these nobles for generations.

The idea that being a slave is right has penetrated many people's minds.

Tallula didn't think about taking away these infected people either.

Medicinal medicine does not die, and Buddha crosses people with predestined relationship.

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