Chen put down the phone, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

It was natural to switch back from the dignified working state before.

Gracie could see that Chen wasn't just putting on a show, but that his mood and color had changed together.

This powerful ability to self-regulate is rare.

Generally speaking, people with this ability will be very efficient at work.

The same is true.

Police officers and operators who knew Chen said that she was more like a perfect person.

Allocate all the time reasonably, never leave behind diet and personal hobbies, and fill every minute and every second of the day with meaningful things.

This made her worry even more.

Sudden cancellations of vacations and complete disappearances during vacations are normal, as are working late into the night, mountains of files disappearing the next day, and showing up to emergency meetings right after watching a new movie.

The way Chen treats herself is so efficient, like a machine that can't be stopped, it makes people want to ask her a question.

"You're okay?"


No one else had an answer yet, and all respondents answered in unison.

Chen repeated her life day after day, constantly solving problems in Longmen; at the same time, her skills became more agile and her thinking became clearer.She is constantly becoming a better person, and she has not seen the limit.

But what is she after?

Even her close friends dare not say that they understand Chen.She has too many things left to herself.

Of course, Chen isn't a total workaholic or a police machine.

Her powerful adjustment ability can give herself a small vacation at any time to relieve mental tension.

However, Chen has now discovered a better way to relax.

That is Gracie.

A humanoid spiritual massager, the designated psychotherapist of Moth Chasing Flame.

If what depresses the spirit is a kind of mental smog, Gracie is the air purifier.

"Have you considered working in the Longmen Guard Bureau?"

Chen sincerely extended the invitation.

But Gracie is impossible to follow.

Whether it's Rhodes Island, or the Integration Movement, or Longmen, or other forces, she can only name them.

After completing the plan discussed with Tallulah, he still has to go back to Honkai.

I don't know when I will come again next time.

"It's okay to have a name."

Chen seemed to have expected this outcome, and was not disappointed.

"Longmen actually has quite a lot of non-staff personnel. After all, it is not enough to be close to the Guard Bureau. It needs the assistance of all parties."

Speaking of this, Gracie naturally had no reason to refuse.

So I re-entered from the temporary action team to permanent residence.

"We will be colleagues from now on."

Chen said lightly.

"Old Wei's matter, I will take you there after my operation is over."

Gracie, who received an affirmative answer, also waited patiently.

10 minutes passed.

According to the previous agreement, the action team who was keeping an eye on the target outside sent another contact.

"Chen sir, it's been 10 minutes, and the other party hasn't moved. This should be their stronghold. I'm checking the monitoring screen of this hotel now, and I haven't found anything unusual."

"Okay, I'm going to the scene right now."

Chen Lei responded vigorously.

Then put down the phone.

"Attention all teams, prepare to act!"

Gracie also followed the team and secretly went to the target hotel.

After the intelligence collection and careful deployment of the reconnaissance team, everyone is ready.

They have a clear division of labor and work together, making them elite teachers.

"Chen sir, do you want to evacuate the crowd first?" A police officer asked.

If the crowd is evacuated, it is easy to arouse the alertness of the target on the fourth floor.


The police officer who asked the question immediately gave Chen a slap.

"What is Article [-] of the Police Law of the Longmen Guard Bureau?!"

"The mission of the Guard Bureau is to maintain the safety of Longmen, maintain social order, and protect the personal safety of citizens!"

"I know and ask!"

Chen said angrily, and led the team to the corridor on the fourth floor of the hotel without any explanation.

Then use the walkie-talkie to contact the police officers on standby outside.

"The action team I lead is already in place, and now we are starting to evacuate the crowd."

"Yes!...Wait! Sir Chen! The door of the hotel was suddenly closed! The fire door is also down!...Be careful!"

Chen listened to the heavy landing below.

My heart sank.

Although she didn't want to understand what was going on at all, she still made a decision immediately.

That is to control the goal on the fourth floor first.

There is nothing wrong with Chen's thinking.

But the development of things is beyond everyone's expectations.

The house where the original mission target is located is No. 407.

But now, from 401, to 422 at the end of the corridor.

The doors were actively pushed open one after another from the inside out.

"what's the situation?!"

Everyone in the Guards Bureau was dumbfounded.

But soon, the people walking out of each room made their heads feel even more chilly.

Like a terrorist wearing a white hood, holding a sharp cold weapon in his hand.

All the people who came out of the room were people dressed in integrated sports!

At the same time, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, the fifth floor, the sixth floor, the seventh floor, the eighth floor, and the ninth floor.

This nine-story hotel.

Each layer.

All appeared exactly the same scene as before.

in groups.


Gracie exclaimed.

How did the integration movement come about here?Sister Tallulah's plan did not attack Longmen.

"Of course it's impossible, just ten or eight. With such a large number of infected people coming to Longmen, we can't hide it. Unless most of them are not infected at all, they just put on a layer of skin and pretend to be tourists at Longmen. This hotel was originally mainly for tourists.”

Chen sneered.

Pulled out the Akasaka sword.

Now any fool can see that this is a trap.

Chen's mind is extremely clear.

Everything that happened before is connected.

It was no coincidence that the slums were first affected by stray bullets.

Instead, she used guns to attract her attention. After she cleaned up the two sides in the exchange of fire, she would definitely let a person go on purpose to use it as a bait to find out where the guns came from.

It's a pity that this is all bait given to her by others.

Just to let her step into this trap.

After listening to Chen's analysis, Gracie also realized why this happened.

I'm afraid it was Tallulah who procrastinated and didn't attack.

The nobles of Ursus naturally didn't want to be manipulated by a little girl, maybe they couldn't wait any longer, so they made such a move.

Chen is Wei Yanwu's chosen successor.

This is not a secret in the eyes of those people.

If this operation is successful, Chen will be buried here in the name of the Reconciliation Movement.

No need to think about what will happen.

It is no longer an ordinary vicious incident that can be described.

At that time, not to mention that Qiecheng took the initiative to declare war on Longmen, it is possible that Longmen took the initiative to declare war on Qiecheng.

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