This kind of familiarity does not come from being familiar with others, but from Gracie herself.

When Gracie dyes herself, half of them turn into other people.

But the tyrant of the integration movement in front of him has almost only one piece of skin left that belongs to him.

This is the same as Mephisto's controlling others before.

There is also a big difference in the rebirth of seizing the house in some Xiuxian novels.

Manipulation is the forcible change of another's will by an external force.

But like Gracie's dyeing, it is out of her own ideas.

Just like what she said in the chat with Su before, she can take the initiative to break half of her restrictions and become another person wholeheartedly.

She wouldn't be Gracie then.

Of course, Gracie can do this because of her ability.

It is generally impossible for a normal person to change his situation to such a degree, unless he encounters something that negates his own thoughts, his own meaning, and completely negates himself.

And after denying everything.

A "correct" self will be born.

For Gracie, Tallulah's situation is of great reference value.

She also can't guarantee whether she will have this kind of situation in the future, the dyeing ratio is too high, and she will become another person.

Gracie is in a sense well-informed.

The remaining color of Tallulah represents kindness, but now it may disappear at any time.

Then I contacted her and denied myself.

Gracie quickly came to a conclusion.

It can be summed up in two words.


She doesn't know the reason for the blackening for the time being, but simple treatment can still be done.

Because it is not seizing the house, there is no external enemy.

Tallulah's enemy is another "self".

and so.

Despite Qian Jie warning her not to dye that woman's color.

She is still stained.

Gracie once painted a picture of Alicia.

Unlike the paintings for others, the paintings she gave to Alicia were a blank sheet of paper.

She also thought about what to draw on it.

But until the end, she failed to put any strokes on the painting.

Because at that time, what she wanted to paint was the dark side of a person.

But Alicia is blank, because that represents pure beauty.


above the frozen ground.

Tallulah is advancing with a team of infected fighters.

" don't have to worry about it. This infected tractor has been missing for several months. It may have just been stopped by the pickets. We have nothing to do."

"Even if the body is found, it is an explanation to others."

Tallulah shook her head.

"Protecting other infected people in the same industry is the most important thing. We don't fight for the sake of fighting. We want other compatriots to survive in the end. We can't put the cart before the horse. Their lives are the most important. We must keep this idea always Pass it on."

Infested Warrior "Then you... take care."

"Don't worry. It's just a matter of negotiating with the locals. There won't be any problems."

Small village nearby.

"If it was me before, I would have walked in and asked."

Standing on a high place overlooking the village, Talula has a feeling that everything is different.

Since when did it become like this?

Hiding, sneaking around... Distrust and wariness have gradually evolved into hostility.

What she pursued, the tomorrow of the infected, was by no means in this state.

"Something's wrong. I don't see any remnants of trash other than everyday trash."

"I haven't seen a single instrument for processing depleted source stones. If it's not placed in the garbage dump, where will it be placed?"

The straw residues and warm grass husks that can be seen everywhere after winter are gone.Is there a food problem?

Burned together?It is necessary to go to the granary to have a look.

what happened?What... what's going on?

Deposited Originium debris...the scratches on the planed pitted ground, and the blood clotted on the granary door.

Tallulah widened her eyes.

It seemed that the villagers tricked the infected people who were already exhausted and just wanted a bite of food into the warehouse, locked the door, and starved to death.

Tallulah heard the cries of the infected.

I heard them yelling for help.

The sound of their fingers scraping against the warehouse door can be heard.

But the villagers here show no mercy.

"Even if it's an infected person... no, even if it's an ordinary person begging for food, the villagers here will do the same thing!"

The speculation in front of her made Tallulah on the verge of collapse.

Because she always thought that people's viciousness towards the infected was due to the origin stone disease.

But at this time she finally realized that the evil of people does not lie in who the other party is or what status he has, whether he is an old man or a child, or even an infected person.

A distorted land yields only distorted harvests.

Black Snake's words echoed in her mind.

"You'll see that the land you've put everything into doesn't want you."

"They love to be violent, kill everywhere, masochistic and selfish. You dream of attracting them with education and ideas, and enlightening them, but you don't know that they have no interest in what you have to say."

"You'll see everything you think and do come to naught. You'll see them spurn everything you hold dear, life, dignity, ideas mean nothing."

"Once you agree with me, once you understand me, once you understand what kind of land you are in... the future of Ursus will be in your hands from now on."

Like the whisper of a demon.

It kept circling in her mind.

The Cesico curse was bound to happen.

For Ursus is a land that breeds evil.

Everything that happens every moment is disintegrating Tallulah's definition of kindness.

Tallulah walked out of the granary.

Heat gathers around me.

—How can justice be called justice if it requires more violence to be done?

These were Talula's heartfelt words before she fled the village.

but now.

She suddenly felt that only violence can enforce justice.

The current changes and the future riots in Qiecheng seem to be connected across time and space at this moment.

However, just as she pushed open the door of a villager's house.

Only to find that the person she wanted to judge had been dead for a long time.

Exactly the same as those who starved to death.

Skinny, organ failure, dehydration and death, leaving only a piece of skin.

And beside him was a sleeping child of Ursus, and beside him were some dry food left.

Cruel villagers who can starve others to death with a deadpan face will also starve themselves to death, leaving food for their children.

Tallulah was stunned for a while.

The flames all around seem to warm the cold house in the frozen land.

Let the child of Ursus kick off the quilt that doesn't have much heat preservation function.

What happened here is just a microcosm of Tallulah's countless memories.

in every affected moment.

have all changed.

Black Snake used words to induce Tallulah to set a too high bottom line for the evil of human nature.

Now Gracie is prying open a hole in a silent way.

People who are kind on the surface can also be full of malice.

People who have committed many crimes will also cure diseases and save lives.

Tallulah's color gradually became chaotic.

This may not be a good thing for ordinary people.

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