Gracie shook her head.

Because of problems like this, she just calmed down Hong Xia's emotions a little bit.

And there is no harm in being frightened, it is good for physical and mental health, just treat it as a stress reliever.

"It's just that there will probably be news tomorrow that the leader of the band band was scared into a coma by a haunted house."


Hong Xia's face turned green.

She just wanted to experience a thrill, not social death.

"Actually, several well-known haunted houses in Japan have called." Liang added: "They all want you to go to his haunted house for a visit, and the fee is not low... If you can prove yourself, you can You can make a name for yourself!"

"Let's not do it!"

Hong Xia shook her head guiltily.

"Besides, if I didn't faint when I went, wouldn't it appear that other people's haunted houses are not scary? There is no reason to smash other people's signs after collecting money."

"It's okay, those haunted house owners will definitely use 120 points of strength to scare you."

"Dah! Meh!"


After a simple repair, it was everyone's turn to prepare to perform on stage.

The place where the show was supposed to be performed was the school auditorium.

But because too many people came to the festival, it was temporarily changed to the playground.

The table is also ready-made.

The sound equipment can't be said how good it is.

But the atmosphere is very good.

All are young people.

"There are three to 4000 people down's like a small concert."

Yili sighed.

Xi Duo added: "I heard that half of the people have already stopped outside, otherwise the playground would not be able to hold it."

"Are we that powerful now?"

Hong Xia felt unbelievable.

This is different from the last time I participated in the music festival. The audience at the music festival mainly came to see those famous bands, but this time the promotion is mainly based on the band. In other words, other performances are considered as guests.

"It's more luck..." Gracie thought for a while and said, "I've seen our data and recommendations, and every time I'm stuck in a very subtle place, it's obvious that if I lose another one, there will be no exposure, but again can always be on the list.”

"That must be Hongxia's halo activated again." Liang said solemnly: "I feel that Hongxia will go to the shrine to worship now, and maybe some of the wild gods' statues will be cracked."

I can't bear it.

Hong Xia: "Leng, your joke is too cold!"

"Is it cold?" Yili was stunned for a moment: "I think what Senior Liang said is all right."


Hong Xia held her mouth shut.

"Talking about today's song, you didn't let me sing it, and you didn't give me the lyrics, if..."

"No problem!"

Kita installed the microphone, cleared her throat, and said loudly.

"Hi everyone, we are Bond Band!"

In an instant, the audience exploded.

"It's finally here! It's over, it's over!"

"I heard there is a new song today! That's why I ran so far to come here!"

"Hurry up and record!"

Some people in the backstage who were about to play next had helplessness on their faces.

When the band is off, they probably won't be able to catch it.

Not to mention that there are many reporters below, if the performance fails, it will be regretted to death.

At this time, the benefits of participating in the music festival came out.

Facing the audience and reporters in the audience, everyone in the band has become much calmer.

"So popular?!"

A reporter was intimidated by the enthusiastic atmosphere. It has only been a short time since their debut, and a combination of a few middle school students can become so popular. It is already a scary achievement in the entertainment industry.

"After all, compared to other singers and bands... this newly established band not only has works, but also... how to put it, it is very clean."

A fan next to him explained.

"There is no black material, no deliberately created characters, no company, and no messy things, and it is full of youthfulness."

"Can it be so popular just like this?" The reporter still doesn't understand: "New singers or bands who debut have these attributes."

"So what's the matter? For a new singer, how can the quality of the album be so high, and let me ask you, have you ever had a first love?"

"Yes, there have been... just..."

"No result, right? But in this band, almost all the fans have found the feeling of first love. These girls are very pure, completely different from those who have dyed a lot of colors in the entertainment industry! "


This is the first time the reporter has heard such a statement.

She took a serious look at the girls on the stage not far away, and then pointed to Gracie.

"It's so small, someone can fall in love with it."


The fans shouted loudly.

"I am! No, why are you filming me?!"

"It's nothing...Leave first-hand information first. If something happens, call the police and arrest you."

"Hey, you don't understand. It is impossible for me to hurt her. Our Lace's slogan is to protect Gracie clearly. We must not let people bring the little angel into chaos... Who dares to break this innocence? He is the enemy of our lace!"


Cheers came and went.

Being able to turn the campus festival into a solo concert is already a clear indication of its strength.

As Kita spoke, everyone gradually quieted down.

"Our new song this time is for our captain, Sheng Hongxia! Oh no, it's Ichiji Hongxia."

Hita skinned a bit.

"The following is the song we brought - "Angel"!"

Kita and the others looked at each other.

Gracie began to play the crisp prelude, with no extra instrumental decoration, and simple accompaniment.

Xita also opened her mouth slowly, and her voice echoed over the playground: "You are my angel, the angel who protects me~ I will never be sad again~"

Yili's voice followed closely: "You are my angel, give me a happy angel, even I learned to fly~"

Ge Liang: "Fly through the impermanence of the world, and then understand that love is a treasure~"

Gracie: "No matter how the world changes, as long as there is you, it will be heaven~!"

The title of the song speaks directly to the theme.

The song used a simple melody to bring people into it at the beginning, and with the development of the melody, the story also reached its climax, the kind of luck that met the right person, the change that occurred because of it, the complicated mood It's all reflected in the music, which makes people deeply in-depth.

And before the chorus sounded.

The faces of several people turned to Hong Xia, not the audience in the audience.

As said at the beginning.

This song was originally sung for Hong Xia.

Four songs with their own characteristics sounded at the same time, and the chorus wrapped Hongxia in it.

"Like a child leaning on his shoulders~ like tears leaning on his face~!"

"You are like an angel~give me support and give me strength~!"

"Like a poet depends on the moon ~ like a dolphin depends on the ocean ~!"

"You are an angel! You are an angel! You are my first and last heaven~!"


Instruments and singing are converging.

But listen carefully.

You will find that the drumming has stopped without knowing the time.

That's right.

Hong Xia was stunned from the very beginning.

Forgot to play.

Unspeakable emotions fermented in his heart.

His chest was hot, memories and the past were intertwined in his heart, his head was lowered, and his long golden hair slid across his chest.

Hong Xia seldom shed tears, although her eyes were full of water at this time, but she tried her best not to let them flow down her cheeks.

"I'm not an angel... Forming a band is just for my own dream."

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