But now, the situation of the captain of the bodyguard team is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Tang just now.

Immediately, the captain of the bodyguard team will become like Xiao Tang, a wild animal with no consciousness but only instinct.

According to Ye Xiao's guess, the black slime should be some kind of strange poison.

That's why Xiao Tang and the captain of the bodyguard team were hit one after another.

But this kind of poison, if there is generally no antidote...

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Ye Xiao's mind, and he suddenly remembered something.

In the side room just now, all the archaeologists smelled an extremely strong medicinal fragrance!

Ye Xiao couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

He especially remembered—there are three great medicines in the world.

One is the unicorn, the other is the blue snake gall, and the third is the deer grass!

One of these three magic medicines can drive away all kinds of poisons, and the longer the age, the more bewitching the medicine will be!Eating it is invulnerable to all poisons!

The two blue snake gallbladders have incomparable healing effects on stubborn diseases!

It is said that if you are deaf, if you take a blue snake gallbladder, you will be able to hear and see in a quarter of an hour!

The three deer living grasses have the effect of bringing back the dead and bones.

Legend has it that if you hollow out the internal organs of a deer and stuff them with deer grass, the deer will be alive and kicking again!

These three great medicines are treasures that countless people can only dream of.

Just imagine a body that is invulnerable to all poisons, get rid of years of stubborn diseases, and something that can live a second life. Who would not desire it?


These three magic medicines are too rare.

Some people are so poor that they may not be able to see it from afar.

No matter how rich you are, you may not be able to obtain this herbal medicine.

However, there is a strong medicinal fragrance in this side room, as well as strange corpses that have not rotted for hundreds of years.

A bold idea popped up in Ye Xiao's mind.

At the same time,

Old Professor Zhou also came to Ye Xiao's side and asked anxiously:

"Xiaoye, have you encountered this situation before? What should I do?"

Ye Xiao: "..."

Although Ye Xiao heard this, there was something wrong.

But now that the situation was urgent, Ye Xiao couldn't care less.

"Professor, hurry up and contact the archaeological team under the tomb and ask them to rummage through the two corpses!"

"Find the source of the medicinal fragrance, and you can save Xiao Tang and the captain of the bodyguard team!"

Old Professor Zhou didn't hesitate when he heard this.

It was as if he took Ye Xiao's words as an imperial decree, without the slightest doubt.

Immediately, he began to contact Professor Yang and others under the tomb.

"Quick! Send people to those two corpses to find the source of the medicinal fragrance! Whether they can be rescued depends on this thing!"

Under the tomb, everyone in the archaeological team heard the news and wanted to go back to the side room to find the source of the medicinal fragrance on the body.

The members of the bodyguard team were even more eager to try when they heard the words, and immediately prepared to rush towards the side room.

All of a sudden, the scene was in chaos!


Chapter 109 Antidote?

Professor Yang hurriedly stopped everyone in the bodyguard team and said:

"Leave the work of finding things to us! Now your task is also the top priority!"

"You have to hold down the captain of the bodyguard team. No matter what, you can't let go! Otherwise, if he runs away like Xiao Tang, even if he finds the antidote, it won't help!"

After saying these words, everyone in the bodyguard team fell silent.

Then he saluted like Professor Yang, and went back to surround the captain of the bodyguard team.

Professor Yang left a few strong archaeological team members to help, and entered the side room with only two team members.

Accompanying them are the accompanying photographers of the team.

Come into the side room,

The two corpses on the futon in front of him are still meditating peacefully at this moment.

Professor Yang greeted the team members beside him, put on a gas mask and sheepskin gloves, and began to search for the two bodies.

But for some reason, after rummaging through the entire body, the source of the so-called medicinal fragrance has never been found.

All of a sudden, Professor Yang and the archaeologist couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Even the Taoist robe on the body was turned over and over again, and they were searched but could not be found.

At this time,

Suddenly there was an extremely angry roar from outside.

The roar made everyone's hearts tremble, and their whole bodies trembled violently.

Obviously, it should be the captain of the bodyguard team who had an attack, and now everyone in the bodyguard team is trying their best to subdue the captain of the bodyguard team.

Immediately, Professor Yang and the others became even more anxious.

He hurriedly pressed the button of the headset and said anxiously:

"No way! The whole body of the corpse has been searched, and there is no antidote!"

At this time, Old Professor Zhou's face was extremely solemn.

If no antidote can be found, things will be troublesome when the captain of the bodyguard team cannot be subdued and can only be allowed to flee!

But now, the entire corpse has been searched, where is the antidote?

neither knows.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all anxious.

All of a sudden, the bullet screen in the entire live broadcast room exploded like a flood across the river.

"The two corpses have been searched all over, and there is no antidote! Why?"

"Where is the antidote? Is it not in the Taoist robe?"

"It's useless, I've searched all over! The Taoist robes of the corpse are almost taken off, haven't you seen it?"

"It's over, what should we do now?"

"Can't find the antidote, the captain and Xiao Tang are really... going to die!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was also suddenly gloomy at this time.

They had just learned that there might be an antidote on the corpse, but they were not happy for a few minutes when they suddenly received bad news.

What else lets you know there's a cure, but you can't find anything more brutal?

Old Professor Zhou also gritted his teeth fiercely, staring at the big screen in the center of the live broadcast room with a solemn and worried look on his face.

His eyes are flickering!

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, looked calmer at this time, his eyes fixed on the live broadcast room.

His eyes were also on the two corpses in front of him, wandering the searcher.

The scent of medicine must have emanated from the bodies of the two corpses.

There must be a magic medicine in the two of them.

It's just... where can this magical medicine be hidden?

Ye Xiao kept thinking in his heart.

But suddenly, Ye Xiao's eyes swept across the throat of one of the corpses, and his eyes froze!


Ye Xiao stood up abruptly, with a look of surprise on his face.

This abnormality made all the experts present turn their attention to Ye Xiao.

And old professor Zhou immediately turned his head to look at Ye Xiao, and couldn't help asking:

"What's the matter, Xiaoye? Did you find anything?"

Ye Xiao nodded slightly, and replied:

"You tell Professor Yang that the antidote is likely to be in the throat of the corpse! Let him take it out!"

When Professor Zhou heard this, the serious look on his face eased a lot, and he hurriedly pressed the button on the headset.

He relayed Ye Xiao's words to Professor Yang.

Upon hearing this, Professor Yang hurriedly put two fingers on the corpse's throat, and after feeling it for a while, he suddenly said pleasantly:

"There is a foreign body in the throat!"

As he spoke, Professor Yang held the two foreign bodies between his fingers and began to push upwards.

Then he pressed the corpse's jaw, opened the corpse's mouth, and pulled out a dark object from the corpse's mouth.

The scent of the medicine became strong again.

Immediately filled the entire side room!

"That's right! That's it!"

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